Ma Long interview after loss to Timo Boll!

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Apr 2017
In an interview with Xiahua News after his last international tournament in 2017, Ma Long felt his overall performance this year satisfactory. Although he has multiple injuries, he refused to use injuries as the excuse for his defeat.


For the result of 2017 World Cup, Ma Long said, "This is sports. No one has 100% certainty to win the champion. I feel a little disappointed, but not as painful as when I was young." He needed to review the matches in terms of the adaption to the new ball and techniques. "I am very sensitive to the type of the balls in use. I haven't fully adapted to the new ball after the China National Games a month ago. I don't have excuses for my defeat. However, I think I have room to improve in adjusting tactics and adapting to the ball."

Learning from the national team, Ma Long has injuries in his wrist, waist and knee. He did not attend systematic training after the National Games due to injuries. "I don't like to talk about injuries. I don't want to whine about injuries every time I attend a tournament. Every athlete has injuries. I don't want the reporters to pay attention to the injuries and report that I win despite of injuries or I lose because of injuries. It is not fair."
When asked about the treatment plan in Germany, he said he still has to communicate with the national team and his Super League club for the best arrangement. It has not been finalized yet.

Ma Long reviewed his performance in 2017, "I am quite satisfied with my overall performance. I won two ITTF World Tour titles, World Champion and China National Games Champion. At the beginning of the year, I was hoping to win one champion at 2017 WTTC and China National Games. Either one would be satisfactory because the competition was so intense. I did not expect to win both in addition to two ITTF World Tours. I am very happy. World Cup is my last tournament. It is a pity that I did not win but I tried my best."

According to Tecent Sports, Ma Long dropped 3 kg during 10 days of China National Games; he could not get good sleep and kept planning his matches and his teammates' matches. He got one injection on wrist before and one injection after China National Games. His waist injury got worse before World Cup and he had to stop technical training for one week. His only 29th birthday wish is "good health".
What a true sportsman and what an accomplished year! And we wish your wish will come true!
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says The sticky bit is stuck.
Well-Known Member
Jan 2017
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"I don't like to talk about injuries. I don't want to whine about injuries every time I attend a tournament. Every athlete has injuries. I don't want the reporters to pay attention to the injuries and report that I win despite of injuries or I lose because of injuries. It is not fair." […]

What a true sportsman and what an accomplished year!

Showing absolute grace, even in the face of defeat. Great sportsmanship indeed, very inspiring.
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says ok, I will go back and make sure you have access. Be...
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Nov 2010
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He is so great we expect him to win all the time. In fact that is the true mark of greatness, when you are shockedvwhen someone loses. He is human.
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New Member
Sep 2017
ML will not participate in the Grand Finals this year.
Please explain why ML will not participate in the Grand Finals. Thanks
Timo Boll is a true hero because he defeated both Rising Star Lin Gaoyuan and World's number one Ma long
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Active Member
Apr 2017
After the quarterfinal of 2017 World Championships, Ma Long said in the interview, "Timo Boll is the foreign player that I find most difficult to play against". He always show respect to Timo Boll and so do Timo Boll to Ma Long. That's why they paired up again for men's doubles in World Championships, although they had unlucky draw once again.

Ma Long attended three ITTF World Tour events this year. He won Qatar Open and Japan Open and withdrew China Open at the second round. To qualify for the Grand Finals, one has to attend at least five ITTF World Tour events. Ma Long will not play German Open and Swedish Open, the remaining two ITTF World Tour events this year; therefore he will not be qualified for Grand Finals.

Please explain why ML will not participate in the Grand Finals. Thanks
Timo Boll is a true hero because he defeated both Rising Star Lin Gaoyuan and World's number one Ma long
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