2020 World Team Table Tennis Championships

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Sep 2019
The sale of tickets for the 2020 ITTF World Team Table Tennis Championships (WTTC BUSAN) to be played from March 22 to March 29, 2020 has commenced.

An early bird discount will be offered to early buyers. (15% discount until January 2020, 10% discount until February 2020, 5% discount from March 2020 up until the beginning of the championships). Online ticket sales are available at https://ticket.hanatour.com

Official website of WTTC Busan: www.wttc2020busan.com
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Sep 2019
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Active Member
Nov 2018
South Korea's lineup has been decided.

Men: Jeong Youngsik (by WR), Jang Woojin (by WR), Lee Sangsu (by WR), Lim Jonghoon (through round-robin internal trials), An Jaehyun (through round-robin internal trials)
Women: Choi Hyojoo (through elimination-format internal trials), Lee Eunhye (through elimination-format internal trials), Lee Zion (through elimination-format internal trials), Suh Hyowon (coaches' recommendation), Shin Yubin (coaches' recommendation)

Interesting for the women, bold but also risky allocating three places for internal trials. Understand why Yang was dropped since she hasn't been performing but IMO, Jeon deserves a place for her tenacity.
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Active Member
Nov 2018
I suspect it's a mix of different reasons:

1) Diversifying playing styles – Choi Hyojoo is a leftie who uses short pips on her BH. Lee Eunhye, Lee Zion and Shin Yubin are all righties and inverted-rubber users. Makes sense to add a chopper to vary the play a little.

2) Seniority – South Korea emphasises a lot on seniority as it is also a Confucian-based, East-Asian society which makes Suh the prime choice. Shin is then obviously chosen as she is touted to be the next rising star.

3) Ethnic Nationalism – Choi and Lee Eunhye are both naturalised Korean citizens (previously Chinese nationals) and adding Jeon would mean that the composition of the team will comprise majority non-local-born players. That seems to be frowned upon considering that discourses like danil minjok ('one people') and minjok ('Korean clan/race') are quite prevalent, as far as I know.

*updated to reflect that it is Lee Zion not Ji Eunchae.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
※ 2020 부산 세계탁구선수권대회 국가대표로 선발된 선수는 2020 도쿄 올림픽단체 세계 예선전 참가 국가대표 선수로 선발한다.
※ Athletes selected as the national team members of the 2020 Busan World Table Tennis Championship will be selected as the national team members of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Group.

유 감독은 15일 뉴시스와 전화통화에서 “지난해 3월 부임 후 무한경쟁을 이야기했고, 전지희는 운동을 잘 따라왔다. 천멍을 꺾을 정도로 경기력을 많이 올려놨는데 선발전에서 부진했다. 사실 전지희가 탈락할 줄은 몰랐다”고 했다.

전지희는 대한탁구협회 경기력향상위원회의 추천 선수에도 들지 못했다. 대표팀에 귀화 선수를 최대 2명까지만 둘 수 있다는 규정 때문이었다. 또 다른 중국 귀화선수 최효주와 이은혜(대한항공)가 자력으로 진출권을 따내 전지희를 대표팀에 넣을 수 없었다. 경기력향상위원회는 서효원와 신유빈(청명중)을 세계선수권 대표 선수로 택했다.

유 감독은 “아픔이 있겠지만 이번을 계기로 마인드를 새롭게 할 필요가 있다. 전지희가 실력이 있는 선수라는 점은 분명한 사실이다. 좀 더 절실해야 한다”고 강조했다.

‘탁구 신동’ 소리를 듣던 신유빈은 생애 첫 세계선수권 출전 기회를 잡았다. 이번 선발전에서는 두 번 연속 1회전 탈락으로 부진했지만 이미 지난해 가능성을 보여준 만큼 무난히 경기력향상위원회의 선택을 받았다.

유 감독은 “신유빈은 실력이 계속 올라간다. 세계랭킹 8위 선수도 이겼다. 선발전에서는 긴장한 탓인지 기량을 발휘하지 못했다”고 설명했다.
On the 15th, Yoo said in a telephone conversation with Newsis. “Let's talk about infinite competition after taking office last March, and Jun Ji-hee has been following the movement. He put up a lot of strength to break the yoke, but he was poor in the selection. In fact, I didn't know that Jun Ji-hee would fall out. ”

Jeon Ji-hee was not included in the recommendation of the Korean table tennis association. This was because the national team only allowed two naturalized players. Another Chinese naturalized player, Choi Hyo-ju and Lee Eun-hye (Korean Air), couldn't put Jeon Ji-hee on the national team. The Competition Promotion Committee chose Seo Hyo-won and Shin Yu-bin (Chung Myung-jung) as the world champions.

Yoo said, “There will be pain, but this time I need to renew my mind. It is clear that Jeon Ji-hee is a talented player. We need to be more urgent. ”

Shin Yu-bin, who heard the sound of “table tennis Shin-dong,” took the opportunity to compete in the first world championship. Although he was sluggish in the first round twice in a row, he was chosen by the Committee for Improving Performance as it showed possibility last year.

Yoo said, “Shin Yubin continues to improve. The world's eighth-placed player also won. "I wasn't able to use my skills because of tension."
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
한국 여자 선수 중 전지희는 세계 랭킹이 16위로 가장 높다. 그 다음은 24위인 서효원이다. 지난해 11월 'T2 다이아몬드리그 2019 싱가포르'에서 세계 1위 천멍(중국)을 꺾기도 했던 전지희다. 그럼에도 전지희가 선발되지 못한 이유는 무엇일까.

남녀 대표팀의 다른 선발 규정 때문이다. 당초 남자 대표팀은 지난해 5월부터 김택수 감독(미래에셋대우)의 요청에 따라 이상수, 정영식, 장우진은 올해 도쿄올림픽을 위해 전략적으로 사실상 대표팀 붙박이로 정했다. 이들이 그동안 국제 경쟁력을 충분히 보인 데다 세계 4강권으로 올림픽 단체전 메달이 유력한 남자팀인 만큼 안정성 확보를 위해서였다.

하지만 여자 대표팀은 다르다. 세계 랭킹에 따른 우선 선발 선수가 없다. 남자팀의 기준이라면 전지희는 선발전을 치르지 않고 대표에 뽑힐 수 있었다. 그러나 다른 선수들과 같이 선발전에 출전해야 했다.

이 부분에서 전지희는 다소 억울함을 호소한다. 김형석 포스코에너지 감독은 "국내 톱 랭커가 세계선수권에 나서지 못하는 상황"이라면서 "그동안 고생해서 국제대회에 출전해 쌓은 랭킹을 인정해주지 않는 것 같아서 본인이 많이 서운해하더라"고 전했다.

이에 대해 유남규 여자 대표팀 감독(삼성생명)은 "남자팀과는 기준이 달라야 했다"고 설명했다. 현실적으로 올림픽 메달권에서 벗어나 있는 여자팀의 경우 무한 경쟁을 통해 실력을 끌어올려야 했다는 것이다.

유 감독은 "여자팀은 2008년 베이징올림픽 이후 단체전에서 성적을 못 냈다"면서 "단체전 랭킹도 7위권인데 다소 매너리즘에 빠진 기존 대표팀으로는 올림픽 메달이 어려운 상황이라고 판단했다"고 짚었다.

이어 "때문에 이번뿐만 아니라 지난해 3월부터 세계 랭킹과 관계 없이 무한 경쟁을 통해 대표를 선발하겠다고 천명했다"면서 "베테랑에게는 긴장감을, 어린 선수들에게는 희망을 주기 위해서였는데 덕분에 야간 훈련을 자청하는 등 여자 선수들의 실력이 전체적으로 좋아졌다"고 강조했다.

물론 대표팀 선발 방식은 협회 경향위에서 결정된다. 유 감독은 "여자팀도 세계 랭킹 상위 선수 우선 선발 방식도 검토됐지만 경향위에서 최종적으로 선발전+추천 선수 방식이 결정됐다"고 밝혔다.

이런 가운데 전지희는 추천 선수로도 뽑히지 못했다. 선발전을 통해 5명 중 귀화 선수 쿼터 2명이 모두 채워졌기 때문이다. 최효주와 이은혜가 먼저 뽑힌 것.

때문에 협회는 서효원과 신유빈을 추천 선수로 선발했다. 협회 관계자는 "수비 전형인 서효원은 유럽 선수들에 강점이 있다"면서 "신유빈은 발전 가능성이 큰 선수"라고 배경을 설명했다.

유 감독은 "전지희가 뽑히지 못한 것은 아쉽다"면서 "그러나 두 번의 선발전 기회를 통과하지 못한 데다 귀화 선수들이 먼저 뽑히는 불운까지 겹쳤다"고 말했다. 이번에 선발된 탁구 대표팀은 오는 22일부터 포르투갈 곤도마르에서 열리는 2020 도쿄올림픽 단체전 세계예선전에 출전한 뒤 3월 부산세계선수권에 나선다.
...Among Korean women, Jeon Ji-hee is the 16th highest in the world. Next is Seo Hyo-won, 24th. Jeon Ji-hee, who defeated the world's No. 1 China in China at the T2 Diamond League 2019 Singapore in November last year. Nevertheless, why was Jun Ji-hee not selected?

Samsung Life's Choi Hyo-Ju is interviewing after passing the selection of the national team for the Busan World Table Tennis Championships held in Jincheon athletes' village on the 14th (Jincheon = Yonhap News)
This is due to the different selection rules of the men's and women's teams. Originally, the men's national team decided to make a strategic delegation for this year's Tokyo Olympic Games since May last year at the request of manager Kim Taek-soo (Mirae Asset Daewoo). They have shown their international competitiveness so far and have secured stability as the Olympic team medals are the most prominent men's teams.

But the women's team is different. There is no priority starter according to the world ranking. According to the men's standard, Jeon Ji-hee could be selected as the representative without taking the lead. However, he had to compete in line with other players.

In this area, Jun Ji-hee appeals to her somewhat injustice. Kim Hyung-seok, manager of POSCO Energy, said, “The domestic top rankers are not able to compete in the world championships.”

On the other hand, Yoo Nam-gyu, the coach of the women's national team (Samsung Life) explained, "The standard had to be different from the men's team. In reality, women's teams that were out of the Olympic medals had to compete through infinite competition.

Yoo said, "The women's team has not been successful in team games since the 2008 Beijing Olympics."

Korean Air Lee Eun-hye passed the national team squad for the Busan World Table Tennis Championships held at Jincheon Sports Village on 14th. (Jincheon = Yonhap News)
He said, "Because of this, as well as from March last year, he announced that he would select representatives through endless competition regardless of the world rankings." "It was to give tension to veterans and hope for young players. The women's skills have improved overall. "

Of course, the team selection method is decided by the association tendency. Yoo said, "Women's teams were also reviewed for the top ranking players in the world rankings, but the selection and recommendation players were finally decided on the trend."

In the midst of this, Jun Ji-hee was not selected as a recommended player. Two of the naturalized athletes' quarters have been filled through the selection. Choi Hyo-ju and Lee Eun-hye were chosen first.

Therefore, the Association selected Seo Hyo-won and Shin Yu-bin as the recommended players. An official of the association explained, "Hyo-won, a defensive archer, has strength in European players."

Yoo said, "It's a pity that Jeon Hee couldn't be elected." But he failed to pass two chances, and the natural entrepreneurs were chosen first. " The selected ping pong team will compete in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Team World Preliminary Tournament in Gondomar, Portugal on the 22nd and will be in Busan World Championships in March.