Got Covid

Yesterday I was at the training first time after my COVID in march. It's terrible. We usually have 3hr training sessions. I only lasted 1.5h and with a lot of effort...

I still struggle til now but you need to rest every certain number of drills depending on your body's endurance.

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Oct 2019
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I still struggle til now but you need to rest every certain number of drills depending on your body's endurance.

Did you manage to get back into shape yet? I dropped trainings since last time. I got a bit better, but I still struggle to last whole training. Any excercices you did to get back into shape quicker?


Did you manage to get back into shape yet? I dropped trainings since last time. I got a bit better, but I still struggle to last whole training. Any excercices you did to get back into shape quicker?

I can now jog 1km but still catching my breath. I can also do speed multiball drills but only in short time. When I play matches, I am limited to only 3 successive games and more than that my chest already hurts. Doctor said I would give it another 3 to 4 months and also just regulate intense exercises.

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Nov 2020
Wishing you a swift recovery Yogi...Take it steady and be careful not to overdo it.
I battle with post viral fatigue (not from covid) - sometimes it really impacts my play,
but when I am rested and have been pacing myself I play more sharply and can
manage a longer session.
Maximum appreciation for your help and inspiration on the forum....
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says ok, I will go back and make sure you have access. Be...
says ok, I will go back and make sure you have access. Be...
Well-Known Member
Nov 2010
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I'm just glad that you guys all recovered. Things could have been a lot worse. Some of these newer variants are producing more serious effects in younger people than we were seeing earlier on in this pandemic.
I'm just glad that you guys all recovered. Things could have been a lot worse. Some of these newer variants are producing more serious effects in younger people than we were seeing earlier on in this pandemic.

That is one of my worries. I had the regular covid and with the presence of variants here in my place, I am still at risk. Waiting for my vaccination this month.

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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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That is one of my worries. I had the regular covid and with the presence of variants here in my place, I am still at risk. Waiting for my vaccination this month.

Hopefully, having the virus has given you some immunity even before the vaccine. That immunity should still help you have an immune response if you are exposed to one of the variants even if that immune response is not as strong as it would be against the variant of CoVID you had. With the vaccine, that will give you a little extra insurance. And at some point they will have booster shots that give protection that is more specific to the more pernicious variants.

I don't know 100% that this is correct. But the variants are still similar enough to the original version that there are parts of the spike cell that your immune system will be able to recognize and fight against. And a huge aspect of the protection you get seems to be the Tcell response to infected cells. That will be there regardless of the variant you get if you have had the virus or if you have had the vaccine.

Having both is more protection, so, very worth it.

Baal, I am correct on what I wrote above? I don't really know. I am just basing that on some things I have read.

says ok, I will go back and make sure you have access. Be...
says ok, I will go back and make sure you have access. Be...
Well-Known Member
Nov 2010
Read 8 reviews

Chances are very good that the immunity you have developed would protect you from even these variants* but definitely get a vaccination when you can so as to boost the immunity and prolong it greatly. Here in Houston my infectious disease colleagues believe that people who've had Covid probably only need one shot of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.

* There are reasonable molecular reasons to think that you would be protected due to having it already, but nothing in medicine and biology is ever 100% guaranteed. The reason is that a normal person makes several different antibodies against the virus, so some of them will recognize even the most recently evolved variants. Also these variants can't change in unlimited ways and remain infectious. Still, no harm in being cautious.

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