[Answers for All] EP 95: Weight on the Forefoot? You've Been Scammed!

says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018

Video subbed in response to the thread in which I argue being toe-first negatively affects the swing.

To walk the walk:

Hmm, i will not agree with it fully since footwork with a feet fully planted on the floor will also affect your movement.. probably some weight on the heel like 80% forefoot and 20% heel.
Yes, but the discussion was not about planting the heel, but the proper execution of the positioning and stroke phases. Both videos of zeio ilustrate some good aspects in that concern. Of course the exact mechanics of ancoring, weight transfer, swing speed and amplitude, will depend on particular factors as footwork to reach the zone, desired strength and geometry of the return, the characteristics of the incoming ball, etc.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018

Another one "Shifu" Guo Yunpeng did on standing on the balls of the feet.
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Yes, zeio, and to the general advice "don't do unnecessary movements" I would add "unless those movements are necessary".
If you look at FZD, for example, you will notice very different interpretations, depending on the actual situation.
But generally all of the above is a good base for a proper training, interpretations should come with the experience.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Another one by Ma Kaixuan, former member of the Beijing team, coached the US in the 90s, writer and consultant for magazine Table Tennis World, and table tennis portal Guoqiuhui.

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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Below is Fan Xiangdong's stance, former Beijing team member, former Li Sun's assistant, used to coach in Germany, now personal coach in China, translating the gist only:

Do the heels contribute when the center-of-gravity(COG) moves?

When the COG moves, both forefeet should have traction, with the tummy in, upper body slightly forward, buttocks raised a little, then your COG is very good.

Don't think about the heels, otherwise you risk losing control of the body

During the backswing when you loop, where your weight shifts backward, your weight is placed on the entire feet, rather than just the forefeet

Don't simply mimic how the pros loop. It's different for everyone.

Find your own way to generate force. The one that fits your body and technique.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Hmm, i will not agree with it fully since footwork with a feet fully planted on the floor will also affect your movement.. probably some weight on the heel like 80% forefoot and 20% heel.

Like langel points out, it's not about planting the heels. Rather, it's about the common notion of "always standing on the balls of the feet" found in Chinese and English guides. There are tons of them and many beginners are confused and hence misled because of that.

My point of contention is that the weight constantly shifts between the toes and heels, depending on the scenario. It doesn't always start from and is not on the forefeet all the time.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Zeio, much thanks for a great video. How this this approach compliment or differ from the footwork method on the Chinese footwork video? When I do the chinese approach this does help me be much faster to get to the next ball??? Or do you loose power moving both feet during the stroke?


No, it doesn't complement or differ from the video you linked. It's a clarification on what is really meant by "standing on the balls of the feet". If you notice in the slow-mo, the demo player shifts between the toes and heels when moving and when executing the strokes. It's not always on the balls of the feet.
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Doesn't make sense to me at all.

First of all he does put weight on the front foot in the examples he gives. He even stamps it down with the weight of the body.

Secondly putting your weight on the front foot is good almost always because it's the only way to move backwards fast, which is the most difficult movement, and also allows you quick movement to the forehand side, which is useful because usually you're standing around the backhand side.
You don't get caught flat-footed if you got a bit of lean into the front foot.
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A useful concept I have from snow skiing, is to focus not on "weight forward" but "spirit forward".

This is a general philosophy for sports, but I feel applies here. Many people will lean or stagger backwards on their heels when the tempo gets too fast and they loose control...tell them to lean forward, and they will instead overcompensate and stagger forward on tip toe. But the helpful idea is to be balanced, not forward or backwards, but maintaining active/forward attitude. Push the tempo, don't let the tempo push you, initiate instead of reacting. This can help a good position come more naturally.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Doesn't make sense to me at all.

First of all he does put weight on the front foot in the examples he gives. He even stamps it down with the weight of the body.

Secondly putting your weight on the front foot is good almost always because it's the only way to move backwards fast, which is the most difficult movement, and also allows you quick movement to the forehand side, which is useful because usually you're standing around the backhand side.
You don't get caught flat-footed if you got a bit of lean into the front foot.
I think you're talking about 2 things here. Front foot is not the same as forefoot.

In this super slow-mo of ML's forehand loop, it's clearly seen he spreads his weight over the entire feet when lowering during the backswing, going from heel to toe on the right foot and toe to heel on the left foot, then the lateral arch of the right foot and medial arch of the left foot. In the forward swing, he pushes off the right foot from heel to toe and from the lateral arch to the medial arch. In the follow-through, he brakes with the left foot from toe to heel and from the medial arch to the lateral arch. This is what weight transfer really means during stroke execution, often reduced to "shift your weight from right to left."


In this clip of Hirano, she does the exact same thing during the forehand loop. Before she goes into stroke execution, there's a position adjustment after the serve, where she pushes off the forefeet, and then pushes off again for the step-around.

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says I would recommend all wood. Samsonov Alpha sgs is the...
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Ah yeah I guess I didn't make the distinction between forefoot and front foot