WHO WILL WIN - Dan vs Tom!

says TTD Team vs Pongfinity OUT NOW on our YT Channel
says TTD Team vs Pongfinity OUT NOW on our YT Channel
Well-Known Member
Oct 2010
Hey everyone,

We have had a lot of requests online over the last few months for Dan and Tom to play each another in a 1 set showdown. Well, we have done just that, and have made it part of an exciting new competition! You can be in for a chance to win a phenomenal prize. We have 5 life time memberships to the TableTennisDaily Academy to give away!

Simply become a free trial user on the TableTennisDailyAcademy and let us know what you think the score will be between Dan and Tom in the comments on this topic or on the Youtube video.

Good luck! :)
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
Well-Known Member
Sep 2011
Read 27 reviews
Anything could happen in a one game deal.

Heck, even V. Samsonov could reach out from his hiding place under the table at 7-7 grinning with his long arms pull down Dan's shorts in the middle of the rally to increase brand recognition for the brand of boxers Dan wears.

When Major Tom made to outer space in the late 60s, the papers wanted to know whose shirts he wore. (Google David Bowie Space Odyssey)

When Dan makes it to 8 points, the papers are gunna wanna know whose shorts he wears. (Google London Times Front Page Oct 26)

On another note, I have publicly called for a doubles match of Der_Echte/Tom vs Dan/Dad of Dan.
says I would recommend all wood. Samsonov Alpha sgs is the...
says I would recommend all wood. Samsonov Alpha sgs is the...
Active Member
Nov 2017
Read 8 reviews
Tom wins but i kinda feel like an asshole saying it