Japan Women's Race to Tokyo 2020 Singles

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Well-Known Member
Dec 2018
Kato and Hayata in the ranking next....
Higher so far - Adriana Diaz, Solja Petrissia and Szocs Bernadette ...
When calculating the February rating, Adriana and Europeans will have deductions of old points for January 2019 ....There is only one tournament in January, Germany Platinum ....
Kato and Hayta have little chance of getting into the Top 20 .....They will not have deductions ....
But of course you must first qualify....And how else will Europeans and Diaz perform ....
But theoretically there is a small chance ....
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Well-Known Member
Mar 2013
Read 3 reviews
How did Kato make it that far ? Her game is really boring. Its a pain to see her play


Kasumi our idol wins !!! hope Miu wins and we have the expected showdown !! (won't watch it live, its getting too late here)
Boring, really???
She took down cheng meng and someones idol hayata. Maybe she does not have powerfull strokes but she is very inteligent and have big ability to change tactics and find opponents weaknesses. She is also quite calm and confident.
I really do not understand how others can always making excuses for Hayata and Hirano loses while always making fun of Ishikawa and Kato.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
That new kick serve by Hashimoto and Sato, especially the latter, really stings. Many players had so much trouble receiving it and in Hirano's case, it broke her flow so bad after G2. She's fortunate to have taken G1 and G3 really quick to force Sato to use it early on so that she could somewhat adapt to it around G5.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2014
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One netizen in China actually made the comment that Kato had the easiest draw a few days ago and it turned out to be right. Well, the upper half became way easier once Hayata got taken out by Guo Yuhan, who in turn got taken out by Wang Xiaotong, and then when Kato took out Li Jiayi, who in turn took out Batra.

Sure. But Ishikawa beat Qiang Zhang more convincingly than Hayata ever did. And Miyu Kato beat Li Jiayi more convincingly than Hayata ever did. At some point, you need to accept that Hayata still has major gaps in her game and stop putting down those people who have other gaps but get the job done.
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May 2019
Kasumi is having an advantage over Hirano now. But as Takkyu_wa_inochi said, there’s still Grand Finals next week but they will both face either a top chinese or Ito in the first match. That means both of them will probably be knocked out in the first round. Then Ishikawa will go for single in Olympic.

Simply put, Hirano will need to get 1 more round than Ishikawa in the Grand Finals.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2018
Kasumi is having an advantage over Hirano now. But as Takkyu_wa_inochi said, there’s still Grand Finals next week but they will both face either a top chinese or Ito in the first match. That means both of them will probably be knocked out in the first round. Then Ishikawa will go for single in Olympic.

Simply put, Hirano will need to get 1 more round than Ishikawa in the Grand Finals.

That's right ...

Before the Grand Final:

- C.I.C. 11680 gf/1785old result gf-2018/
- F.T. 11610 gf/1530old result gf-2018/
10- Ishikawa 11715 gf/1785old result gf-2018/ (10950 minimum in 2020/1)
11- Hirano 11325 gf/1530old result gf-2018/ (10815 minimum in 2020/1)
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Active Member
Jan 2019
Congratulations Kasumi. She knew what's at stake and seized the moment. Though HM can still win the race between them, IK has put herself in a much better position.

Though it won't be much consolation, to her credit, HM did take down two CNT members this tournament. She was also in a tough position of playing an elite defender just a few hours before the final.
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Kasumi played some very aggressive FH receives and also in the last deuce took a very agressive pivot FH to score a very important point. She was the most determined player.

In the 4th at deuce, she got a lucky net in her favour. COURAGE + LUCK = VICTORY.

Hirano didn't play with the challenger mentality :-/

I wish Kasumi was able to play a whole match against the Chinese players like she did in the very end of that match. If she did, she'd certainly win more often than she is.
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Active Member
Nov 2018
Oh wells, but Hirano would still be part of the Olympics trio right. I mean, she has always been the better half of the Ishirano doubles pair no?
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