Chinese CNT should not be aloud to play due to support of criminal government.

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I am proposing for CNT to be suspended from any of the international participation due to quite support of their criminal government. The Chinese impersonated 2 millions of Uyghur Muslims in concentration campuses and destroying their villages,towns and small cities with entire history culture. Also in the imprisonment campuses the criminal communist fascist regime is killing the poor people and taking out their organs and selling to the rich clients. Here are the links below of all the recent stories that are investigated by the international news media.
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This user has no status.
Jun 2019
Dude are you joking, no way. Btw, every country has its fair share of problems, why don't you ask this about North Korea? I can tell you the US has seperated immigrant children from their families in the wake of Trump trying to deport all the illegal immigrants. The US News companies are just trying to distract from their own issues like gun control or immigraition and even then, the evidence you presented doesn't prove anything... Some countries even ban gay marriage. I don't think you should mix politics with the sport. Competition is about variation, and seeing as to how dominant China is in the table tennis world, I don't think this is a good idea.
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says ok, I will go back and make sure you have access. Be...
says ok, I will go back and make sure you have access. Be...
Well-Known Member
Nov 2010
Read 8 reviews
I suppose if the Chinese government can demand that an NBA general manager be fired for a tweet about Hong Kong ,(it's not going to happen) then the OP should be allowed to post something like this ( which isn't going to happen either).

OT. Houston Rockets GM Daryl Morey, who the Chinese government targeted, likes to play TT, I would say he is around 1400 or so.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
I can't help but notice the irony...

Here I await the day DHS becomes a threat to national security...

Criminal government is the last thing I want to read from an American when their very own country was founded by none other than criminals.
During patriotic holidays, the news media applaud the Founding Fathers. But rarely does anyone mention some important facts about them: that they were smugglers, tax evaders, and traitors.

But hey, they were freedom fighters fighting for their rights! And over 2 centuries later, people in the West still wonder why there aren't as many terrorist attacks in China.
Why is China immune to terrorist attacks (see-details)?
Jisheng Xu, works at Tianjin, China
Updated Jul 28, 2017

A terrorist attack in China with innocent civilians died is not considered as a ture one in the eyes of the western media usually, it would be defined as a resistance to the evil government or a desperate fight for freedom. I just think that those people are blind instead of terrorists, for that they ignore the fact deliberately with colored glasses and stereotypical narrative, they can’t see the blood of innocent civilians in 2014 Kunming attack or July 2009 Ürümqi riots or 2013 Tiananmen Square attack or…, what those westein media reported disgusts me, and I strongly advise you not to be blinded by them.
Why are there no Islamic terrorist attacks in China?
June Yu, lives in China
Answered Aug 3, 2016 · Author has 967 answers and 590.4k answer views
Originally Answered: why are there no Islamic terrorist attacks in China?

Because when an extreme Islamic terrorist attack happens, Western media report it as “revolt of local ethnic minority as a result of systematic oppression by the Chinese government”.

Why there are no terrorist attacks reported in China?
Philip Lee, Guy in Hong Kong
Answered Aug 1, 2016 · Author has 161 answers and 2.3m answer views

As some have already noted, there was a significant spate of terrorist attacks prior to 2015, mainly related to Turkish separatism in Xinjiang, much of it is spillover from the recent revival of Islam radicalism from the Arab Spring.

Unlike the EU, China actually did something about it and made it very, very clear that such attacks were not going to be tolerated. Thousands have been jailed or otherwise eliminated. Call it Draconian, but it solved the problem, there’s been no terrorist attack from such groups since.

It just goes to prove that you can do something about terrorism, you can kill them back and you can make the problem go away. If only the leaders of the EU had the same political will, their people wouldn’t be at the mercy of literal daily attacks.

The primary, overriding duty of any state is to protect its citizens from violence both internal and external. In this age of standing armies and professional police forces, this duty shouldn’t be that hard to fulfil.

Last but not least, I wonder if the OP knows about the land he/she is living on came as a result of genocide.
US acquisition of California
Main article: California Genocide

The U.S. colonization of California started in earnest in 1845, with the Mexican–American War. With the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo, signed in 1848, giving the United States authority over 525,000 square miles of new territory. In addition to Gold Rush slaughter, there was also a large number of state-subsidized massacres by colonists against Native Americans in the territory, causing several entire ethnic groups to be wiped out...In a speech before representatives of Native American peoples in June, 2019, California governor Gavin Newsom apologized for the genocide. Newsom said, "That’s what it was, a genocide. No other way to describe it. And that’s the way it needs to be described in the history books."

Oh, not to forget all the people that have been killed in all these wars, AKA liberation movements, started by 'Murica all over the wold all these years.
says The sticky bit is stuck.
says The sticky bit is stuck.
Well-Known Member
Jan 2017
Read 8 reviews
One bad does not justify another. And using it to obfuscate actuality is a form of whataboutism.

We could refrain from this. And we can (and do tend to) look away from these pesky genocides that makes us feel so uncomfortable. We can. Many do.

Nevertheless, some don’t. “Keep politics out of it”, those willing to look away say — as if complicit silence would create a safe, neutral position.

Dante, in my opinion, had a point in reserving a special circle in hell for those angels that refused to choose a side in that big mythical uprising of the “fallen ones”. This is, correctly I believe, commonly interpreted as a condemning statement about those refusing to take a stance in times of great moral crisis.

Politics is a part of the fabric of life in many aspects, and silence is not neutral. This I merely observe, leaving others to their conclusions as they see fit.
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One bad does not justify another. And using it to obfuscate actuality is a form of whataboutism.

We could refrain from this. And we can (and do tend to) look away from these pesky genocides that makes us feel so uncomfortable. We can. Many do.

Nevertheless, some don’t. “Keep politics out of it”, those willing to look away say — as if complicit silence would create a safe, neutral position.

Dante, in my opinion, had a point in reserving a special circle in hell for those angels that refused to choose a side in that big mythical uprising of the “fallen ones”. This is, correctly I believe, commonly interpreted as a condemning statement about those refusing to take a stance in times of great moral crisis.

Politics is a part of the fabric of life in many aspects, and silence is not neutral. This I merely observe, leaving others to their conclusions as they see fit.

Whataboutism is a fallacy where you try to use the fact that other people also do the act in question to justify the doing of said act.

This is not whataboutism. This is about extending his logic to be applied consistently to all parties, really more of a reductio ad absurdum.

Whataboutism is when you say, because some other countries also do horrible things, it is ok for the Chinese government to do these things. This is not what anyone I've seen here say.

This is to say, if we are to ban the Chinese players from TT competition for the chinese government doing horrible things, we'd have to ban US players, and North Korean players, and Russian players, and Australian players and pretty much all players. By extending his logic consitently to all countries, we see the reasoning behind it is absurd, because the conclusion is to not have TT competitions.
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