
  1. I recorded myself

    Hello! I recorded myself. Do you have any advice? Videos
  2. Why won't my racket stay closed?

    Hello! I played a bit just now, and whenever I do a stroke it should start with a super closed racket and stay super closed until the end of the stroke. However, whenever I try it the blade opens up midway and the ball misses the table again. Do you guys know why this happens? How do I fix...
  3. How to improve timing?

    ...I turn my hips, twist my shoulders and waist, put my elbow behind, relax, move my arm, tense up, then I strike! Unfortunately that happens 1/10 times. Hello! How to improve my timing in table tennis, especially if you have quite a big windup like stated above. I am a Jpen player, just if...
  4. How do I know if a rubber type is for me?

    Hello! I am a Jpen SP player, but maybe that'll change depending on this thread :) See, what I want to find out is: how do you know if a certain type of rubber is for you? I mainly play closer to the table using smaller shots (probably from the SP), and smashing obviously. Should I use...
  5. Medium pips Penhold..?

    Hi guys, recently I've been thinking of something quite intuitive! A CPEN racket with: Medium Pips forehand Inverted backhand Basically, what my idea is is for using the MP to block incoming attacks and to prepare for the backhand, used as the main attacker via RPB. Do you think this is viable?
  6. How to attack with Long Pips?

    Hello! One of my peers bought a racket with LP on one side, and only I can train him (blud is lazy to get a coach). See, he wants to defend and ATTACK on LP, and idk how to attack with them. Right now I told him to wait for a backspin attack to drive and flick during a backspin serve. Do any of...
  7. Jpen vs Cpen

    Hello! I've been wondering recently as to which of these two are better. What are your opinions on it, and why? I personally think Jpen is fit for me, as my strategy leans more onto one technique, and maxing out its potential. Jpen is better than Cpen in this regard, as Cpen distributes the...
  8. Where to buy Andro?

    Hello! I've decided to buy Andro Blowfish+ instead of the TSP Spectol Blue. But my friend told me that Andro rubbers are hard to come by, especially in the Philippines. Do you have a reliable website to buy the Andro Blowfish+?
  9. Andro Blowfish+ vs TSP Spectol Blue

    Hello! recently I've been thinking about better rubbers for my blade. I came across these two rubbers, renowned for their greatness. Of these two, which is better, more specifically in terms of speed and ability to block. (I am a Jpen player)
  10. How to use wrist properly?

    Hello guys! My coach told me to play short wings and rotate my wrist while hitting the ball. By the way, I am a Jpen player using short pips. I've been struggling to make those two work, does anyone have tips? I won't meet my coach again until next next week (as of October 16, 2024)
  11. Footwork

    Hello! I'm a Jpen player, and just now one of my friends told me that my footwork sucks. How do I improve on this?
  12. How do you defend against smashes?

    Hello! A friend of mine told me that I have to defend against smashes. I'm a Jpen player, so I can't just lob it or my style would be a waste. How do you defend against smashes but also utilize offensive tactics?
  13. Hi, how to do this well?

    Hello! I just played today after being sick, and now I'm wondering: how do you receive well? Apart from practice, what can I do to improve my receiving skill?
  14. Use of each rubber

    Hi everyone. Just for information, what does each type of rubber do and what're its usages? Specifically, short, medium, and long pips, as well as inverted and anti spin. What type of player is best suited for these rubbers?
  15. What is your coaches funny coaching tips expressions?

    My coach has 2 funny ways of trying to make a point. The first is stamp on the spider. This is for the forehand backspin serve. After the weight transfer of going back on the back leg he wants me to stamp on the spider using the front leg to bring the torso down during the serve swing. (I am...
  16. Top 5 Tips To Return Impossible Table Tennis Serves

    Hey guys!! Ever played an opponent in table tennis and not be able to return their tricky spiny serves? We've all been there....In this tutorial we go into detail on 5 tips to help you return impossible table tennis serves and stop losing those frustrating points! Enjoy! What tips do you have...
  17. Training Tips please

    I will train 6 hours a day. please tell me or show training videos with multi balls, and how long
  18. Mental tips on redeeming myself?

    Last year I lost in the final match of a tournament. It hurt, really bad. Not sure if we'll have a tournament later this year because of the coronavirus, but I'm hoping we will. Hopefully the local table tennis center will open up and I can start training with a coach. I have a lot of stroke...
  19. Tips for disinfecting equipment and balls

    Since many of the clubs in the US have closed for a few weeks and "Social Distancing" is being recommended, I was wondering if there were any tips or guidelines for disinfecting things like tables, balls, nets, rackets, etc. Hand-shaking is now discouraged, and I hope the practice of wiping...
  20. Coaching tips for very young players 5-7 years

    Following on from mlax's post ( rubber & blades for 5 year olds) I'd like to ask for any tips/drills for coaching this 5-7 age group. I want to do more fun exercises with my son and his friend (age 6) but they have very short attention spans and as soon as we move on to something new/move away...