Butterfly poly ball

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The Butterfly g40+ is horrible I said. The sound is terrible so different to the others. But then I played a tournament with it and had no choice. Once you get past the sound of them they are actually good balls I think. The bounce is way more stable and predictable I think. The irregular bounce from other balls is so annoying, especially when it's a critical point hey.
I think besides the nittaku ball these are pretty damn close. If only the sound, aghhhhhh
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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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Oh, I guess I will weigh in on the G40+. I have hit with them several times and I have found them fine. I did not have much problem with them. The downside is, as everyone has said, the sound and the slick surface. The slick surface also means the G40+ wears out a lot faster than the NP or the Seamless.

But there is another downside that I may not have noticed as a general issue without it being pointed out.

42&backpains runs monthly tournaments where they have to use that ball because of sponsorship.

He said that when he tests a gross of 144 for roundness, about 3/4 of them don't pass the wobble test. Which means most of them are not quite round. I hit with a friend of mine with one because I had one and he wanted to try it. We hit three balls and he did the roundness test and said, it isn't round. But he agreed that it still played okay.

Let's see if 42&backpains uses his spidey senses and finds this thread to give comment.

Sent from the Subterranean Workshop by Telepathy
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says ok, I will go back and make sure you have access. Be...
says ok, I will go back and make sure you have access. Be...
Well-Known Member
Nov 2010
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The smoothness may be why they fly so straight and fast. They also lose less spin when they hit the table. Very small effects but a TT ball only weighs 2.75 g and in our sport really small things can make a difference.

On a loop, the G40 will arc less but will retain more spin when it hits opponent blade. A bit of a strange combination.
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