Carbon or wood?

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Feb 2016
Well what is the benefit of carbon?( faster) but there is wood that are very fast or has fast has the carbon !!
I dont really understand the diference ?

I just ask for to inderstand a litle bit
And at what moment iam supose to use blade with carbon ?

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Jul 2014
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The purpose of carbon is to make a wood faster without making it heavier, making you able to play faster and also increase the number of powerful shots you can play, because you will get less tired then if you're using a wooden blade as fast.
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Feb 2016
You mean that the wood is fast but you need to do more power in your arm ?

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Carbon has a larger sweet point and It's more stiff, Normally is faster but has worst control and doesn't allow you to feel the strokes as wood blades. with carbon most times you hit the ball, it will feel the same but with wood the vibrations tell you if you hit the ball well or not.

Personally i prefer wood.

I don't believe that exist a special moment when you have to change to carbon. It's a preference. But if you are really a good offensive player and mastered all aspects of the game and still feel the need for more speed, then carbon is the way.

There are here pro members that will tell you more differences. But for me those are the major ones.
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Carbon has a larger sweet point and It's more stiff, Normally is faster but has worst control and doesn't allow you to feel the strokes as wood blades. with carbon most times you hit the ball, it will feel the same but with wood the vibrations tell you if you hit the ball well or not.

Personally i prefer wood.

I don't believe that exist a special moment when you have to change to carbon. It's a preference. But if you are really a good offensive player and mastered all aspects of the game and still feel the need for more speed, then carbon is the way.

There are here pro members that will tell you more differences. But for me those are the major ones.

I agree, I have been playing wood , carbon, wood, carbon......have found out one thing, you need good technique and be very good at the basics i say. I am not a bad player by any means but personally carbon doesn't help with control, at all.

This thread I started the same a year or two ago.
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Feb 2016
Ok thank you is just iam confuse because for example i found my rubers and feel confident with it ! But the blade i dont know , i play well with it but i dont have the feeling that it really suit me for the game i have !!!

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Feb 2016
Well i attck everything i can and nput a lot off spin in every ball .
The level playing to be honest i dont know i just do training because i work saturday and sunday so no competition for me infortunatly !!! I habe a ma lin extra offensive blade that i like a lot because off the handle but i don t know if is fast and good for me

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Way to many to mention, but every tensor going on every popular blade (wood and carbon) and I keep going back to my Timo Boll W5, a 5 ply not too fast blade with lots of control and feeling. You can stick most rubbers on it and I would say most carbon blades I have tried are quite lifeless. Unless you pay for quality one but they are deffo quicker.
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Feb 2016
My game is mid distance because iam tall with a lot o top spin

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Well i attck everything i can and nput a lot off spin in every ball .
The level playing to be honest i dont know i just do training because i work saturday and sunday so no competition for me infortunatly !!! I habe a ma lin extra offensive blade that i like a lot because off the handle but i don t know if is fast and good for me

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If you are playing well then stick with what you have, don't mess I say. I have learnt that the expensive way :)
Ask Dan:)
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Normally, if you don't feel well with the bat, the problem is too much speed and not lack of speed. Do you have any ALL or ALL+ blade where you can glue your rubbers just to try?

I'm saying this because when i play with slower blades i still feel good in the game. Of course i can feel the lack of speed, but besides that it doesn't change the quality of my stokes. It's when i try faster blades (specially the carbon ones) that i feel that the strokes aren't going so well.
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Feb 2016
My game dont change with slower blade i try with tibar IVL
Just to slow !!! Next thirsday i will try with ma lin extra off and see

The blade i use is rumgay reactor off
And the ma lin is off also but wood only

I will try and will tell you

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Normally, if you don't feel well with the bat, the problem is too much speed and not lack of speed. Do you have any ALL or ALL+ blade where you can glue your rubbers just to try?

I'm saying this because when i play with slower blades i still feel good in the game. Of course i can feel the lack of speed, but besides that it doesn't change the quality of my stokes. It's when i try faster blades (specially the carbon ones) that i feel that the strokes aren't going so well.

Bang on, why i still go back to the 5ply. I can generate the speed myself with help from the rubber but I like the 'Feel' of wood over carbon for sure
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My game dont change with slower blade i try with tibar IVL
Just to slow !!! Next thirsday i will try with ma lin extra off and see

The blade i use is rumgay reactor off
And the ma lin is off also but wood only

I will try and will tell you

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Try more then one. Ask you're teammate to lend you their blades. Find exactly what you like/need. I used to ask here what a should buy. But i find out that it's to hard for people to tell me what i need. Just you and eventually your coach can answer that.

What i did was try lot's of blades, i find exactly what i wanted. In my case i wanted o OFF- blade with soft top plies, balanced weight, 5 plies all wood. I didn't find one in the market that suits me so i ask someone i trust to build me one with the characteristics i wanted.

Do the same. Don't go for a carbon top of the line without being sure that is what your game need. In this i know what i'm saying.
My wife plays TT in very good level and bought a butterfly ZJ ZLC and she doesn't get use to the blade. It's 350€ store in a trunk. Don't do the same mistake.
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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Try more then one. Ask you're teammate to lend you their blades. Find exactly what you like/need. I used to ask here what a should buy. But i find out that it's to hard for people to tell me what i need. Just you and eventually your coach can answer that.

What i did was try lot's of blades, i find exactly what i wanted. In my case i wanted o OFF- blade with soft top plies, balanced weight, 5 plies all wood. I didn't find one in the market that suits me so i ask someone i trust to build me one with the characteristics i wanted.

Do the same. Don't go for a carbon top of the line without being sure that is what your game need. In this i know what i'm saying.
My wife plays TT in very good level and bought a butterfly ZJ ZLC and she doesn't get use to the blade. It's 350€ store in a trunk. Don't do the same mistake.

necax007, you have given some great advice. It is great to read it.

El Guiri, these guys the best information you could possibly get on line.

This thread has been great to read.
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necax007, you have given some great advice. It is great to read it.

El Guiri, these guys the best information you could possibly get on line.

This thread has been great to read.

To be honest Carl, i learn this from your posts to my threads! I'm just passing the information! :p
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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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To be honest Carl, i learn this from your posts to my threads! I'm just passing the information! :p

But the way you explained was very good and I can tell that you tested the information and really understand it for yourself.

That is different than when someone says something because they heard me say it. :) I am happy to not need to say anything since you explained it all so well. :)
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Oct 2014
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I bought 2 Innerforce ZLCs thinking I needed more speed. Right now, I am back to my 5 ply Yasaka Sweden Extra. The only thing I have decided is that it is Tenergy 05 for the foreseeable future. I am not broke and I have wasted enough money testing rubbers.
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But the way you explained was very good and I can tell that you tested the information and really understand it for yourself.

That is different than when someone says something because they heard me say it. :) I am happy to not need to say anything since you explained it all so well. :)
Thank you carl :)

I find out that given advice about blades is almost impossible. It's just to personal. It's an extension of your body. Their are to many variables. Speed, spin, control, weight, thickness, handle, materials, feeling, etc.
That is why i stick to my Silver line until i get my custom blade. And even the custom blade may not be ideal. But if it is, i'm gonna stick with until it breaks!