Daily Table Tennis Chit Chat

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Aug 2016
When I look at video, my backhand stroke is never what I think it should be, even though I love the shot before I see the video. WTF is this? I thought I was playing a backhand loop...


Whew you're tough to please. Hit smoked that BH for a winner an you're not happy?

I mean that was one great BH drive with a lot of speed. Maybe it's beyond my point of understanding but he put a medium paced topspin shot to your backhand and you smoked it with a powerful drive.

I saw this USATT 2000+ female at this past tournament do exactly the same thing in those situations. She took 2nd at our tournament. If a ball was topspin and high? She didn't mess around. She killed it with speed.

Now certainly there are lower balls or obviously ve backspin where you have to spin it up with a good loop and I'm sure you do that as well but if you get a ball that's topspin and high enough on the table? Why not just drive kill it. Speed kills right?

BTW the point at 8:44 is a case where you had to loop or spin it up as he pushed the return and it was very fast so it's not like you don't have that capability in your game.
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Dec 2010
I thought you played a pretty difficult backhand counterloop , did not you , I could not hear the sound ... ? I would say the difficult level of doing that from the height you took the ball is pretty darn hard on the backhand wing ..
When I look at video, my backhand stroke is never what I think it should be, even though I love the shot before I see the video. WTF is this? I thought I was playing a backhand loop...

says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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You know my level and my experience and that I jump at the chance at giving bad advice about things I can't do, but have you ever thought about trying to use a Yinhe T11 with Bryce Speed so you can loop more like a TT engineer?

Sent from The Subterranean Workshop by Telepathy
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Aug 2016

You know my level and my experience but have you ever thought about playing PH? With that kind of smash/flat hit, and high on the BH wing, you would be an awesome 2 winged PH attacker.

for monster ... LOLOLOLOLOLOL at me!!!!!

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Jun 2011
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You know my level and my experience but have you ever thought about playing PH? With that kind of smash/flat hit, and high on the BH wing, you would be an awesome 2 winged PH attacker.

for monster ... LOLOLOLOLOLOL at me!!!!!


You know my level and experience .. but have you considered to try and chop block that ball? :D :p
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Oct 2014
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Whew you're tough to please. Hit smoked that BH for a winner an you're not happy?

I mean that was one great BH drive with a lot of speed. Maybe it's beyond my point of understanding but he put a medium paced topspin shot to your backhand and you smoked it with a powerful drive.

I saw this USATT 2000+ female at this past tournament do exactly the same thing in those situations. She took 2nd at our tournament. If a ball was topspin and high? She didn't mess around. She killed it with speed.

Now certainly there are lower balls or obviously ve backspin where you have to spin it up with a good loop and I'm sure you do that as well but if you get a ball that's topspin and high enough on the table? Why not just drive kill it. Speed kills right?

BTW the point at 8:44 is a case where you had to loop or spin it up as he pushed the return and it was very fast so it's not like you don't have that capability in your game.

But you see, even the one at 8:44 doesn't *look* like a loop. I am doing something, but the motion is so short and the paddle so open that I am not sure what kind of hybrid it is.
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Dec 2010
I don't know why you guys think its a flat hit , he took a difficult ball on the top of the bounce , it was actually a counter topspin ... when you take balls on the top of the bounce the so called "arc" is not that "visible" , does not mean its not there ... try to watch the video in slow motion the ball definitely shoots off after the bounce ...


You know my level and my experience but have you ever thought about playing PH? With that kind of smash/flat hit, and high on the BH wing, you would be an awesome 2 winged PH attacker.

for monster ... LOLOLOLOLOLOL at me!!!!!

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Dec 2010
... I thought that you whole point was to play your backhand like a forehand ... that is what a forehand power loop drive would look like when you are trying to wrap around the ball , wouldn't it ...

But you see, even the one at 8:44 doesn't *look* like a loop. I am doing something, but the motion is so short and the paddle so open that I am not sure what kind of hybrid it is.
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Oct 2014
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... I thought that you whole point was to play your backhand like a forehand ... that is what a forehand power loop drive would look like when you are trying to wrap around the ball , wouldn't it ...

Wouldn't it finish a little higher?
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Jun 2011
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... I thought that you whole point was to play your backhand like a forehand ... that is what a forehand power loop drive would look like when you are trying to wrap around the ball , wouldn't it ...
But you see, even the one at 8:44 doesn't *look* like a loop. I am doing something, but the motion is so short and the paddle so open that I am not sure what kind of hybrid it is.
Wouldn't it finish a little higher?

What the hell is this all about?

Important is to land it on the table, isnt it? :p
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Dec 2010
No, the more I have been playing with wrist and and adding a little forearm on my backhand , I find myself finishing forward with the backhand especially on the counters on balls that are higher ... if its a opener or very close to the table where you are taking it off the bounce while countering , yes the motion is slightly more upwards ... again not saying this is right or wrong , but I have wondered the same on some similar shots I have landed in the past ... although may be not of the same quality ... and then when I watch tapes of international players who play with similar technique they tend to have a forward motion too ... may be the take the ball withing the triangle , in this case the contact was a little more on the left of your torso ...
Wouldn't it finish a little higher?
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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Well, if you think about it, it is kind of like race car driving. Dale Earnhardt used to say you plow into the turns to get the feel of the rubber on the road.

Or kind of like weightlessness in orbit or outer space. Obi-Wan Kenobi talked about feeling the force.

Isn't it like that NextLevel? [emoji2][emoji2][emoji2]

Lolol on me!

Sent from The Subterranean Workshop by Telepathy
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Dec 2010
.. so my legs are kind of close to busted again , and I still went out on a limb , literally or no limbs to be accurate to play yesterday , and you know what sticks out in the memory in the 2 hour beating I took literally and figuratively , there was on serve I did and I missed the serve but I felt that put a ton of spin on the ball , I felt that I was really able to sink that sucker into the topsheet and the sponge ... nothing beats that feeling ... win or lose ... :D
Well, if you think about it, it is kind of like race car driving. Dale Earnhardt used to say you plow into the turns to get the feel of the rubber on the road.

Or kind of like weightlessness in orbit or outer space. Obi-Wan Kenobi talked about feeling the force.

Isn't it like that NextLevel? [emoji2][emoji2][emoji2]

Lolol on me!

Sent from The Subterranean Workshop by Telepathy
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Aug 2016
Your TT game/story I’m starting to suspect is an ever changing one with the times. At least for me it is.

So I use to play about the trickiest/weird style you could imagine. Short pips (sometimes inverted)/Long pips penhold twiddle game. I loved the mind games it played but after plateauing after a while I came to the conclusion that “you can only trick people so long”. Once your club mates figure you out, then you’re toast.

I later switched to short pips/inverted on the RPB where while there are elements of my game that need work, I’m confident to say my RPB is pretty nice with a lot of speed & spin. So I played that for a while and played better.

Then in my last tournament over the weekend, I advanced to the class I’ve never made it into before and promptly got my @$$ kicked from there. I know I was playing a little tight but it dawned on me that I was simply hitting slow. There was a 56 year old shakehander who is smaller than me and I know with about the same amount of TT experience who was flat out pacing me speed wise. On my backhand? No problems. Plenty of speed there. But it was that FH… Not good enough.

Now I know you can hit Short Pips really fast but I’ve played them long enough to know the % of shots you can hit fast or hard is limited. Your margin for error is just much smaller. So that in my mind make them feel slower and there’s a smaller % of balls you can really be more aggressive with. Just my two cents.

Played with my work mate over lunch today. This time duel inverted. This time I picked up a tip in my game that I noticed over the weekend with many top level players. I know this got me into trouble in the past when I’ve tried duel inverted.

“Just because you’re playing duel inverted, doesn’t mean every stroke has to be this over the top spiny loop. It’s okay to flat out smash or drive it for a winner if the ball is high.”

My takeaway from today was really positive. If I was close to the table like I normally am and vs topspin, I would drive the ball with my FH similar like I would do with short pips. I found my speed was better and the feeling wasn’t too far different.

But wow the options. Say I’m in a rally with my buddy. Now I can willingly play off the table and either drive or loop accordingly. Being a lefty, I’ve always had a FH side/spin loop as a change up loop. This is obviously an inverted shot. Instead of brushing the back of the ball, it definitely comes around the side of it as the head of my blade is pointing down at the ground. The kick off their side of the table was fantastic and there were several balls he mis-hit off the edge of his blade.

So we’ll see where this goes but I’m optimistic. Much like I said earlier in “you can only trick people so long”, I still stand by that. Sooner or later you just have to beat them skill vs skill. So it looks like I’m playing a more modern game for now.
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Aug 2016
“Just because you’re playing duel inverted, doesn’t mean every stroke has to be this over the top spiny loop. It’s okay to flat out smash or drive it for a winner if the ball is high.”

So there's some hope for me?!?!?!


I think what you wrote about 'tricks' is in the back of the mind of most 'junk' players ... they realize they will face a partner that the 'junk'/'tricks' won't phase them. Not sure if they are playing the odds and will accept the outcome of that match vs the unphased partner. Given the general likelihood of them winning against other opponents who have no idea how to play against the junk/tricks, they may just take those odds.

Interesting you are trying the dual inverted!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 2016
.. so my legs are kind of close to busted again

I don't have specific details... a friend mentioned 'compression socks' ... not sure if it's able to help you out. Mentioning just in case it's applicable and you haven't tried yet.

there was on serve I did and I missed the serve but I felt that put a ton of spin on the ball , I felt that I was really able to sink that sucker into the topsheet and the sponge ... nothing beats that feeling ... win or lose ... :D

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