durable rubber brand?

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Aug 2018
i am finding some durable rubber for my blade - xiom vega euro - to training in a long time. My play style is offensive for all BH and FH from near to mid table. i have read a lot of review of Xiom, Victas, Gewo, TSP, nitaku, ... but their opinions are not similar. i dont have so much money, so i won't play with Tenery, and i also don't play china rubber. i want to know about high-end rubber of the brands I listed above, such as: Xiom omega VII, Victas V15, TSP ventus, nitaku fastarc, tibhar evolution .... tks so much :D
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This user has no status.
Aug 2018
The Vega X is durable and has stayed consistently for the past 2 to 3 months. It is much more durable than the Vega Pro, Europe or Asia. At least it is cheaper than Omega 7 series.
Tks yogi, your advice is allways helpful