Help what happened?/

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Oct 2016
Hi all,

I'm pretty good at table tennis but not the best. At school I am regarded as the best in the school.

However, yesterday a new student joined and he demolished me. Everyone was watching, I felt so embarrassed. He beat me 11-5 and 11-3.

I don't know how he did it, but on his serves, he threw the ball in the air and hit it in a weird way. It was very a slow serve but every time I hit the ball back it didn't land on the table?? wtf?

Please, I told this guy I would rematch him on Monday, if i lose I have to give him my lunch money. I strongly believe I can beat him, if I can learn to hit back his serve because he sucks at rallies. Someone help how can i hit back his serves :eek::eek::eek::eek:
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says what [IMG]
Bait 1.jpg

He was probably serving topspin. You need to angle your racket down, because the topspin will make the ball bounce upwards from the surface it hits. You also need to push into the ball a bit: if you just let your bat sit there, you'll eat the spin.

I hope you don't have too much lunch money.
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Oct 2016
View attachment 10987

He was probably serving topspin. You need to angle your racket down, because the topspin will make the ball bounce upwards from the surface it hits. You also need to push into the ball a bit: if you just let your bat sit there, you'll eat the spin.

I hope you don't have too much lunch money.

ok, so tilt racket & down push into ball, doesn't sound hard.

how do i do this serve
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Jul 2014
Read 6 reviews
I have some bad news for You. If You didn't understand his seves after seeing them so many times and trying to receive them it can only mean that he is many levels above You. Even if you receive this serve he will just smash 3rd ball or change the spin on serve, so you will have no idea what is going on again.

The only tip I can give is: play with him only for fun, but not for money or anything else. You would probably have to train for many months (maybe years) to play on his level and he can just fake his skill level so You will think that You have a chance for revenge, but he will just end up taking more money from You :D
says what [IMG]
Yeah, Vrael is right. We need to remember that he does know how to serve by throwing the ball in the air properly and knows how to serve at least somewhat respectable topspin, so that's a start.

I'm sure he can probably 11-0 you for hours. I don't think he is trying too hard if he noticed that you can't even return his serve.

Don't play this guy for money. Treat him as a better player and learn from him. If you start returning his balls, he will start trying more in rallies and you'll see he's a bit better than you think. Eventually you might catch up.

If you want to improve, here's a good basic resource.

Check out the video and check out the channel. They teach the very bare basics well.

What kind of rackets are you guys using by the way?
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This user has no status.
Oct 2016
I have some bad news for You. If You didn't understand his seves after seeing them so many times and trying to receive them it can only mean that he is many levels above You. Even if you receive this serve he will just smash 3rd ball or change the spin on serve, so you will have no idea what is going on again.

The only tip I can give is: play with him only for fun, but not for money or anything else. You would probably have to train for many months (maybe years) to play on his level and he can just fake his skill level so You will think that You have a chance for revenge, but he will just end up taking more money from You :D

He said he's only been playing 2 weeks...

i don't want to lose again, ive been watching youtube videos on how to counter topspin serve and it looks simple
says what [IMG]
Look, he's ****ing with you. He's probably been playing for more than two weeks. :rolleyes:

The basic gist is not that difficult to grasp, but just wait until you start getting heavy, fast serves or good spin variation your way. Table tennis is a very hard game. Don't get cocky. You'll keep throwing his serves out, then popping them up, then netting them, for quite some time.

How have you been watching Youtube videos on how to counter topspin serves when you didn't know what a topspin serve was until now? If you knew, you'd have understood why your returns went out. It just doesn't make sense.
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This user has no status.
Oct 2016
Yeah, Vrael is right. We need to remember that he does know how to serve by throwing the ball in the air properly and knows how to serve at least somewhat respectable topspin, so that's a start.

I'm sure he can probably 11-0 you for hours. I don't think he is trying too hard if he noticed that you can't even return his serve.

Don't play this guy for money. Treat him as a better player and learn from him. If you start returning his balls, he will start trying more in rallies and you'll see he's a bit better than you think. Eventually you might catch up.

If you want to improve, here's a good basic resource.

Check out the video and check out the channel. They teach the very bare basics well.

What kind of rackets are you guys using by the way?

just like the ones in that video, red and black

please i need to win my girlfriend d u mped me to, idk if it's because i lost or not but im guessing it is

if i watch all the videos will i be good enough to win
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This user has no status.
Oct 2016
Look, he's ****ing with you. He's probably been playing for more than two weeks. :rolleyes:

The basic gist is not that difficult to grasp, but just wait until you start getting heavy, fast serves or good spin variation your way. Table tennis is a very hard game. Don't get cocky. You'll keep throwing his serves out, then popping them up, then netting them, for quite some time.

How have you been watching Youtube videos on how to counter topspin serves when you didn't know what a topspin serve was until now? If you knew, you'd have understood why your returns went out. It just doesn't make sense.

when you said top spin serve, I typed on youtube how to counter topspin serve
says ok, I will go back and make sure you have access. Be...
says ok, I will go back and make sure you have access. Be...
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Nov 2010
Read 8 reviews
just like the ones in that video, red and black

please i need to win my girlfriend d u mped me to, idk if it's because i lost or not but im guessing it is

if i watch all the videos will i be good enough to win

The odds are she d umped you because you are an idiot who can't see when he is getting scammed. In any case, if you are really worried about your lunch money, you are probably too young to have a girlfriend. People here are trying to explain to you what is actually going on, but you seem unable to take the hint. By the way, did she take up with the guy who beat you like a drum? Well that is righteous. Good table tennis players are supposed to get the hot women. I would not bother with watching the videos, though. Life is a long game. I would study really hard. Become very rich. Later on, you can find out where this guy works, and buy the company just so you can fire him.
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This user has no status.
Oct 2016
The odds are she d umped you because you are an idiot who can't see when he is getting scammed. In any case, if you are really worried about your lunch money, you are probably too young to have a girlfriend. People here are trying to explain to you what is actually going on, but you seem unable to take the hint. By the way, did she take up with the guy who beat you like a drum? Well that is righteous. Good table tennis players are supposed to get the hot women. I would not bother with watching the videos, though. Life is a long game. I would study really hard. Become very rich. Later on, you can find out where this guy works, and buy the company just so you can fire him.

fu b*tch
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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Oh. This is funny.

Here is something to think about, if he won every point off his serve in the game he won 11-5 it means he won the point on 1 under 50% of your serves that game. In English he won 3 points on your serve and you won 5 points on your serve. That is not very good.

In the game he won 11-3, if he won the point on all of his serves, then he won 4 points on your serve and you only won 3 points off your serve. That means he has about a 60% winning percentage off your serve in that game.

However, if you got ANY points off his serve at all, these numbers are much worse.

Like, if you got one point off his serve in the game you got 5, then he won 50% of your serves. And if you got 1 point off his serve in the game you got 3 points, then he won more than 70% off your serve.

Now, if you were really even close to as good as him you would definitely be winning more than 70% of your own serves.

But, sorry to inform you, it sounds like, if you served the whole game, he would probably win more than half the time after he has one game to get familiar with YOUR serves.

My guess is, if you did figure one of his serves out, he would have another one for you.

Here is a story:

I played this guy in a tournament. It is a long time ago. I looked at his racket and saw he was using antispin. I asked him about it. He said he didn't know what antispin was. He told me a friend gave him the racket and told him: "sometimes use the black side so you get a pop up." I knew he was full of s.h._.t. The next time this tournament happened, I brought the infamous JP Kadzinski who is about 2100. This guy and JP played in the finals and went to 5. This guy knew exactly what antispin was and was just full of it, faking ignorance.

I doubt the guy you are playing is only playing for two weeks. Or he wouldn't have serves you can't return.

And he probably wouldn't be getting minimum of 50% scoring off your serves in both games combined.

Just think about it for a bit and then take heed of Vrael's advice.

If you were really better than him and if he was really no good in rallies you would have gotten more than 5 and 3 points in the two games. AND you served for at least 50% of the points in the match.

Why do I say this:

11+5=16. So each of you served 8 times.

11+3=14 which means each of you served 7 times.

So, in each game, you each got the same number of serves.

And here is your highest possible total winning percentage on your serves: you served (8+7=15) 15 times in 2 games and got 8 points total. So in both games combined you won 8 of 15 points on your serve: that is a 53.33% winning percentage on your serve AT BEST. If you won any points on his serve in the whole match than your winning percentage on your serve would HAVE TO BE UNDER 50% which, honestly, is REALLY bad.

Sent from the Subterranean Workshop by Telepathy
says what [IMG]

That's a good post, but it's wasted effort. For all we know this guy can play really well and he's just seeing how we treat absolutely clueless people.

Don't reply to shitposters and obvious bait unless you don't have anything better to do or your hope in humanity is high. :rolleyes:
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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Next time you see him, just call him Jonny Hustle because he ran a hustle on you to get you to bet your lunch money.

There is this guy who is a well known pro. When he was a kid (this is 30+ years ago, so the dollar figures meant more back then) he would go some place and bet the best player a dollar and play a game. Back then games were also played to 21. He would win the first game 21-19 and get the guy to go double or nothing. And he would win 25-23. And he would keep going till the kid had lost $20.00-$30.00 and realized he was being hustled. And he would do this to person after person.

When you are that much better than someone, it is possible to make it look close when it isn't n

BUT THIS WASN'T EVEN CLOSE. 11-5, 11-3 is not just a blowout.

And you probably won't learn to return those serves just from off the internet since we can't see his serves and you didn't actually describe how you missed them.

Did any of your returns hit the net? Did any actually not reach the net and hit the table? Did any go to the left? Did any go to the right? Did any go up and too long?

From your description the only thing that is clear is that he tossed the ball. But it doesn't sound like you know why you missed the table.

Sent from the Subterranean Workshop by Telepathy
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