ITTF World Team Table Tennis Championships Finals Busan 2024

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Oct 2014
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The best thing about this result for France, which might get even better on the men's side but regardless even if it stops at bronze, is that it gives extra fuel to sell the hosts as Olympic teams medal favorites. Though in reality, doubles at the Olympics adds a layer of complexity that is real.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Third singles but Hirano probably drew the toughest player from Romania?
In terms of abs, yes.
In terms of level, she is 2nd in line now.

0 H2H 3 Hirano (including this win)
2 H2H 2 Hayata
0 H2H 1 Ito

BTW, Hirano beat her on the way to win World Cup 2016 [Samara (1st win) in R16, Ito, FTW (1st win), CIC (1st win)].

It's easy to forget that she is World Cup 2012 runner-up. Guo Yue withdrew at the last minute and so LSW was the only CNT player.

Samara took Hayata to the 5th at WTT CT Doha 2021, their last encounter.
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Oct 2014
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Shinooopy did a pretty good match against the Dragon... of course he lost, but he fought much better than expected.
I wish they had played Sora in that slot, I think he could have given the Dragon more trouble, though the Dragon would have been clearly prepared.
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Oct 2014
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Third singles but Hirano probably drew the toughest player from Romania?
Come on, Samara tougher than Szocs? Not even entirely clear at this point whether she is clearly tougher than Diaconu and Dragoman and Zaharias. Romania has built a tough team for a while and will be strong for a long time.
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Oct 2014
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Great back and forth match between Mima Ito and Bernadette Szocs. Ito just squeezes by 11-9 in the 5th by with a great read and response of Szoc's serve at 9-9.
Will love to hear the coaching rationale for fielding Ito. @zeio , please do not fail us.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Charlotte is more promising than her sister Camille, who is short-tempered like Alexis.
Charlotte Lutz vs CIC
G1 810, 1210
G2 41, 42, 52, 53, 73, 75, 85, 105, 109 TO for Lutz, 119
G3 04, 24, 25, 35, 46, 66 TO for CIC, 611
G4 08, 19, 29, 211
G5 01, 31, 33, 53, 54, 64, 66, 76, 77, 87, 810, 1110, 1112, 1212, 1214
G6 31, 33, 53, 54, 55 Lutz served into the net, 56, 66, 611
The 18-year-old started playing senior event last year.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
An article by Takagi Mina on Tasei apologizing to his players for the poor draw. Harimoto was watching the live stream in his room while gluing his rubbers. He was in a confused state after seeing the draw and he had doubt about his glue job even until the next afternoon...







says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Nothing on the reasoning behind the order so far. Will keep an eye out.

In the post-match interview, Ito says this was the 2nd match for her, in which she played a very good match under a great atmosphere, that despite being an intense match, she was able to win in the end and she is overjoyed.

Hayata says Ito winning her first match made it easier for her and that she is happy Watanabe fields her in every match, likely referring to how she got benched against her will in the final at WTTC 2022 (11/02/2022 at 2:20pm).

Hirano says she got a ton of advice from "Coach Ito" and whenever she missed she would turn around and Ito would tell her through her face "this!" "right!". LOL

トップで接戦を制した伊藤美誠「めちゃくちゃ楽しかったです!」と満面のスマイル! 日本女子が5大会連続のメダルを決める【世界卓球】
■女子日本代表 試合後インタビュー

Q. トップバッター、伊藤美誠さんです。苦しみましたが、素晴らしいスマイルもありましたが。


Q. 楽しかったですか。


Q. 相手の出方に苦しんだところがありましたが、見事な適応能力を見せました。



Q. 今大会は絶好調ですね。

早田:そう言っていただけて、本当にすごく嬉しいですし、監督に今のところ全て起用してもらって、こうやって勝利 に貢献できているので、引き続き明日の準決勝、そして決勝と、しっかり自分ができることを精一杯やっていきたいなと思っています。

Q. そして、締めたのは平野美宇さんです。決めましたね。


Q. 「伊藤美誠監督」からはどういうアドバイスを受けましたか。


Q. 明日は香港戦です。一言お願いします。

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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Post-match interview with Harimoto, Matsushima and Shinozuka.

Courtesy of Google Translate.

日本男子 中国に敗れ2大会連続のメダルならず。張本智和「パリを終えたときに後悔しないように」【世界卓球】
■日本男子代表 試合後インタビュー

Q. 試合を終えて感想を



Q. どういったところが一番(相手の樊振東が)強く感じましたか


Q. その一本の差を埋めるために何が必要か


Q. 張本選手、1ゲーム目はすばらしいプレーでしたね



Q. 2年前と比べての王楚欽選手の成長は



Q. 苦しい試合の中で、どういったところが効いたと思いますか



Q. これから半年、パリ五輪に向けて何が必要か



Q. 篠塚選手、序盤はサーブにすごく苦労していたように感じましたが、馬龍のサーブについて



Q. 1ゲーム目は連続でロングサーブを出す場面もありました。それは試合前から考えていましたか


Q. ラリー戦ではほとんど負けていなかったと思いますが、馬龍のボールの威力とか、試合前に思っていたことと何が違いましたか


Q. 今回はじめて世界卓球に出場して


Q. (松島選手は)中国戦、対戦してみて自信になりましたか


Q. ここから何を鍛えていきますか


Q. 今回はじめての世界卓球で、自分に総合点をつけるなら



■Japan Men's National Team Post-match interview

Q. What are your thoughts after the match?

Matsushima: I was a little nervous at first when I was allowed to play in Ichiban (the first game), but I was really looking forward to it. I felt like the one in the last race was a long way off.

But on the contrary, I felt that I had reached the ability to compete at all.

Q. What did you feel the most strongly about (his opponent, Fan Zhendong)?

Matsushima: He held on for the last shot, and no matter what ball he hit, it came back, so I felt like it was a long shot.

Q. What is needed to close that one gap?

Matsushima: I was a little rushed and made a lot of mistakes, and I was a little ahead of the game with my serve and receive, so I think if I could correct those issues, I could have won the match.

Q. Harimoto, you played great in the first game.

Harimoto: I thought it wouldn't be a match if I didn't win the first game, so I managed to win the first game, but after the second game, my opponent made quick adjustments.

As the difference in strength became more and more apparent, I realized that it would not be easy to win the second and third games.

Q. How has Wang Chuqin grown compared to two years ago?

Harimoto: Even if we lose one game, we won't collapse. Last time he won one game, and he made a little more common mistakes, but from the second game onwards, instead of making common mistakes, he made many more accurate balls.

I think I have become stronger both mentally and technically.

Q. What do you think worked in this difficult match?

Harimoto: When I was swinging my backhand, I was certain it would be my opponent's cross. I made a few forehand counters and made a lot of mistakes, but I think I'm getting more in there than before.

I think it would be a good idea to keep practicing like this and get one step closer.

Q. What do you need to do in the next six months to prepare for the Paris Olympics?

Harimoto: To be honest, I didn't really lose in terms of rally ability today, but I felt a big difference in the third pitch (attack), fourth pitch (attack), and coordination from the serve.

I would like to practice more on serve-receive, then the third and fourth pitches so that I can take the lead.

Q. Shinozuka, I felt like you had a lot of trouble serving in the early stages, but what about Ma Long's serve?

Shinozuka: At first I was trying too hard to go on my own and ended up making mistakes, but around the third game I realized that I didn't have to push myself too hard and the players would rally.

From then on, I was able to score quite a lot in rallies, so I wish I had realized this sooner.

Q. In the first game, there were times when you made long serves consecutively. Did you think about that before the match?

Shinozuka: That's right. I thought from watching the video that when I served a long serve back, he would put it in. I decided before the match that I would use a lot of long serves.

Q. I don't think you lost most of the rally matches, but what was different from what you thought before the match, such as the power of Ma Long's ball?

Shinozuka: It wasn't as powerful as I expected, but it was pretty easy for me to take, and I was able to rally, which gave me a little more confidence.

Q. This is your first time participating in the World Table Tennis Championships.

Shinozuka: A little while ago, I didn't know if I would have won the match against Austria the match before, and I felt like I was growing in that sense.

Q. (Matsushima) Did you gain confidence after playing against China?

Matsushima: Well, I was able to compete a little, which gave me confidence, but this time I felt like I still had a long way to go.

Q. What will you train from here?

Matsushima: There will be Singapore (Smash) and WTT, so I want to improve my forehand and receiving accuracy in preparation for that.

Q. This is my first time at World Table Tennis, how would you rate yourself overall score?

Matsushima: I think I was able to perform well, scoring 80-90 points.

Q. Harimoto, the Paris Olympics are finally coming up in six months. What shall we do for the next six months?

Harimoto: I want to make sure that I don't have any regrets when I'm really done with Paris, both in terms of life and table tennis. Before I'm a table tennis player, I'm a human being, so I think it's important how I use my time outside of playing table tennis.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2022
Harimoto played ok, but his style is overly dependant on bang bang fast paced rallying. When he gets hot, its amazing how many difficult shots he can retrieve with pace. When he is hot, he might be the best rallyer in the world. But it looks hard to do over an entire tournament.

Matsushima is younger, but plays a more "professional" style. He plays a lot more short points, creates and finishes more opportunity balls. He almost had fzd on the ropes a few times.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
That is one weird reason to field Ito over Harimoto...

日本女子、ルーマニアに完勝し、メダルを決めた! 準決勝で香港と対戦





The match was scheduled to start at 8 p.m. at the same time as Japan's men's match, but the women's quarterfinal match between France and Germany was hotly contested before that, and the start was delayed considerably. It was not Harimoto Miwa who was appointed as 1st singles, but Ito Mima. "Because of the delay, I didn't move as much as I thought I would in the first game," said Ito. Even though she dropped the first game, but from the second game onward, she used a combination of quick attacks and a variety of techniques, and showed a bold flanking attack in the final game.

"Szocs has been very strong lately and I thought she would be even stronger when she faced me, so I was like, 'I'm not going to lose,' and now she's higher in the world ranking, so I was ready to take a plunge. I'm glad I got a flanking smash at the end."

2nd singles Hayata dropped the first game because her strong hits were often caught by Dragoman's block in the early stages, but from the second game onwards, she played calmly, saying, "I will stick to what I need to do, and I will attack where I need to attack." She showed her strong hits everywhere and displayed an impeccable match. Hayata is really strong in this tournament.

"When I dropped the first game, there was still a glimmer of hope in Romania, but the two young players on the bench (Kihara and Harimoto) came on board and cheered on, so I tried to respond to that, and I think we have become a really good team," said Hayata.

3rd singles Hirano was expected to meet resistance, but the attacks starting from the service were decided precisely. "Services other than the hook serve, which is my specialty, have also led to scores in this tournament," said Hirano. Against veteran Samara, she displayed her best match of the tournament, with Japan beating Romania in straight matches. Tomorrow's semifinal opponent will be Hong Kong, who defeated Chinese Taipei in a hard-fought match.

◎Coach Watanabe Takehiro's post-match comments
"Why did you use Ito instead of Harimoto? Ito was in good form and I wanted her to play against Romania. Even though it was closely contested, I thought she would win.
I was surprised that Dragoman, the 2nd singles, was in good form, but Hayata was good from the second game on after dropping the first game. Hirano, the 3rd singles, is in better shape and swinging faster. Hong Kong, who we will face tomorrow, is in good form when we look at their match against Taipei, but we will try to win the match. To be honest, I was happier when qualifying for the Olympics than when winning a medal (laughs), but I want to win tomorrow and challenge China."
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Ito is really at her limit here. The point at 6:8 of G5 shows clearly. She could've reached that FH in the last Olympic cycle.
Ito's face after that point tells me she was stretched thin. You wouldn't see her make that face a few years ago. It was fortunate that Ito still had the TO there, the momentum was already going the way of Szocs. At 9:9, Szocs made the mistake of serving half-long instead of deep to the corner not once but twice.
Harimoto played ok, but his style is overly dependant on bang bang fast paced rallying. When he gets hot, its amazing how many difficult shots he can retrieve with pace. When he is hot, he might be the best rallyer in the world. But it looks hard to do over an entire tournament.

Matsushima is younger, but plays a more "professional" style. He plays a lot more short points, creates and finishes more opportunity balls. He almost had fzd on the ropes a few times.
Indeed, Harimoto will never win from Wang again and will stick to 1 win. Rather, it will be one of his teammates who will be able to win from Wang CQ
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Jul 2019
What's the head to head again? 9-2?

I think Hari needs a Shinto prayer to evade WCQ's bracket in the Olympics.

Because if his ranking doesn't improve much this year, he just might be knocked out by the quarters.

Of course, he'll be very happy to face Fan, his reactions are faster, and Fan's predictable serves and placement gives him time.
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Oct 2014
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What's the head to head again? 9-2?

I think Hari needs a Shinto prayer to evade WCQ's bracket in the Olympics.

Because if his ranking doesn't improve much this year, he just might be knocked out by the quarters.

Of course, he'll be very happy to face Fan, his reactions are faster, and Fan's predictable serves and placement gives him time.
Harimoto largely needs to defend his middle more aggressively and I suspect that will happen more and more as he develops better footwork. At the age of 20, it is possible to write off a player but I am not sure it is a wise idea in this case, especially when this match could easily have been a white wash if played 3 months ago. But we will see...