ITTF World Team Table Tennis Championships Finals Busan 2024

says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
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Jan 2018
TV ratings for Kanto region.

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Sep 2013
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STTA won the appeal but the match outcome still stands.
this is where the umpires are given way too much power, with little to no resource (ie technology).

The outcome of players careers could be affected due to these "mistakes".
most times, umpires, are part timers and don't really earn income as an umpire. They simply not doing do it for a living.

So the wording can also be, amateur person making a ruling (be a judge) on a professional athlete.
Amateur = part timer
professional = career orientated

replace this with, doctor or lawyer got a "mistake" from a part time judge that is not a professional but there as a volunteer.

Umpires really need to be professional in both career orientated (earning income), and having the resources to make the correct calls, otherwise, the same will just continue for more decades.

Since there is no money in TT to pay umpires (which is sad), but how do you equip resources other than the "4 eyes" in that match.... its crazy.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
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Jan 2018
中国乒协召开世乒赛总结、备战巴黎奥运会暨中国乒乓球打法“百花齐放、推陈出新”专题研讨会 (China's IP needed)

国乒“百花齐放 推陈出新”持续创新发展



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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Catching up on the news. Courtesy of Google Translate for "the 'nation's slut'".

싱하이밍 대사, 유승민 IOC 위원 겸 대한탁구협회장 (전 올림픽 챔피언) 접견 (Ambassador Xing Haiming meets with IOC member and Korea Table Tennis Association president Ryu Seungmin (former Olympic champion))

올림픽 티켓 잡은 남자탁구 “아직 배고파” (Men’s table tennis that got Olympic ticket: “I’m still hungry”)
당시를 떠올린 임종훈(한국거래소)은 “대진 추첨식을 보는데 중국을 일찍 만난 것에 화가 나 소리를 질렀다. 옆방에선 벽을 치는 소리가 나더라”며 동료인 장우진을 바라봤다. 멋쩍은 미소를 지은 장우진은 “중국은 결승에서 만나고 싶었다. 하지만 어차피 만날 상대”라고 말했다.

‘맏형’인 이상수(삼성생명)도 “선수들도 코칭스태프도 전부 준비를 잘하고 있다. 철저하게 준비해 8강도 4강도 계속 이기고 (결승까지) 올라가겠다. 결국엔 중국이라도 이기러 온 것”이라고 강조했다.
Lim Jong-hoon (Korea Exchange), who recalled that time, said, “I was watching the draw ceremony for the match and was so angry that we met China early that I screamed. “There was a sound of hitting the wall in the next room,” he said, looking at his colleague Jang Woo-jin. Jang Woo-jin, with a shy smile, said, “I wanted to meet China in the finals. But I’m going to meet him anyway,” he said.

‘Eldest brother’ Lee Sang-soo (Samsung Life Insurance) also said, “The players and coaching staff are all preparing well. I will prepare thoroughly and continue to win the quarterfinals and semifinals (to the finals). “In the end, we came here to at least win over China,” he emphasized.

파리올림픽 탁구 메달, 임종훈·신유빈 발전에 달렸다
(Table tennis medals at the Paris Olympics depend on the development of Lim Jong-hoon and Shin Yu-bin)
“아~ 임종훈 아쉽죠. 두 매치 중 한 매치만 잡았어도 중국을 이길 수 있는 건데…”(유남규 한국거래소 탁구팀 감독), “신유빈 이번엔 반응 동작이 아주 둔하더라고요. 종전보다 살이 좀 쪄 보이던데, 훈련량이 부족했던 게 아닐까”(베테랑 ㄱ 감독).

2월16~25일 열흘 동안 부산 해운대구 벡스코 컨벤션센터 특설경기장을 뜨겁게 달궜던 2024 부산세계탁구선수권대회가 끝났지만, 그 여운은 가시지 않고 있다. 무엇보다도 선수 시절 ‘커트의 마술사’로 불렸던 주세혁 감독(44)이 이끄는 한국 탁구 남자대표팀(세계 랭킹 3위)은 아쉬울 수밖에 없다. 4강전에서 만리장성 중국(1위)을 거의 다 잡을 뻔했다가 뒷심과 특정 기술 부족으로 석패해 동메달에 만족해야 했기 때문이다. 또한 ‘국민 삐약이’ 신유빈(19)이 부진한 가운데 오광헌 감독(54)이 이끄는 한국 여자대표팀(5위)이 중국(1위)에 막혀 8강에서 멈춰선 것도 큰 아쉬움으로 남는다.

이제 한국 탁구는 5개월도 채 안 남은 2024 파리올림픽(7월26일~8월11일)에 대비해야 한다. 출전 엔트리는 6월18일 확정되는 세계랭킹과 국가대표 선발전 성적에 따라 결정되기 때문에 누가 태극마크를 달지 아직 알 수 없다. 대한민국에서 처음 열린 이번 세계탁구선수권대회는 한국 남녀 대표팀에 성과도 안겼지만 시급한 숙제도 남겼다.

임종훈, ‘포핸드 스트레스’ 날려야

특히 남자대표팀의 ‘왼손 에이스’ 임종훈(27)에게는 더욱 그랬다. 남자단식 세계랭킹 18위인 임종훈은 8강전까지는 백핸드 바나나플릭 등 자신의 장기를 충분히 발휘하며 14위 장우진(28), 27위 이상수(33), 34위 안재현(24)과 함께 한국팀의 4강 진출을 이끌었다. 하지만 2월24일 중국과의 4강전 2번과 5번 단식에서 1위 판젠동(27)과 2위 왕추친(23)에게 각각 0대3(8-11, 6-11, 8-11), 0대3(5-11, 7-11, 6-11)으로 패했고, 이로써 한국 남자팀은 세계선수권대회 출전 사상 첫 금메달 꿈을 접어야 했다.

1단식에서 장우진이 왕추친을 3대1(11-7, 2-11, 13-11, 11-6), 3단식에서 이상수가 3위 마롱(35)을 3대2(11-7, 4-11, 13-11, 6-11, 11-4)로 꺾으며, 한국 남자팀은 승리를 눈앞에 두는 듯했지만 임종훈의 부진이 끝내 아쉬웠다. 경기 후 임종훈은 “형들이 너무 잘해 주고, 홈팬들이 응원도 많이 해줘 힘이 났다. 아쉽기보다는 아까운 것 같다. 다음에는 좀 더 잘해서 후련한 경기를 할 수 있도록 잘 준비하겠다”고 다짐했다. 장우진은 “2대3으로 지다니 아쉽다. 좋은 경기를 보여줘 좋다. 중국에는 안 된다는 팬들의 인식을 깨준 좋은 경기였다”고 했다.

이번에 한국 남자대표팀 훈련단장을 맡은 유남규 감독은 당시 상황을 이렇게 전했다. “우리 선수들도 한 방과 파워가 있어 공격적으로 하면 이길 수 있다고 판단했다. 중국 선수들도 1986년 서울아시안게임이나 1988년 서울올림픽 때처럼 한국에서 경기를 하면 위축되는 게 있다. 그래서 공격적으로 하라고 주문했는데 장우진이 잘했다.”

유 감독은 원래는 1단식에 임종훈이 출전할 예정이었으나 고민 끝에 주세혁 감독이 장우진으로 바꿨다고 했다. 임종훈에 대해선 “백핸드는 세계적 수준인데, 포핸드는 나아지기는 했으나 여전히 약해 중국 선수들이 그의 몸쪽과 포핸드 쪽을 집중 공격했고, 이를 극복하지 못했다”고 지적했다. 그는 이어 “임종훈에겐 포핸드 스트레스가 있다. 파리올림픽 남자단체전에서 우리가 좋은 성적을 내려면, 임종훈이 한 박자 빠른 스피드로 포핸드에서 승부를 걸어야 한다”고 강조했다.

임종훈은 이번 대회 에이스 장우진이 부진한 가운데 덴마크와의 8강전까지 뛰어난 경기력으로 사실상 에이스라는 점을 팬들에게 각인시키는 듯했다. 하지만 자신보다 랭킹이 훨씬 높은 세계 최강 판젠동·왕추친과의 경기에선 애초 변칙 전술을 구사해 돌파구를 찾겠다고 하고선 단순한 경기 운영으로 무너지고 말았다. 탁구 전문가들은 왕추친처럼 자유자재로 포핸드 쪽으로 돌아서서 역습할 수 있는 풋워크(발놀림)도 강화하는 게 임종훈에게 시급하다고 입을 모은다.

“신유빈 독하게 훈련시킬 지도자 필요”

한국 남자팀은 파리올림픽 남자단체전에서 메달권에 들기 위해선 이번 대회 중 떨어진 세계랭킹도 끌어올려야 한다. 4위 안에 들지 못하면 1~4번 시드를 배정받지 못해 올림픽 때 8강전에서 중국을 만날 확률이 25%나 되기 때문이다. 그러나 이번 세계대회를 통해 남자의 경우, 중국은 결코 넘을 수 없는 벽이 더는 아니라는 사실을 절감한 게 큰 소득이다. 한국 탁구의 레전드인 김택수 미래에셋증권 총감독은 “우리 선수들이 그동안 중국에 무기력했는데, 준비하면 될 수 있겠구나 하는 생각이 들었다. 자신감을 가질 수 있는 좋은 기회였지 않았나 생각한다”고 긍정적인 평가를 내놨다.

한국 여자대표팀은 앞으로 신유빈의 성장과 발전이 더욱 필요하다는 사실을 이번에 절감했다. 여자단식 세계랭킹 8위로 국내 여자선수 중 최고인 신유빈은 이번 대회에서 전혀 에이스 노릇을 하지 못해 팬들을 실망시켰다. 푸에르토리코와의 조별리그에선 자신보다 랭킹이 3계단 낮은 아리아나 디아스에게 완패를 당하는 등 정체된 모습을 보여줬다. 이런 부진으로 오광헌 감독은 중국과의 8강전에서 신유빈을 1단식에 내보내지 않고 3단식에 출전시켰다. 하지만 신유빈은 3위 왕이디(27)에게 0대3(5-11, 3-11, 10-12)으로 무기력하게 지고 말았다.

당시 경기 상황을 지켜본 한국 대표팀 관계자는 “분명 재능은 있다. 그런데 탁구인들 대다수는 신유빈한테 거품이 있다는 것을 알고 있다. 이번 왕이디와의 경기에서도 돌아서서 포핸드로 한번 제대로 치지 못하고 대주기만 하다가 졌다”고 꼬집었다. 과거 신유빈을 지도했던 한 감독은 “독하게 훈련시킬 지도자가 신유빈한테 없는 것 같다”고 지적했다. 신유빈은 지난해 말까지 조언래 전담코치가 있었으나 계약을 해지했다.

신유빈은 실제 소속팀에서도 감독이 잘 컨트롤할 수 없을 정도로 국내 및 국제대회 출전을 자유롭게 자신의 의사대로 결정하고 있는 것으로 알려져 있다. 국내 프로탁구리그에도 잘 출전하지 않는다. 대신 랭킹포인트를 쌓기 위해 WTT(월드테이블테니스) 시리즈 중 스타 컨텐더 같은 상위 등급대회보다는 낮은 대회에 출전하고 있다. 한국 탁구의 레전드인 현정화 한국마사회 감독은 “우리 여자대표팀 선수들은 남자에 비해 득점원과 기술이 많이 떨어진다. 신유빈도 더 분발해야 한다. 더욱 노력해 중국과의 격차를 좁혀야 한다”고 지적한 바 있다. 신유빈의 더딘 성장 속에 베테랑 전지희(31)가 파워 넘치는 왼손 포핸드 공격을 새롭게 강화하며 다시 에이스 노릇을 하는 것은 그나마 위안이라고 탁구인들은 말한다.
“Ah, it’s a shame Lim Jong-hoon. Even if you win just one of the two matches, you can beat China... ”(Yoo Nam-gyu, manager of the Korea Exchange table tennis team), “Shin Yu-bin’s reaction was very slow this time. He looked a little heavier than before, but I think it may have been due to lack of training” (Veteran Coach A).

The 2024 Busan World Table Tennis Championships, which heated up the special stadium at the BEXCO Convention Center in Haeundae-gu, Busan for 10 days from February 16th to 25th, has ended, but the afterglow has not gone away. Above all, it is inevitable that the Korean men's table tennis team (3rd in the world rankings), led by coach Joo Se-hyuk (44), who was called 'the magician of cuts' during his playing days, will be disappointed. This is because they almost defeated Great Wall China (#1) in the semifinals, but lost completely due to lack of confidence and certain skills, and had to be satisfied with a bronze medal. In addition, it remains a great regret that the Korean women's national team (5th place), led by coach Oh Kwang-heon (54), stopped in the quarterfinals after being blocked by China (1st place) while Shin Yu-bin (19), the 'nation's slut', was performing poorly.

Now, Korean table tennis must prepare for the 2024 Paris Olympics (July 26-August 11), which is less than 5 months away. Entries to participate are determined based on the world rankings and national team selection results, which will be confirmed on June 18, so it is not yet known who will wear the Taegeuk symbol. The World Table Tennis Championships, held for the first time in Korea, brought success to the Korean men's and women's national teams, but also left urgent homework behind.

Lim Jong-hoon, needs to get rid of ‘forehand stress’

This was especially true for Lim Jong-hoon (27), the ‘left-handed ace’ of the men’s national team. Lim Jong-hoon, ranked 18th in the men's singles world rankings, showed off his talents, including the backhand banana flick, until the quarterfinals, and the Korean team advanced to the semifinals along with 14th ranked Jang Woo-jin (28), 27th ranked Lee Sang-soo (33), and 34th ranked Ahn Jae-hyeon (24). led the However, in the 2nd and 5th singles semifinals against China on February 24th, they lost 0 to 3 (8-11, 6-11, 8-11) to 1st place Pan Jiandong (27) and 2nd place Wang Chuqin (23), respectively. , lost 0-3 (5-11, 7-11, 6-11), and as a result, the Korean men's team had to give up its dream of winning its first gold medal at the World Championships.

In the 1st singles, Woojin Jang defeated Chuqin Wang 3 to 1 (11-7, 2-11, 13-11, 11-6), and in the 3rd singles, Lee Sangsu defeated 3rd place Ma Long (35) 3 to 2 (11-7, 4). -11, 13-11, 6-11, 11-4), the Korean men's team seemed to be on the verge of victory, but Lim Jong-hoon's poor performance was disappointing in the end. After the game, Lim Jong-hoon said, “I was encouraged because his older brothers played so well and the home fans cheered so much. It seems like a waste rather than a regret. “I will do better next time and prepare well so that I can have a good match,” he pledged. Jang Woo-jin said, “It’s unfortunate that we lost 2-3. It's good to see a good game. “It was a good game that broke the fans’ perception that it was not possible in China.”

Coach Yoo Nam-gyu, who was in charge of the training team of the Korean men's national team, described the situation at the time as follows. “Our players also have one punch and power, so we thought we could win if we were aggressive. Chinese players also feel intimidated when they play in Korea, as they did in the 1986 Seoul Asian Games or the 1988 Seoul Olympics. So I ordered him to be aggressive, and Jang Woo-jin did well.”

Coach Yoo said that Lim Jong-hoon was originally scheduled to play in the first singles match, but after much consideration, Coach Joo Se-hyuk changed it to Jang Woo-jin. Regarding Lim Jong-hoon, he pointed out, “His backhand is world-class, but his forehand has improved but is still weak, so the Chinese players focused their attacks on his body and forehand, and were unable to overcome this.” He continued, “Lim Jong-hoon has forehand stress. “If we want to achieve good results in the men’s team event at the Paris Olympics, Lim Jong-hoon must compete on the forehand with a beat faster,” he emphasized.

Lim Jong-hoon seemed to impress upon fans that he was in fact an ace with his excellent performance up to the quarterfinals against Denmark while ace Jang Woo-jin was underperforming in this tournament. However, in the match against the world's strongest players, Fan Jiandong and Wang Chuqin, who were ranked much higher than him, he initially said that he would use irregular tactics to find a breakthrough, but collapsed due to simple game management. Table tennis experts agree that it is urgent for Lim Jong-hoon to strengthen his footwork so that he can freely turn to the forehand and counterattack like Wang Chu-qin.

“We need a leader who will train Shin Yubin well”

The Korean men's team must also improve its world ranking, which fell during this tournament, in order to be in the medal range in the men's team event at the Paris Olympics. This is because if you do not make it into the top 4, you will not be assigned the 1st to 4th seeds, so there is a 25% chance of meeting China in the quarterfinals at the Olympics. However, through this world competition, it was a great gain for men to realize that China is no longer an insurmountable wall. Kim Taek-soo, general manager of Mirae Asset Securities and a Korean table tennis legend, said, “Our players have been helpless against China so far, but I thought we could do it if we prepare. “I think it was a good opportunity to gain confidence,” he said, giving a positive evaluation.

This time, the Korean women's national team realized that Shin Yu-bin's growth and development are more necessary in the future. Shin Yu-bin, who is ranked 8th in the women's singles world rankings and is the best Korean female player, disappointed her fans by failing to play the role of an ace at all in this tournament. She showed stagnant form in the group stage against Puerto Rico, where she was soundly defeated by Ariana Diaz, who was ranked three places lower than her. Due to this poor performance, coach Oh Kwang-heon did not send Shin Yu-bin to the first singles match in the quarterfinals against China, but had her play in the third singles. However, Shin Yu-bin lost helplessly to her third-ranked Wang Lee Di (27) 0 to 3 (5-11, 3-11, 10-12).

An official of the Korean national team who watched the game at the time said, “He definitely has talent. However, most table tennis players know that Shin Yu-bin has bubbles. “Even in this match against Wang Yidi, she turned around and didn’t hit the forehand properly once and just gave it away and lost,” he said. Director Han, who coached Shin Yu-bin in the past, pointed out, “It seems like Shin Yu-bin does not have a leader who can train her rigorously.” Shin Yu-bin had a dedicated coach Jeon Jeong-rae until the end of last year, but the contract was terminated.

It is known that Shin Yu-bin freely decides to participate in domestic and international competitions according to his own will, to the extent that even his team's coach cannot control it well. He does not often participate in the domestic professional table tennis league. Instead, he is competing in lower-tier tournaments such as Star Contender during the World Table Tennis (WTT) series to build up ranking points. Korea Racing Association coach Hyun Jeong-hwa, a Korean table tennis legend, said, “Our women’s national team players are far inferior in scoring and skills compared to men. Shin Yu-bin also needs to work harder. “She must work harder to narrow the gap with China,” he pointed out. Table tennis experts say that amid Shin Yu-bin's slow growth, it is a consolation that veteran Jeon Ji-hee (31) is reinforcing her powerful left-handed forehand attack and playing the role of ace again.
Lim Jong-hoon, needs to get rid of ‘forehand stress’

Coach Yoo said that Lim Jong-hoon was originally scheduled to play in the first singles match, but after much consideration, Coach Joo Se-hyuk changed it to Jang Woo-jin. Regarding Lim Jong-hoon, he pointed out, “His backhand is world-class, but his forehand has improved but is still weak, so the Chinese players focused their attacks on his body and forehand, and were unable to overcome this.” He continued, “Lim Jong-hoon has forehand stress. “If we want to achieve good results in the men’s team event at the Paris Olympics, Lim Jong-hoon must compete on the forehand with a beat faster,” he emphasized.

Lim Jong-hoon seemed to impress upon fans that he was in fact an ace with his excellent performance up to the quarterfinals against Denmark while ace Jang Woo-jin was underperforming in this tournament. However, in the match against the world's strongest players, Fan Jiandong and Wang Chuqin, who were ranked much higher than him, he initially said that he would use irregular tactics to find a breakthrough, but collapsed due to simple game management. Table tennis experts agree that it is urgent for Lim Jong-hoon to strengthen his footwork so that he can freely turn to the forehand and counterattack like Wang Chu-qin.
Lol even faster despite his illegal services? It should now be clear that he must be making these illegal forehand services at the behest of his coach in order to speed up his third ball as a result of narrowing the playing field.
It is no surprise to me because any person with a little knowledge of table tennis sees the intention of his illegal services.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Co-CHAIRS OF THE ATHLETES COMMISSION (Sharath Kamal Achanta and Liu Shiwen)
Report to the AGM Document A10


2. Activities of the Athletes Commission in 2023

The Athletes Commission Vice President, Elizabeta Samara, has joined and started
contributing to the ITTF World Ranking Working Group since September 2023.

Athletes Commission Co-Chairs attended the meeting of the EB at the IOC Headquarters in
Lausanne in December 2023, during which Mr Thomas Bach, President of the IOC, praised
the EB for having athlete representatives at the executive level. Achanta and Miss Feng
Tianwei signed the Wall of Olympians and received certificates from President Bach.

The Athletes Commission had two online meetings to discuss various topics: world ranking,
prize money, and tournament schedules. Issues discussed included World Ranking points
being included in the Mixed Team World Cup in Chengdu and the ITTF World Team Table
Tennis Championships in Busan; conflicting schedules for equally important tournaments
(e.g. Pan Am Games conflicting with WTT Frankfurt Champions; 13th African Games and
WTT Singapore Smash); and pathway to Paris Olympic Games 2024.

The Athletes Commission received feedback that athletes have been very satisfied with
some of the top events conducted this year, such as the World Championships, WTT
Frankfurt Champions, and Mixed Team World Cup.

3. Matters brought to the Executive’s Board Attention

Requests / Concerns from Players:

Concerns have been raised about reduced prize money compared to the 2022 season,
coupled with the expense increase to attend these tournaments. It was noted that the WTT
Feeder series tournaments’ prize money is not even enough to cover the expenses of even
the winner of the tournament, and playing WTT Series tournaments has become expensive
as players now spend nearly USD1,200 for 3-day hospitality.
Continued concerns and requests to announce the calendar well in advance so that
necessary preparations can be made. It is also requested that the tournaments do not
change after the prospectus has been published. World Ranking points were added in the
Mixed Team Cup just a few weeks before the tournament start date, which has been the
same situation with the World Team Championships in Busan, too.


Report to the AGM Document D-01



Current projects

1. After Treatment of Racket Covering
The second event in Ljubljana involved significant activities and developments. Athletes
and federations were informed about the installation of the Racket Control/After Match
Control room and received an introduction along with hand-out materials for referees and
umpires. The procedure covered standard Racket Control before matches, collecting
rackets from athletes who lost their last match, and After Match Control involving visual
inspections, dismantling, and detailed measurements. All data were meticulously recorded
in an Excel file, accompanied by photo documentation. Experiences revealed that a
majority of the Top 30 Players attended the event. Voluntary dismantling by players
showed success, although there were challenges, including refusals. Device-wise, the
KÄFER J200 was deemed the most practical, providing stable results even for boosted
rubbers. Conclusions emphasized the effectiveness of dismantling inspections in detecting
cheating, recommended tolerances for testing devices, and the need for clarifications in
relative regulations. The timeline outlined a transition period for implementation by 2025.

2. Ball Bounce on Table (BBoT)
The playing tests conducted in Germany, China, and Japan revealed distinct friction
categories among the four tables, broadly classified as "Slippery," "Stopping," and
"Between." Notably, players easily distinguished differences between tables with high and
low friction levels, with BBoT measurements proving effective in identifying these
variations. Participants expressed a desire for more clarity regarding the designated tables
for upcoming events. The conclusions drawn include the efficacy of BBoT device in
categorizing table friction, the grouping of approved tables into three categories, the
distribution of relevant information to markets and event teams to enhance transparency
for all players, and the recommendation for periodic retesting over a five-year span to
maintain consistent friction levels, to be incorporated into the manual approval process.

3. Blade Material Liberalization
The material opening phase is underway, with details like the material list and timeline still
to be decided. This stage involves setting up the Blade-Approval-System, including
technical regulations and a testing/control system. In November, a factory tour in Sweden
was conducted. As a result, the decision was made to initiate the approval process, starting
with category approval. Additionally, definitions for various blade components will be
provided to include a wide range of blades available in the market.

4. Ball Retesting
When the ball undergoes testing, a subsequent three-year retest period will be initiated.
This new testing period is scheduled to commence from January 1, 2024. The three-year
retest cycle ensures a systematic and timely approach to maintaining the ball's compliance
with regulations.
Propositions to the 2024 ITTF Council

Proposition IC-16
(Simple majority required)

Proposed by the Member Association of DEN

The Danish Table Tennis Federation suggests that ITTF WTTC and the Olympics is the most
important tournaments and therefore should be rewarded with more ranking points than all
other WTT tournaments.


We have a great tradition in the WTTC as our major tournament. The world title is deep in
people minds when it comes to table tennis. We do not believe that we can replace our great
tradition with a series of other events (WTT grand smashes, etc.).
We believe that our tradition with having the Olympic Games and the WTTC as our major
events is a tradition we should value.