JTTA: Selection System to be Revamped for Paris 2024

says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Japan got the selection right this time, but let's see if they can get the equally important lineup correct.
Not holding my breath on the grit of the coaching staff after XTWC 2023. The only hope is for Hayata to step up, which she HAS NEVER DONE before in team events (WT/XT).

Track record against China in Paris 2024 cycle:
WTTC 2022 - had to sit out due to an upper arm injury whereas Ito was the only one to take 1 game off of WMY
ATTC 2023 - played like crap against SYS whereas Hirano was the only one to take 1 game off of CM
Asian Games 2022 - her ONLY BEST performance in WT, taking 1 game off of SYS whereas Hirano was the only one to take 2 games off of CM and Harimoto also took 1 game off of WMY
XTWC 2023 - played like crap against WMY while the rest of her teammates all took at least 1 game off of their respective opponents
WTTC 2024 - a big ?
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Congratulations to Miwa. Impossible to overlook her immense talent. She will be under China's microscope. T-League teammate Zhang Rui will be reporting back her every move.

Was Kihara not mentioned at all other than being Miwa's teammate when they beat SYS/WMY?
They needed a doubles specialist
I never understood why they limit a teams event to 3 players (4 if you add the traveling reserve).
Its like saying soccer or basketball can only bring 11 or 5 players
Not changing of players against different opponents

few months to go, lets see what Miwa can do until then
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
「日本代表になるだけでも大変なんだな」伊藤美誠 3大会連続五輪出場の夢ついえる…“宿敵”平野美宇「頑張る責任がある」【卓球女子五輪代表発表】

「メダルを目指しがんばりたい」卓球史上初きょうだいで五輪出場へ仙台出身の張本美和選手(15)卓球団体日本代表に内定 兄・智和選手も祝福
「金メダルを取ってほしい」張本美和選手パリ五輪団体メンバー内定で張本卓球場の子どもたちと父親もエール「あと5か月で実力を上げることが大事」 仙台

パリ五輪 日本代表候補予定選手『平野美宇・張本美和』記者会見
平野美宇 悲願の五輪シングルス出場「最大の目標であったシングルスを獲得できて本当に嬉しい」|パリ五輪 日本代表候補予定選手 記者会見
15歳・張本美和が兄と共に五輪へ「信じられない気持ち。一緒に行けるのは本当にうれしい」|パリ五輪 日本代表候補予定選手 記者会見
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Harimoto Yu: "Paris Olympics is the greatest stage. Bronze medal and above."

「中3でオリンピックって、すごい尊敬」卓球・張本選手が「兄妹でのオリンピック出場」 父親の張本宇さん喜びの声に卓球教室の子どもたち【ミヤテレNEWS NNN】

【「パリオリンピック」代表選手】卓球「女子団体戦」メンバーに「仙台市出身・張本美和選手」【ミヤテレNEWS NNN】
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Hirano says Ito has been a respectable opponent and they had been competing since they were kids until this final selection but Ito is also an opponent that she doesn't want to lose to. She adds that, other than Ito, she has the responsibility to work hard for all those who missed out on the selection.

says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Table Tennis Kingdom has more on Shinozuka and Harimoto. Splitting it into 3 posts due to the 15000 characters limit.

Tasei was asked about Shinozuka/Togami as the MT doubles pair and he said that is his plan currently. He thought about Harimoto/Shinozuka but had a change of mind after Harimoto won Zennihon Takkyu 2024 with that momentum.





Men's national team coach Tasei Kunihito, who announced the men's 3rd team member, said, "I was worried until the very end. I was unsure until the Zennihon final was over." He then explained the reasons for Shinozuka's selection as follows.

"The other person I was hesitant about (selecting) was Matsushima Sora (Kinoshita Group). Matsushima has been improving tremendously over the past six months, a little less than a year. He is very powerful, and his attitude towards table tennis and his personal qualities were also evaluated.

The reason why I chose Shinozuka is that at the recent Zennihon Championships where the two faced off in the quarterfinal (6th round). Shinozuka won 4-3 11:9.

In that match, they played the match with both sides understanding the situation. I felt that the atmosphere was similar to the Olympics, where things didn't go well under stress. I was on the bench at the Tokyo Olympics, and learned that not only technique but also mental health and other aspects are extremely important on the Olympic stage.

The first reason is I watched the match between the two at Zennihon and selected Shinozuka, who won under the same circumstances. The second reason is the selection race that lasted about 2 years. I think it must have been a very long and difficult period for the players. I believe that Shinozuka overcame that difficult period and earned the right to represent Japan. I chose him because I thought he would relieve that suffering in Paris and fight with all his might."

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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018


渡辺 昨年の国際大会のシングルス、ダブルスの成績、試合ぶりを考え、伊藤選手が上回っていることもあれば張本選手が上回ることもありました。トータルでは若干張本選手が上回った。インパクトがあったのはアジア競技大会で王曼昱選手に対し、負けはしたけれども、非常に良い試合をしたし、12月のWTTファイナルズでも世界チャンピオンの孫穎莎選手に対して勝ちかける試合を見せてくれた。日本は中国に勝つのが大きな目標なので、そういうことを踏まえて、張本美和選手を選出しました。

渡辺 あくまでも2名までを選考ポイントで選ぶということで、3番目もそれで選ぶとはうたっていません。当然、2枠を目指して頑張ってきたことは評価できますが、3番目はパリで一番勝てる選手ということで選びました。

渡辺 難しい質問ですね。それはそういうことになりますね。

渡辺 伊藤選手は素晴らしい選手だし、日本の宝です。4人を選びたい気持ちですが、最後はひとりだけとなったら、オリンピックでの金メダルを獲るために中国を倒す目標があるので、国内の選考ポイントも大事だけれども・・そこは、はい、自分の信念を信じて、海外で勝てる選手ということで張本選手を選びました。

渡辺 張本選手が勢いがあるのは、みなさんも感じていると思います。もちろん勢いだけで選ぶつもりはないです。

渡辺 そこまでは伝えていません。世界選手権の合宿もあるので、そこで本人と話そうと思っています。

渡辺 リザーブは5月か6月になるので、選手の状態を見て判断します。伊藤選手もあり得るし、他の選手もあり得ます。

渡辺 私は直接聞いていないし、ネットの記事で見たくらいで、それは選考には全く関係ないです。

●ー選考基準にあるとはいえ、従来、3番手はこれまで世界ランキングの3番目、今回であれば選考ポイントの3番目の選手が代表でした。それを覆してまで張本選手に期待するのは、どこにあるのでしょう? 全日本決勝でもああいう負け方を早田選手にしていますが、どこにポテンシャルがあるのでしょうか?
渡辺 ポテンシャルはかなり高いと、見られている方は感じ取っていると思います。15歳であれだけの技術、見たこともない素晴らしい技術を備えていて、伸びしろはすごくあります。前回(東京五輪)も平野選手は高いランキングでしたので、(3番手として)選ばれました。


渡辺 もし今後、いろいろ意見があれば、卓球協会として透明性を求めた選考基準を作っていきたいし、いろいろな意見を真摯に受け止めていきたい。

渡辺 今は早田選手が好調なので、平野選手と張本選手のダブルスを強化できるのが理想です。他のペア、たとえば早田選手もダブルスの上手い選手なので、今後、対戦国を考えれば、早田選手のダブルスも含めて、いろいろ組めることが良いと思う。

渡辺 3番目は国際競争力とダブルスを組める選手ということなので、矛盾はないと思っています。

渡辺 戦いぶりに加えて、内容は重要です。(中国選手に)勝ちはしなかったけど、非常に接戦ができる選手、中国に対抗できる選手はたくさんいないので、私は評価しています。

渡辺 はい、ある時期に伝えました。

渡辺 はい、WTTとアジア選手権、アジア競技ですね。(昨年の)2月くらいから彼女は(WTTの)シニアにも出てくるようになりました。

渡辺 それはまだ思案しているところで、そうとは言い切れない。

渡辺 張本選手が中国選手とたくさん試合をしてますが(伊藤選手のほうが)苦戦した試合が多かったかなと思います。

渡辺 それは今後、検証だったり反省の部分はあるかもしれない。100%選考のやり方が良かったとは言い切れないし、前半、(選考レースが)過密だという話も聞いていました。パリの次のために現場の意見を反映させていきたい。
"Of course, I appreciate the fact that they worked hard to aim for the 2 spots, but I chose the 3rd spot because I thought she was the player who could win the most in Paris."

Following the official press conference of the JTTA Development Headquarters in the afternoon, the contents of the interview with Japan women's headcoach Watanabe Takehiro are as follows.

Watanabe: Considering the singles and doubles results and match performance in last year's international tournaments, there were times when Ito was better, and times when Harimoto was better. Harimoto was slightly ahead in total. What had an impact was the Asian Games, where she lost but played a very good match against Wang Manyu, and at the WTT Finals in December, she came close to winning against World Champion Sun Yingsha. Japan's major goal is to beat China, so Harimoto Miwa was selected with that in mind.

- Earlier, you said that you wanted people to feel glad that they took part in the selection race, but not choosing Ito, who was 3rd in selection points, seems to be a denial of the established selection criteria.
Watanabe: It's just that up to 2 people would be selected based on the selection points, and it's not stated that the 3rd person would also be selected based on that. Of course, I appreciate the fact that they worked hard to aim for the 2 spots, but I chose the 3rd spot because she is the player who could win the most in Paris.

- Is being the player who can win the most in Paris the same as being the player who can win the most at this moment? Does that mean Harimoto has a better chance of winning than Ito at this point?
Watanabe: That's a difficult question. That's what it means.

- Ito came close to competing with Hirano until the very end, but if Harimoto was able to outperform her in the end, I would be satisfied (with her being selected).
Watanabe: Ito is a great player and a treasure to Japan. I would like to choose 4 people, but in the end, if there can only be one, I have a goal of defeating China in order to win the gold medal at the Olympics, so the domestic selection points are also important... I chose Harimoto because I believed in her and thought she was the player who could win overseas.

- To put it simply, Ito wasn't able to perform as expected, and Harimoto had more momentum?
Watanabe: I think everyone can feel that Harimoto has great momentum. Of course, I'm not going to choose based on momentum alone.

- Did you explain to her why you did not choose her?
Watanabe: I haven't told her that much. There will also be a training camp for the WTTC, so I'm thinking of talking to her there.

- Would you choose Ito as the reserve player?
Watanabe: The reserve player will be decided in May or June, so we will make a decision based on the player's condition. It could be Ito, or it could be any other player.

- Ito said "even if I am selected for the team event..."
Watanabe: I haven't heard it directly, and I've only seen it in articles online, but that has nothing to do with the selection process.

- Although it is based on the selection criteria, the 3rd member has traditionally been the player ranked 3rd in the world ranking, and in this case the player ranked 3rd in selection points. Why do we expect Harimoto to go so far as to overturn that? Even though she was up against Hayata, but losing like that in the Zennihon final, where does she have potential?
Watanabe: I think those who were watching can sense that the potential is quite high. Even at the age of 15, she has such amazing skills that I have never seen before, and there is a lot of room for her to grow. Hirano had a high ranking last time (Tokyo Olympics), so she was selected (as the 3rd member).
Ito is 10th (in world ranking), but Harimoto is also 16th, and Harimoto is a player with a sufficiently high world ranking. I think there would be objections if this (world ranking) were 80th or 100th, but I judged that Harimoto could win in Paris because she has achieved results in international tournaments.

"Although she didn't win, there aren't many players who can fight very close matches and compete with China, and I appreciate that fact."

- What will happen to the future selection process?
Watanabe: If we receive various opinions in the future, we as the Table Tennis Association would like to create selection criteria that are transparent, and we would like to take various opinions seriously.

- The doubles players at the Zennihon Championships were Hirano and Harimoto. What is the future growth potential?
Watanabe: Hayata is doing well right now, so it would be ideal if Hirano and Harimoto could strengthen their doubles. Other pairs, such as Hayata, who is also a good doubles player, so considering the countries we will be competing against, I think it would be good to have various pairings, including Hayata's doubles.

- I understand that the selection points are used to select 2 players, but when the selection criteria were created, I think they were based on the players' potential for growth and international competitiveness. However, wasn't the association contradicting itself by choosing lower-ranked players?
Watanabe: The 3rd spot is a player who is internationally competitive and can play doubles, so I don't think there is any contradiction.

- What you mentioned earlier is "fighting state", but that doesn't mean Harimoto won (against the Chinese player). Fighting state is an ambiguous part, but why not use it as a reason for selection?
Watanabe: In addition to the fighting state, the content is important. Although she didn't beat them (against the Chinese players), there aren't many players who can fight very close matches and compete with China, and I appreciate that fact.

- Did you inform the respective party of this announcement in advance?
Watanabe: Yes, I told her about it at some point.

- You said that you watched Harimoto's fighting state, but does that mean you also watched her fight in the WTT?
Watanabe: Yes, the WTT, ATTC, and Asian Games. From around February (last year), she started appearing in (WTT's) senior events.

- Will the fight in Busan be centered around the 3 for Paris?
Watanabe: I'm still thinking about it, so I can't say for sure.

- Could you name a match where you felt that Ito was not as good as Harimoto against China?
Watanabe: Harimoto has played a lot of matches against Chinese players, but I think (Ito) had more difficult matches.

- Apart from the selection process, one of the reasons why Ito's form has declined after showing such high performance at the Tokyo Olympics may be the hectic schedule caused by the selection method. Isn't that something that the Development Headquarters should reflect on in the future?
Watanabe: There may be some verification and reflection on that in the future. I can't say 100% that the selection method was good, and I heard that the selection race was overcrowded in the first half. I would like to reflect the opinions of the people in the field for what comes next after Paris.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018


田勢 本当に最後まで決められなかったです。この2年ですが、(篠塚大登・愛知工業大は)国内の選考がスタートしてから安定した成績を残してきているというふうに感じています。





田勢 言ってはないです。でもおそらく、(松島選手が)世界ランキングで3番目、で(篠塚選手が)国内の選考ポイント3番目というふうに自分たちでどっちの方が良いのかっていう部分もあるし、あそこで当たってしまうっていう。そういった部分もお互いで感じていて。で母体の人たちもそれなりに一生懸命になっていて、その状況でゴールしたっていうところですかね。


田勢 そうですね。オリンピックもそうですけど、大舞台では本当に1本、2本の差だと思うんですよね。「1本取る厳しさ」、そこがやっぱり最後の4-3の9点で篠塚が勝ったっていう、その1本の厳しさっていうところを評価しました。


田勢 現時点ではそのように考えています。もちろん、時々(張本)智和(智和企画)と篠塚でダブルスを組んで国際大会に出ることがあるかもしれませんが、張本があの勢いで全日本で優勝して、ここからまた一気に行ってくれるんじゃないかなっていうふうに思うと、張本をわざわざダブルスにっていうことを今は考えなくてもいいのかなと思います。


田勢 あ、見ていないです。


田勢 やっぱり篠塚はなんでもできるので、Tリーグの前は確か戸上選手と松島選手が組んでいて、なので、そこは見ずにという感じですかね。




田勢 一択……、まあそうですね、一番金メダルに近いペアということで。


田勢 オリンピックですから、選手個々自分のためにも頑張ってくれるだろうし、男子のため、日本のためにも頑張ってくれると思います。
"Shinozuka won 4-3 11:9, and the weight of that 1 point was appreciated."

Following the official press conference of the JTTA Development Headquarters in the afternoon, the contents of the interview with Japan Men's headcoach Tasei Kunihito are as follows:

Tasei: I really couldn't decide until the end. Over the past 2 years, I feel that (Shinozuka Hiroto/Aichi Institute of Technology) has achieved consistent results since the domestic selection started.

He participated in all the selection tournaments in his own way, and among them, he also participated in international tournaments, and his condition was the same, but his schedule, motivation, and mental health must have been really tough, so he overcame them (to earn the right to represent the national team). I hope that he will do his best in Paris because of the ticket he gained after overcoming such hardships.

Of course, it is true that his world ranking is low, so he needs to improve his world ranking from now on, and now that the representative has been decided, he needs to start talking about a table tennis style that "wins in international tournaments, not domestic tournaments."

Now that the national team has been decided, I think all the players will be able to play a little more freely. Until now, they have to work hard domestically, participate in international tournaments, and improve their world rankings. The players worked hard, thinking, "What should I do?" and "Where should I compete?" But now that the representatives have been decided, the players are also working toward the same goal of "winning a medal." I think the male players will gain more momentum.

- Shinozuka and Matsushima (Sora/Kinoshita group) were aware to a certain extent that the recent Zennihon match was related to the selection process. Did you mention that?
Tasei: I didn't say that. But there are probably parts of me that decide which is better, such as (Matsushima) being 3rd in the world rankings and (Shinozuka) being 3rd in domestic selection points, and that's where I hit the nail on the head. They both feel that way. So, the supporting members of their affiliation were also trying their best, and I think they were able to reach the goal under those circumstances.

- (For the match between Shinozuka and Matsushima) some feel they were almost evenly matched given it went the distance.
Tasei: That's right. The same goes for the Olympics, but on a big stage, I think there's really a difference of 1 or 2 points. I appreciate the "weight of taking that 1 point", and that's why Shinozuka won with 4-3 11:9 in the end.

- Will Shinozuka and Togami (Shunsuke, Meiji University) be the main players in doubles?
Tasei: That's what I'm thinking at the moment. Of course, from time to time (Harimoto) Tomokazu (Tomokazu Kikaku) and Shinozuka may play doubles and compete in international tournaments, but Harimoto won the Zennihon with such momentum, and from here on out, I think he'll go all in. I feel like I don't have to consider playing Harimoto in doubles now.

- Togami and Shinozuka were paired together in the T League yesterday, did you watch that match?
Tasei: Oh, I haven't seen it.

- What do you think are the strengths of these 2 doubles players?
Tasei: Shinozuka can do anything, so before the T-League, Togami and Matsushima were teaming up, so I guess I didn't have to look at that.

Togami has power on forehand and backhand, and he also has the ability to play chiquita over the table and make critical hits, so in that sense, since Shinozuka is left-handed, he does a lot of things, creates chances, and Togami makes the decisive hit.

The formation is ready. It's true that there weren't many doubles entries for international tournaments because of Togami's physical condition and Shinozuka's lower back issues, but from now on, they are going to participate in more international tournaments and improve their strength.

- Is it your only choice when it comes to mixed doubles?
Tasei: One choice...well, that's right, the pair closest to winning the gold medal.

- 2 of them will be participating in 3 events, what do you think about that?
Tasei: Since it's the Olympics, I'm sure the players will do their best for themselves, for the men and for Japan as well.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Finally, Tasei confirms what I've suspected of Togami after all these months and Watanabe is in agreement with my stance on Ito.

Tasei: ...The formation is ready. It's true that there weren't many doubles entries for international tournaments because of Togami's physical condition and Shinozuka's lower back issues...

Just ran into an article by sports writer TAKAGI Mini a week after Zennoh Cup Tokyo, which I missed again, where Harimoto mentions he noticed Togami's form had been off since WTT SCT Ljubjana 2023 at the start of July, even though Togami reached the QF after 3-1 LSS, 3-2 Harimoto, 3-2 Gacina, and 2-3 Calderano. OTOH, Togami has never talked about his form even when something is clearly wrong, as Takagi also points out in that article. So like I suspected last month, it's very likely he had not been playing at 100% the past 2 months.

Watanabe: I think those who were watching can sense that the potential is quite high. Even at the age of 15, she has such amazing skills that I have never seen before, and there is a lot of room for her to grow.
https://web.archive.org/web/2024012...s-2022-chengdu-9-3010-9_topic92179_page3.html (09/12/2022 at 7:35am)
That was apparently not the case. JTTA wouldn't have added extra points for beating top 3 CNT players for the period 1/2023-1/2024 back in 6/2022 after players' feedback of "lack of motivations".

However, that's not what I'm getting at here. What I mean is that if Ito can't beat top CNT players, then she's just as good(or bad) as Ishikawa. Same for everyone else. Hence, whoever the top 3 maybe won't matter at that point. It's not whether the glass is half full or half empty. The central ideas I've been stressing are "potential" and "value", both of which Ito is running low. They can be universally applied to other medal-contending teams. Did anyone with an objective stance seriously expect Boll to win a medal when he had never run into China in the Olympic singles? As history shows, the selection system, or the lack of it in Germany's case, hardly matters in the end when the players that shouldn't have been chosen kept being the ones chosen. That won't change as long as we keep focusing on whether one "deserves to play" rather than whether one "should NOT play".
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
They needed a doubles specialist
I never understood why they limit a teams event to 3 players (4 if you add the traveling reserve).
Its like saying soccer or basketball can only bring 11 or 5 players
Not changing of players against different opponents

few months to go, lets see what Miwa can do until then
IIRC, Sharara relayed the stance of the IOC once on that (can't remember exactly when and where but was probably over the reduction of singles athletes per NOC between Beijing 2008 and London 2012). They wanted to keep the number of athletes and support personnel in the Olympic village down to a specific number (11000 for Tokyo 2020). That number doesn't include the reserve players. They green-lit the replacement of doubles event with team event but on the condition that 3 players per NOC sticks. IIRC, it's the same condition for the addition of XD event at Tokyo 2020.

Disciplines are also rated and split into multiple categories, with table tennis moving up to Category C from D between Beijing 2008 and London 2012. That could be a big factor that determines how many athletes can be allocated for the discipline.
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IIRC, Sharara relayed the stance of the IOC once on that (can't remember exactly when and where but was probably over the reduction of singles athletes per NOC between Beijing 2008 and London 2012). They wanted to keep the number of athletes and support personnel in the Olympic village down to a specific number (11000 for Tokyo 2020). That number doesn't include the reserve players. They green-lit the replacement of doubles event with team event but on the condition that 3 players per NOC sticks. IIRC, it's the same condition for the addition of XD event at Tokyo 2020.

Disciplines are also rated and split into multiple categories, with table tennis moving up to Category C from D between Beijing 2008 and London 2012. That could be a big factor that determines how many athletes can be allocated for the discipline.
I hold few different view points regarding the changes, or rather reduction.
Some is maybe good, but on the other, it is taking away OG participation opportunities.
So, for that reason, I sometimes question, how "valuable" is the OG in table tennis.
WTT wanted to follow tennis, but tennis in OG is how much value?

Soccer/football is also very little value in OG, so with how TT has become, what exactly is the hierarchy .

Maybe 1 player for all NOC, in singles, would allow more medals, but then reduce further participation.

I don't think I mentioned before, but I had this view point:
Maybe need to have Singles, doubles, XD, teams, mixed teams, so that is total 8 gold medals up for grabs and 1 player per NOC and each player cannot take part in 2 events (or say take part in max 2 events).
I think this would make TT more valuable in the OG and allow for more Olympians, medals across different NOC and such.

It is the position of ITTF and IOC to investigate the matter. Maybe with ITTF having "many" representation in the IOC today, things could be different to Sharara's days
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Active Member
Jul 2017
I think Itos career seems to turn out a bit like a disappointment. From beating top Chinese players at age 15 she did regress some.I think the very top players have figured her out as her style is kinda one dimensional.

Against opponents outside the top10 her fast paced closed to the table hitting style is still good enough but against the very top players she would need more variation.

Harimoto and hirano are also good at close table hitting but on top of that especially miwa does bring some variations and also isn't totally useless when pushed back 2-3 meters away from the table.

Mima still is young enough to improve but she needs to get more dimensions to her game quickly when she doesn't want her national team career to end right here.

Will be interesting to see if she has the motivation to do that or whether she is fine with being a good player and make a lot or money from sponsorship deals for a couple more years.

Her career could be very similar like Ai fukuhara who also was hyped as a teenager but then had a career which was solid but not quite as good as you hoped.

Another parallel is that both are good looking girls who can make a ton from sponsorship money, so maybe being a mid to low top10 player was good enough for them.
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Sep 2013
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I think Itos career seems to turn out a bit like a disappointment. From beating top Chinese players at age 15 she did regress some.I think the very top players have figured her out as her style is kinda one dimensional.

Against opponents outside the top10 her fast paced closed to the table hitting style is still good enough but against the very top players she would need more variation.

Harimoto and hirano are also good at close table hitting but on top of that especially miwa does bring some variations and also isn't totally useless when pushed back 2-3 meters away from the table.

Mima still is young enough to improve but she needs to get more dimensions to her game quickly when she doesn't want her national team career to end right here.

Will be interesting to see if she has the motivation to do that or whether she is fine with being a good player and make a lot or money from sponsorship deals for a couple more years.
as you and many said it, its too one dimensional - speed.

crisis mode in Mima's camp indeed
hope they managed to overcome it
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Jul 2017
BTW is it smart by Japan to announce it that early? Of course the Chinese kinda knew what was coming but why allow them to focus all their training and studying effort one those 2 that early?

Basically the Chinese now can focus all their training effort to beating the styles of hirano and harimoto and study them 24/7.

Obviously they have studied them a ton before and they knew it would be 2 out of the 3 but at least keep them guessing a bit longer which of the 3 it will be.

Basically those 3 Japanese are the only ones the Chinese need to study and practice for, everyone else is too bad to beat even unprepared Chinese players, they can just use their regular game without any adjustments to beat those players.
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Active Member
Feb 2019
BTW is it smart by Japan to announce it that early? Of course the Chinese kinda knew what was coming but why allow them to focus all their training and studying effort one those 2 that early?

Basically the Chinese now can focus all their training effort to beating the styles of hirano and harimoto and study them 24/7.

Obviously they have studied them a ton before and they knew it would be 2 out of the 3 but at least keep them guessing a bit longer which of the 3 it will be.

Basically those 3 Japanese are the only ones the Chinese need to study and practice for, everyone else is too bad to beat even unprepared Chinese players, they can just use their regular game without any adjustments to beat those players.
They've always announced their lineups early. In fact this announcement is already considered late compared to Tokyo (singles end of 2019) and Rio (singles after Korea open 2015, I think October)
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Mizutani's rather objective comments on the 3rd members, especially Ito, his long time close friend.



<Comments from Mizutani-san>

Shinozuka is chosen because he is 3rd in selection points (and Matsushima 14th), and I think the fact that he won in a direct confrontation at Zennihon had a big impact on his evaluation. Since there was not that much of a difference in strength between the 2, there was a possibility that Matsushima, who had a high world ranking, would be chosen for the Olympic seeding, but you could say the one that won in the direct confrontation was chosen and would be less likely to be criticized by the general public.
Shinozuka, who was chosen as the 3rd member, is a player with very good tactics. His ability to read the psychology of his opponents is probably the best in Japan. However, because he is good at tactics and has absolute confidence in them, this can also be said to be his weakness. This is because there are many top players in the world that common sense does not apply to them, and there are also players who use strategies such as deliberately pretending to fall into a trap and then aim for the ball in the end.
In order to improve further, he will be able to confuse opponents even more by adding one more type of service and increasing the frequency of serving to the short backhand of right-handed players.

For the women, I think it's a reasonable selection considering Harimoto Miwa's growth over the past year and Ito Mima's condition over the past 2 years. Ito thought that her condition would improve at some point, but after the Tokyo Olympics, her condition did not improve until the very end.
Ito's feelings of dissatisfaction after the selection method for the Paris Olympics was decided were probably reflected in the selection process as well. The overcrowded schedule and the inability to let go of the feeling of unease about the selection method may have had a big impact.
Also, Ito's playing style did not change. Everyone has studied her and tried to give her a long serve, but she struggled until the end against that ball. Due to her busy schedule and injury, she was unable to find time to practice, and it is probably regrettable that she was unable to improve until the end.
When players who have become champions or medalists once feel unwell, they want to go back to their past selves when they were good. At that time, it was like this, at that time I was practicing like this, at that time I was using this kind of equipment. But the people around are moving toward the future, so they won't be able to win even if they return to their strong past selves. Perhaps Ito was also bound by her past self.
Harimoto Miwa would be a good choice as the 3rd member considering her potential for growth. She is very good at going parallel from backhand to backhand and attacking the opponent's forehand side hard. She has a wide range of service and receive, and will continue to grow even stronger over the next half of the year.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Mizutani: ...Perhaps Ito was also bound by her past self.

On 2/4, Ito made her first public appearance after Zennihon Takkyu 2024, telling the media that she is the only current Olympic gold medalist in Japan's table tennis, therefore she has to make table tennis more popular and that from now on she hopes to speak and act as a gold medalist.

If that isn't resting on her laurels, then I don't know what is.

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