Life, Existence, and the Meaning of Long Pips - The Opus Maximus of James Z

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I'm not sure if you are being slightly sarcastic or really want to make this point, but anyways.

Germany got to send 5 players to the World Championships. One of them is injured and can't go. They replace the injured player with the next inline German player.

Lin and Yuan were never in this discussion because admission to the World Cup is country based, just like many other sports World Championships, including individual sports. Many countries (including the Chinese if I am correct) hold trials or use the national championships to decide who plays at the WC.

Lin and Yuan obviously coming from China means they have tougher opposition nationally to get a WC spot. But calling out the ITTF on something completely normal, i.e. Germany replacing an injured player with the next in line German, is a bit mad of you to do.
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As I said in the first line of my posting, this is an individual championships not team championships.
I can somwhat understand World Cup & Olympics allowing limited number of players per country but this is an individual championships.
I think the system is rigged to keep Chinese players out.
I am not sure if other sports like Wimbledon or US Open in tennis do this by not allowing say more than 5 Americans in the draw.
I am also curious when this 5 player limit was instituted.
I am also not sure if Lin & Yuan can get a court injunction under international human rights act.
Though I do admit it makes me sick to my stomach that a chopper is being allowed in men's table tennis at such high events.
I suggest you look into the workings of world cups of traditional sports, on the top of my head I can name basicly all track and field sports and ice skating as examples where the qualification system is very similar to this one.

To be frank, it seems like this qualification method, country based, is the norm in international team and individual sports, usually combined with either trials or the national championships.

Going to trial based on human rights is completely mad. Only court that could possibly look into this matter is the CAS and I think they would laugh in your face if you'd bring it to them, because its a mad case to make.

I think that your main point is that Filus being a chopper makes you "sick to your stomach". I would dare to guess that if another German player instead of Filus would have been selected you wouldn't have made this point and started spouting all this nonsense on this forum.

Rather than the system being rigged to keep the Chinese out, I think your opinions are rigged to keep choppers out and that is the main problem here.
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says .
says .
Feb 2019
Read 2 reviews
World championships = max 5 per nation, Olympics = max 2 per nation.
Tournaments also have restrictions. Otherwise you could just name it „china tennis“ instead of table tennis
Hoping no one get's hurt by flying rackets. :rolleyes:
Ruwen has still not been sanctioned for his blade-throwing, and no warnings are given either for not serving legally to other players, so which means that the entire credibility of the refereeing committee and by extension the ITTF is one laughable display.
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Jul 2017
As I said in the first line of my posting, this is an individual championships not team championships.
I can somwhat understand World Cup & Olympics allowing limited number of players per country but this is an individual championships.
I think the system is rigged to keep Chinese players out.
I am not sure if other sports like Wimbledon or US Open in tennis do this by not allowing say more than 5 Americans in the draw.
I am also curious when this 5 player limit was instituted.
I am also not sure if Lin & Yuan can get a court injunction under international human rights act.
Though I do admit it makes me sick to my stomach that a chopper is being allowed in men's table tennis at such high events.
The difference is that in tennis you don't represent your country but yourself and your sponsor. There are no national anthems played in tennis and players don't compete in national team jerseys, they play in Nike or addidas jerseys.

In tennis events where players play for their national team the numbers of players per country is limited too (olympics).

ITTF wants to increase diversity in the sport and open up new markets and having a world cup with 50 Chinese players won't help in that regard.

It certainly is not fair towards Chinese players but people outside of China just don't want to see an all Chinese tournament and most Chinese fans Probably would prefer a more diverse field too as they can watch all Chinese tournaments all year.

That's why so many Chinese players play for other countries
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Mar 2022
Again, nope: this kind of behavior from a receiver (turning his back) would be considered as contrary to 1- continuous play rule and 2- bad behavior, and we're back to Yuan Licen case.

I've done that already as a referee, it was an official indiv tournament in France with official FFTT points to loose or gain, I asked the chief umpire of the tournament if I was right to count the point if a guy turned his back to table: it was a receiver being unsatisfied with server's way of tossing. The chief umpire came and instantly gave the receiver red card + penalty point cos' the server, as he is allowed to do, had already served without any action from the receiver to get back to a "normal" position.

The only way to stop the server's pace is to raise the hand, period. And it is ALWAYS the referee that has the ability to judge if he's right or wrong to raise his hand.
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Mar 2022
I've already answered that question: it's a tolerance only allowed by the referee, not a rule, if you, as the receiver, use too much of that "raising hand excuse", yellow, then red card + penalty point. More of it all: the server's corner can fill a claim against the referee for not following the continuous play law. I can tell you from my experience as a referee that umpires and chief umpires are more prone to give the benefit to the server's corner in that case. It can be tense sometimes in individual tournaments, and there are incredible number of matches to be played during a single day in an arena full of 16 tables at least. Anything that is contrary to the continunous play law is severely punished if it's a stupid receiver's habit to piss off the server.
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Mar 2022
So are you saying this tolerance isn't actually allowed, strictly speaking, because it runs up against the continuous play law, and isn't itself something that is codified as a law which can counteract the continuous play law? I guess the other issue is that the notion of "continuous play" is open to a lot of interpretation...imagine a scenario where a player was told to run to pick up the ball because walking to pick it up was slowing down play!
This tolerance is indeed only to referee's discretion, but he also has to follow the continuous play law. This tolerance has been allowed to prevent injuries first, when you raise your hand in any other sport: for instance I've played football, volleyball, a bit of rugby at school, tennis, judo and fencing and had to referee at some point in those sports too, that's because you're not physically well and asking for the game to be suspended. Being mentally unprepared because you cannot follow the server's pace or can't read his serves is not a proper excuse in ANY sport. There's the rule, but also the spirit of the rule that is not always transcripted in the ITTF Handbook. The primary spirit of any rule is equity, not how to disrupt the continuity of the game like those hand raisers tend to do most of the time.

EDIT: what if the England rugby asked for the french squad to wait before they played their last line-out because they were asking for a bit of time to recover before being crushed by a set piece try ? would be laughable... you have already seen scrum-halves playing free kicks and creating a surprise right ? also on penalties you have to stay 10 meters from the kicker, if you're not ready, 10 meters more, you can't raise your hand. Would you say that Serin played dirty ?

And guess what ? the same 2 years later, same guy

You probably know that on line outs the players can play without waiting for the opponents to get in line ? yeah it's table tennis, but it's a continuous play law there too. The pririt of that law is to create entertainment, by favoring the squad that has the ball in hand and then can attack.
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Mar 2022
Also, that raising hand excuse can be counter effective "yeah I did a wrong serve but you were not ready right ?"

If a pro like Gauzy says he's always ready to receive, even with an injured shoulder since more than a year, I guess raising your hand for whatever sh.t is contrary to the spirit of the law.
says Fair Play first
says Fair Play first
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Jan 2012
African food hardly eatable to europians' taste. Scorching as flame, stewed reptiles and the suchlike.