looking for a new rubber

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Mar 2016
Maybe try the Donic Baracuda Big Slam that I am selling in another post :). It is cheap (only 20 pounds) and can meet your requirements.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2014
Read 3 reviews
Not sure what is going on here.
Guy is looking to replace a Maxxx 500. As the name indicates, it is a 50 degree rubber.
The idea of using Bluefire M1 turbo is good - same hardness, more spin.
Acuda Blue P1 is softer overall, true, but also has a 50 degree sponge. More spin is likely.

Maxxx P is a 42.5 degree rubber and also has a soft topsheet. A different world.

Baracuda Big Slam is veeeery soft of course.

And while 5Q is a nice rubber, it is also softer - and slower - than Maxxx 500.

So Jacob, you can give the Bluefire M1 turbo a try for sure. If the hardness is ok for you, there is also Andro Rasant Powergrip.
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Active Member
Nov 2014
Read 6 reviews
Bluefire M1-Turbo is pretty good, though I personally prefer Jp-01 Turbo slightly ahead of it. And Acuda Blue P1 might be as good, but have not personally tried it yet.
But with that said, I think it's (M1-Turbo's) upper gear on counter top spin, can be a bit tricky to control at times and it kind of made me uneasy with it.
So I would recommend Tibhar Evolution MX-P ahead of it. Which is also what I'm using.
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says Visited my own profile, woop woop. ;)
Active Member
Nov 2014
Read 6 reviews
It´s different with its much softer topsheet and meant to be an "easy play" rubber despite its 50 degree sponge. There is a Turbo version of that now, too, but haven´t tried and will not try it.

Nice to know, I'm planing on getting Acuda Blue P2 for my rpb (I did not like Tibhar Aurus soft very much on my blade...), as I do want a soft rubber, but I believe P3 would be a tad too soft, P1 a tad too hard. Though I'll figure that out when I've tried it. :v
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