Need advice with selecting an OSP blade

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I need an advice in selecting a blade from OSP (custom handle), which would be similar to Stiga Rosewood V or Rosewood XO, if there is one. I'm looking for a hard-ish top ply, not bouncy, stiff-ish, non flexible, linear 5 ply blade (never tried 7 ply). If that matters, I would use it with Tenergy 05/19.
Thanks a lot in advance!
says MIA
says MIA
Well-Known Member
Nov 2016
I need an advice in selecting a blade from OSP (custom handle), which would be similar to Stiga Rosewood V or Rosewood XO, if there is one. I'm looking for a hard-ish top ply, not bouncy, stiff-ish, non flexible, linear 5 ply blade (never tried 7 ply). If that matters, I would use it with Tenergy 05/19.
Thanks a lot in advance!
The V'King is the closest 5-ply to the Rosewoods. He could also make you a Rosewood clone.

Since you like these characteristics, you'd likely enjoy 7-ply blades. You could start with a thinner 7-ply (6.0mm) like the Martin OFF Pro.

says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Dec 2010
Read 11 reviews
My advice is, if you are wanting to get a blade from OSP you should get one of the blades they make. They are better at doing what they do well than most TT players are at figuring out what they want.

If you want a Stiga Rosewood get a Stiga Rosewood.

If you want an OSP blade, get one they make.

From my perspective, what OSP specializes in is blades with a soft top ply and A LOT of feeling. If what you want is something different than that, you might consider another blade maker. ie: Stiga for a Rosewood; OR ONE OF THE CUSTOM BLADE MAKERS FROM THIS SITE!!!!!

Contact Nate, or Sergio (username: hipnotic) or any of the other blade makers participating in Der_Echte’s blade makers challenge. They can make you what you want for less than OSP and I can confirm that those guys make excellent quality blades.

Note, my main blade right now is a blade made for me by Nate that has replaced the OSP Virtuoso Plus that I have used for the past 6+ years. Think about it.

Sent from my NSA SpyPhone from Sector 13D-SR13Z74 Sub Level 29X Fort Meade, Maryland
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