Off/BAd days and bad playing streaks - and how to deal with them?

says Do you guys have streaks where you are just not playing...
says Do you guys have streaks where you are just not playing...
Jun 2011
Read 6 reviews
Do you guys have streaks or days where you are just not playing well, and your strokes don't 'work'? and what do you think causes this?
Less time for training, mental/emotional state etc.. ?.. and whats the best way to get out of it? Personally, I find these days/times really upsetting..
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Jul 2011
I feel it can be any number of things, and you can easily get frustrated.
It just happens some days, but in a competition, I find having a plan B keeps myself from going into total self destruction.
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says Check out my Podcast Talkin' Smash!
Oct 2010
Read 12 reviews
As i said in the other post
Yes I had that just recently and took a real nosedive in our rankings here. I took a week off to relax then hit back hard at training and won 3 singles events at tournaments in the following 2 weeks, at the second tournament I won every match and won all 4 events I played at the tournament including the Open Mens Singles title, couldn't really have asked for much better. Sometimes a break is the only answer, form slumps can't really be explained, I had just come back from playing some of my best table tennis at the Australian Open and one week later I was playing my absolute worst. I say take a break, watch some table tennis and find the inspiration then go back out there to win!


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says editing a big TTD Team episode... stay tuned 👀
Well-Known Member
Aug 2010
Read 72 reviews
I find if I didnt have good sleep night before... or if my bat feels bad lol...

but the biggest cause sometimes is playing to much, you can get fatigued. Just try relaxing when you feel like this, as you will soon snap out of it and be back to your best state.

I did read once that Michael Jordan said that if he was having a bad day, he would stop playing and go home because he belived his mind was learning bad habits when playing bad. Just a thought lol
says Do you guys have streaks where you are just not playing...
says Do you guys have streaks where you are just not playing...
Jun 2011
Read 6 reviews
Thank you for the thoughts and advice everyone - your thoughts and advice will be useful to everyone on the forum
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Aug 2011
u can think tht your technique is bad but don't think tht your bat is bad...tht is the 1 i always think~:)
says Best setup ever for a modern defender :D
says Best setup ever for a modern defender :D
Jan 2011
Sometimes its better to master many tipes of styles, so when your having a bad day and your topspins dont enter maybe yo can switch to a push/block game and try and win the match, my coach says when your oponnent have a style of play that matches yours, you just need to change the mecanics of your playing so that you can have an alternative to win the points and actually win the game.
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Super Moderator
Dec 2010
Read 11 reviews
For me it is usually sleep. I have a few drills I do that help get my form right, and that helps me get back on track, but rest, and taking a little time off and watching players that inspire your game, those all help me when I am having one of those days or periods where my playing feels like it is going the wrong way. For each person the things that will get their game back on track are different. Getting to know when you are having a bad day as early as possible and turning it into something productive is worth while. If you are at the club, playing, having a bad day but you are not going to just stop playing, you could, work on drills instead of playing matches, work on some aspect of your game that you need to improve on that you don't often get to work on, or just work on simple things like your stroke for looping so that you at least get your form without having to think about winning or losing points.