Request for the most incredible shots of all time

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Jan 2011
Hi there guys.
so i always wanted to know, what is the most incredible table tennis shot youve ever seen in your life? I mean in youtube vids.
By shot, i mean one stroke, and not a whole rally.
And yea i know there have been some crazy and amazing shots the past 2-3 years that was streaming and gaining popular and eknowledgment really fast because of the social media world (ttd for example :) ), so im asking you to bring some not too much known points from the past of even 10 or 20 years back, only if you have some points you remember from back than.

The criterions for the shots as i see them are:
-the player who made the shot
-in which stage of the game the shot took place
-how dramatic the shot was
-how incredible the shot is
-in which tournament the game took place
So to my point, although there are some crazy and unbelievable shots like pierre huc ince impossible around the net shot, the match was not taking place in a big tournament and the players were not known too well, so in my opinion , it makes the point less good than others.
i might pull out a new tt vid from your footage, so help me out and have a good disscusion! :)

ill bring an example of my own for an incredible shot i remember from way back:

i also remember primorac great superman shot which i cannot find, if someone knows the game the shot was played would help me a lot as well :)
thnks again
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says Youtube channel...
says Youtube channel...
Active Member
Dec 2012
Read 7 reviews
Nice discussion :) Funny thing, when I started to read your post I was right away thinking of the same no look-shot by Waldner as you have featured in the post :p It looks so epic :D The other shot that I started to think of is Wang Liqing's amazing side spin forehand attack. I was blown away when I saw it the first time :D

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Mar 2013
Here is a compilation of Top 10 ... personally i find all of them equally commendable.

The one from Waldner is Epic, so is No. 06 :)
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says Aging is a killer
what do you think about this one? lin ju produces one of the craziest side spin i remember (3:58)
That 3:58 sidespin is a very nice shot. But to me, the follow-up backhand sidespinny-choppy that finished the rally was more impressive. Tiago didn't know what was on the ball or what to do with it even though he was in position and had the time for his stroke.
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