Slow Motion Services (NEW)

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Well-Known Member
May 2011
I was doing the same. I was trying to understand if they where side-topspin or side-backspin and than check my guess with the actions of the returning player. The percentage of the correct guess is very low :-(. But it is interesting to see how also they return, my feeling is that they do a lot of guessing but they have enough ball feeling to not miss returns even if their guess is not 100% accurate.

Well if you are doubting between topspin or backspin, you can try a sidespin receive, so your shot won't be affected by the top/backspin as much.
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what i really like, are zhang jikes services. now i know, why the players have so much problem with this. if you look closely, you can see, that it isnt the same service. everytime he changes the angel and spin. must be hard to see it in normal speed.

Exactly! I'm going to copy his serving style soon... nice use of the whole body's energy in the serve.
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watch my service in the "my around the net shot" thread :D thats how i copied his service. now i see, i do a service, but hell its not zhang jikes :D

Yours look more like Schlager's serve haha. Big smooth fast motion, i can see that it is really really spinny. Do you have any tips in practising the reverse serve? I can't seem to get the contact right....
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Dec 2010
Read 11 reviews
You can learn a lot from these videos. A lot. They are a great resource. I like how compact and short the motion of Zhang Jike's serves are. I also like how quick that snap is that he uses to spin the ball. Very efficient. And how he keeps changing angles. Every time he contacts the ball it is a little bit different.
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May 2011
ignoring the spin and placement for a moment, what they are all doing is focussing on the serve fully, then feet bounce to the ready position. Very timely for me this; working hard on the basics makes everthing else become so much easier. It's a pleasure to see this.