TG3 Skyline NEO

3 out of 5 rating for Skyline 3 TG NEO

First thing about this rubber is that rubbers are so hard, i have feel that i playing with hammer ( sponge is hard and very tacky)
Control is great close the table,
Spin is great and easy do it,
Game from distance is not good.

Spin to spin you have 50 % chance to get point.
Grip is same as with Butterfly Sriver El, FX.

It smells terrible,you can get cancer of it !

Im neutral about this rubbers ,but little disapointed -.-
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3 out of 5 rating for Skyline 3 TG NEO

Overall the rubber provided me good development of technique and emphasis strokes, service and receives, attacking and drives. However the rubber is very hard meaning less control will be provided and more power will be generated than spin which requires maximum effort to provide the spin you're looking for and also it is hard to lift underspin or pushs due to the low throw angle which is why i'm changing my rubber to a soft rubber to provide me that control and throw angle to lift the ball over the net.
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Sep 2013
Read 2 reviews
4 out of 5 rating for Skyline 3 TG NEO

Very good control. The rubber changes to better rubber as you play with it. But not an excellent rubber. Maybe if you boost it with oil than it might become an excellent rubber.
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5 out of 5 rating for Skyline 3 TG NEO

i was using this rubber on a 729 bomb and it is fast. first of all the backhand with this was deadly. almost nobody returned my down the line lasers, or my sidespin blocks. though on forehand it lacked a bit of control, but when you did put it on the table your oponent would have no chance.
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Aug 2012
Read 3 reviews
4 out of 5 rating for Skyline 3 TG NEO

I am reviewing the DHS Neo Skyline III rubber boosted with Falco Tempo, usually 2 layers for me. I have played this rubber before without boosting but in my opinion this rubber is designed to be used with booster and the the way it plays boosted and unboosted is completely different. All the ratings I have given regarding speed, spin etc is for boosted version with good technique for chinese rubbers.

General characteristics:

This is a hard and heavy rubber. Actually all the tacky Chinese DHS rubbers have these characteristics. On a fairly standard sized racquet head (for example on my Butterfly Liu Shiwen FL blade) the weight is around 48-50 grams with booster included. Boosting makes the rubber softer, I don't have an instrument for measuring hardness but to me DHS Neo Skyline III still feels a touch harder than Tenergy rubber after 2 layers of Falco Tempo boost. In general with power shots you really have to generate your own power unlike Jap/Euro rubbers like Tenergy in which even brush loops have plenty of spin, speed and power.

FH: I only use this rubber on the FH side. The amount of spin, speed and power is amazing and it feels to me every couple of months when I have improved a little bit I can actually produce more stable shots with slightly more spin, speed and power. This rubber doesn't really bottom out and for me playing quality choppers this can be quite important since I am able to generate more topspin when required against heavy backspin chops. However, you need good stable technique and shots in which you are off balance or not in position is harder to adjust compared with something like Tenergy. The rubber is tacky and has a low throw for me (even boosted) and is very good for short or long push receives as the ball is less likely to pop up. Serves also contain noticeably more spin due to the high tackiness. I have tried provincial, national, blue sponge versions as well but they are incredibly pricey from my point of view and since I am boosting anyway for me there isn't such a significant difference although I do like the national blue sponge versions but then who wouldn't :)

Disadvantages: need to boost every 2-3 months and also adjustment in technique especially if you are really used to Jap/Euro rubbers like Tenergy.
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3 out of 5 rating for Skyline 3 TG NEO

I used the Skyline 3 TG Neo primarly on my forehand side.Since I use a bigger arm motion with a good acceleration,the spin I could generate,especially on loop,was great. The problem about that is that you have do develop a really good speed and resistance to do this big movement multiple time during a match and if you don't train properly during the week this rubber is just not worth.
Even though the spin was good,the forehand was lacking in speed and for me was just too hard to flip the ball since the tacky rubber needs a different tecnique to be used properly.
Really sensitive to spin,if you have a good understanding of your opponent,the short game is good.
This is just my opinion that comes from 3 months of playing with the Skyline TG3 Neo unboosted, of course if you have a different tecnique you could find the best rubber of your life and disagree on everything i said. Since it's worth its price i suggest you to give it a try.

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5 out of 5 rating for Skyline 3 TG NEO

I DO NOT boost this rubber and have been playing with Skyline TG3NEO Domestic 39deg version for about 4months still playing like brand new after cleaning.
I am an all-rounded player who prefers to play 1-3ft from table.

It is important to note that this rubber feels so so similar to H3NEO with the difference mainly being the throw angle. The throw angle is higher on the Skyline and also feels a little softer probably due to the pip structure. It makes it an easier rubber to loop and block with but at the 3rd ball kills and top lvl loop kills less dangerous than H3NEO.

This rubber allows me to vary the spin when I want and also flat hit or counter hit (closer to table). It's great for the short game and it excels for my awkward block shots where I like to suck the speed/energy and almost double bounce it (very good when opponent is mid distance looping it), I have found only the chinese tacky rubbers allow me to do this with such consistency and quality.
If I find myself 4-6ft from table the looping definitely takes more energy, full arm strokes/usage of waist/wrist are a must to produce a loop good enough to compete with rubbers like Tenergy and win a point.

These rubbers last a long time, you just need to make sure you clean with water after every session and use the protective films to get a long life 6+months. Without booster the rubber is definitely not as fast like Tenergy but has many gears and can reach high speed with the full stroke as I mentioned. The spin speaks for itself in all departments, the tackiness helps a lot with this. I find I have a lot of control with this rubber also but control is too diverse a topic to explain properly. But i find it great for blocking and service receive and slow spin up openers.
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Mar 2014
Read 34 reviews
4 out of 5 rating for Skyline 3 TG NEO

The throw angle generated by the Skyline TG3 Neo on FH loops is low to medium-low - enough to clear the net but not much more. Given the hard nature of the rubber, the margin for error with respect to positioning relative to the ball is small. In other words, this rubber requires and rewards those with excellent footwork. The rubber can absorb high amounts of incoming energy from loops, but the moderately tacky top-sheet renders it somewhat sensitive to sidespin, which one must compensate for in the form of a slightly adjusted racket angle, when blocking. As seen with many other tacky rubbers, flat hits are not the TG3 Neo’s strongest suit, although perfectly playable. Just don’t expect lightning speed or any catapult effect from the rubber.
Read our full
Skyline rubber series review here.