Your fan of which player and why?

Your are fan of which player?

  • Ma Long

    Votes: 24 41.4%
  • Zhang Jike

    Votes: 18 31.0%
  • Xu Xin

    Votes: 6 10.3%
  • Wang Hao

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Fan Zhendong

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • Timo Boll

    Votes: 4 6.9%
  • Dimitrij Ovtcharov

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • Chang Chih-Yuan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jun Mizutani

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Vladimir Samsonov

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Active Member
Dec 2012
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Ma Long and FZD are my favourites of the chinese players, Maze and Panagiotis Gionis of the European players. The chinese players have awesome technique and very aggressive playing style so it's nice to watch. Maze is simply a very interesting person and he has got a unique playing style. He also likes to go to the show-mode every now and then which makes it even more enjoyable to watch his matches. Gionis on the other hand is at the moment the best defender in Europe and there are always many crazy rallies when he plays.
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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I mean, if ZJK said, "yeah: I didn't shake his hand, SO WHAT!" But instead he said: "sorry, I didn't mean it."

ZJK doesn't hit the ball at the ref and walk off. He pouts and calls the doctor and says he's injured because he doesn't feel like playing.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 2014
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i like zhang jike because he knows how to win. and how to make his rivals stressful by his calmness. his backhand is the best in world and no one can compete with it . he's comebacks are excellent . he's got an intresting character and he is grand slam winner in a shortest time .... these are the reason i like zjk
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says Hello feels free to add me.It's a great honor to have...
Apr 2011
for me,i would say ma long and xu long,he is an aggressive and smart player.he knows what he wants.meanwhile for xu xin,he is a quick step player or i would say he has a beautiful footwork,not to mention he also smart player where he always find solution to beat his enemy.not to forget his skill is beyond of imaginary. :cool::D
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So this made me laugh. I think Zhang Jike, when he wants to show up, can play better than anyone else. I think his short game is the best in the world right now. I think he is the best player out there. But his attitude? But HIS ATTITUDE?????????? His attitude is completely problematic. Sometimes he goes to tournaments and just does not show up mentally. He has walked out of matches in the middle claiming injury when most others would keep playing and try to play through it. I still remember the turmoil that was caused when Zhang Jike did not shake Ma Long's hand after a match where Ma Long kicked his ass inside out. Now I thought he did not do it on purpose. Others thought he did. But, it was, no matter how you slice it, an indication of a bad attitude.

Zhang Jike's attitude is, in fact, SO BAD that he got kicked off the Chinese National Team as a junior in spite of being one of the best junior prospects at that time. They let him rejoin the CNT after two years of punishment. And he is still a bad boy with a serious attitude problem.

In an interview, after he won his first world championship, he was asked if he thought the older players like Wang Hao, Ma Lin and Wang Liqin would move into roles of leadership on the team as they got older. He said only he would be a leader on the CNT.

You like his attitude?????? Like anything else about him. Laugh about his attitude. But, don't tell me you think he has a good attitude and that is why he is your favorite player. Now I am left wondering what kind of kaleidoscope you are looking through as you see the world.

For me, I like his fairly douche-baggy attitude. He is confident, arrogant, sometimes does display bad sportsmanship, but that adds flavor to our sport! Overall though, I think that he is a good and respectable person. He acknowledges his coaches, parents, and teammates, and has recently demonstrated philanthropy (pretty sincere too, in my opinion). I agree though, his excessive "injuries" are a big turn off for me. I wish he would not call quits every time he doesn't feel like playing and just man up. But that aside, in addition to liking his spectacular game and style, I DO like his attitude for the most part.

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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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Okay, here is the deal with Zhang Jike from my opinion. I think he is the best player around. I think he is better at all the technical stuff than anyone else. His forehand is the weakest part of his game and it is pretty darn good. Although 6 months before he won his first WTTC, it was not so good. By the time he got to the 2011 WTTC, it was a top 10 forehand. Ma Long's forehand is better than his. Ma Long's serves are as good as his. And that is it. He is better than everyone else at everything else.

Now here is why I don't love this guy. I am entertained by him, but I don't really love him. He is going to show up to tournaments with his head up his a-- and not put the effort in, except in the really important ones. Like you can tell he was really there for the first China Trail for this year's Team WTTC: he wanted to win and ended with the best record of anyone.

Now he is going to keep on showing up to tournaments the CNT sends him to and not give the fans the show they want until a few months before the 2015 WTTC. Then in early 2015 he is going to make a move for 1st or 2nd place in the rankings to try and qualify for the SINGLES event in the 2016 Olympics. Then he will make a run for the 2015 WTTC Title. And if he wins it and qualifies for the Olympic SINGLES event, he will stop playing for real at tournaments and show up acting like he doesn't want to be there until the 2016 Olympic c

Now I am sorry, the way he shows up to tournaments and it is completely obvious that he is unmotivated and does not care to play or put on a good show for HIS FANS, to show his fans who go out to support him that he will do his best for them, IS NOT JUST DISAPPOINTING, IT IS DOWNRIGHT ANNOYING and disrespectful.

So, regardless of how good he is, on the CNT, I like all of those guys more than him because all the rest of the team play their heart out and leave a piece of themselves on the court at every tournament they are sent to.

That being said, I love Michael Maze's bad boy attitude. But not Zhang Jike's.
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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By the way, I think part of why he does not show up and play his A
Game at most of the tournaments has to do with tactics. If he is always playing his best, then people can prepare for him better than if he is keeping certain things hidden. But I still don't like it. I want to see his A Game at least more of the time.

It is a big disappointment to see and know that the guy isn't even trying. Table tennis is about battling, fighting to win. I want to see him play his best much more often. Wang Liqin went a whole year without dropping one game in any match!!! From October 2000-October 2001 he beat everyone at zero. I want to see dominance from ZJK not underachieving and only showing what he can really do when he feels like it.
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Active Member
Apr 2014
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Waldner because of his genius touch and tactics. It's always the unexpected from him. He was also successful in multiple eras and table tennis was very different in the 80s than it was in the 90s but he could still keep beating top players. He didn't overpower the opponent's spin, he would just send it back after adding his own.