WTT Contender Muscat 2023

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Well-Known Member
Nov 2022
Close calls for Hayata and Harimoto both winning by the minimum in the 5th game.

Hayata timing looked a bit off. Maybe these back to back to back tournaments taking their toll.

Harimoto had to take an injury timeout and was really speeding through the 5th game. Showed off a limp after the game was over. Whatever was bothering him at the Asian Games appears to be back.
says nothing
says nothing
Active Member
Apr 2021
Read 1 reviews
I sure didn't see the results from that training camp.
guess that it was another kind of camp
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Active Member
Jan 2019
Even though he's so laid back and doesn't look engaged, Matsushima was easily the best player of the four out there. His placement was excellent and plays within himself allowing Miwa to flourish, and poor Hayata was often on the receiving end of his loop bombs. If he keeps this up, why not consider him for the 3rd player to play doubles in XD and Men's Teams doubles in Paris.

I hope I'm wrong, but Hayata seems tired to me. I guess the thinking is there's just a few WTT tournaments left in the year, and she probably won't be entering Paris Trial #6 so she's got nothing to lose.
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