Best LP for casual play?

Hi everyone, I'm a cpen player that wants to get a LP rubber for casual play (I normally use double side inverted) Is there any specific LP rubber that y'all would say is really easy and fun to play with, preferably a rubber with good spin reversal and control if possible (and also with sponge). Currently eyeing the sauer & troger monkey or grass d tecs. thanks
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Active Member
Jul 2017
Hi everyone, I'm a cpen player that wants to get a LP rubber for casual play (I normally use double side inverted) Is there any specific LP rubber that y'all would say is really easy and fun to play with, preferably a rubber with good spin reversal and control if possible (and also with sponge). Currently eyeing the sauer & troger monkey or grass d tecs. thanks
I have not played with long pip but depending on your opponents level a high spin reversal pip is probably not well suited just going by theory because spin reversal pips are slick and thus only work against opponents who hit consistently high spin.

So if you play mostly sub 1500 guys who only occasionally hit a higher spin loop probably a more grippy pip would be better than a high spin reversal pip.
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Feb 2020
I've played several long pips rubbers lately. My current top 2 are Dawei 388-D1 (0.8mm) Professional, and Neottec Tokkan 1mm, on a slow blade (Victas Swat or Yinhe 388/388XX).
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Feb 2020
Thanks for the replies, however, i shop from tt11 and many of thesee are unavailable
I got the Tokkan from TT11. I also got the Victas Curl P3αV and I don't think it is as good. The Tokkan 1mm is very similar to the Dawei 388-D1 0.8mm. I used it to learn the long pips techniques according to TT Defender.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2017
I guess i'd want a grippy pip, as i'm not planning on playing any tournaments or anything with really high level players with it
It depends on what you want to do with it! I have push blocking paddles and one chopping paddle. They require different LPs. The push blocking paddle should have LP 0X with low friction for maximum "spin reversal". Chopping LPs should have a little sponge so when the ball is choped, it can add a little to the back spin. My chopping paddle is a Donic Defplay with TSP P1-R 1.4mm for maximum back spin.

The chopping paddle isn't very good for push blocking. The push blocking paddle isn't very good for chopping.
They are two different setups optimized for two different styles of play.

If you plan to chop, then get a chopping paddle. If you plan to push block the get stiffer push blocking paddle.

So what do you want to do. Chopping is fun but I am not mobile enough to be a real chopper. Chopping provides me better exercise because I must be mobile. Push blocking just requires I stand at the table and just get back what ever comes at me.

Finally, it is good to know how to twiddle no matter what style you play. It takes opponents by surprise when they expect a slow back spin ball after hitting to your back hand but instead they get a fast top spin ball. This keeps opponents from playing balls to conservatively to your BH.
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