DHS hurricane neo 2 or neo 3?

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Sep 2022
Why's it not reliable tho?
many people glaze a rubber (its their favorite so they rate it higher then it is)
Because of this many rubbers get high ratings.
a 1/10 score on spin isn't bad itself, it is just many arent objective and cant measure it with rpm.
Speed is terrible with a 1/10 rating. As every rubber behave different on different strokes. Counters are fast with Hurricane 3 neo, but passive blocks slow. Etc etc
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May 2024
many people glaze a rubber (its their favorite so they rate it higher then it is)
Because of this many rubbers get high ratings.
a 1/10 score on spin isn't bad itself, it is just many arent objective and cant measure it with rpm.
Speed is terrible with a 1/10 rating. As every rubber behave different on different strokes. Counters are fast with Hurricane 3 neo, but passive blocks slow. Etc etc
Yea but if they have a fav rubber there's a reason for that isn't there? And I think people are being honest there because there are also bad reviews. Etc. I mean ur right.. people will give more points to their fav rubber but there's s reason for that imo. But u are suggesting staying with european/japanese style rubbers?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2013
Read 3 reviews
To try something new
if money is not a problem, its cheap enough to buy and try
but it is very different.

if anyone in your circle uses it, maybe you can first borrow and try
worse case is, you don't like the H3 and just put back the previous Rozena

you haven't shared much info, so impossible to really make any other suggestions
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May 2024
if money is not a problem, its cheap enough to buy and try
but it is very different.

if anyone in your circle uses it, maybe you can first borrow and try
worse case is, you don't like the H3 and just put back the previous Rozena

you haven't shared much info, so impossible to really make any other suggestions
Yeah, it sure does take time to get comfortable with h3
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Mar 2024
Yeah, I'm pretty confident in my technique but yeah. Also ty for the help. I'll buy it at write here how's it going!
If you want something a bit easier to play with, try at least the provincial blue sponge version, or the Friendship 729 Battle 2 provincial blue. The Battle 2 has a bit lower throw than the h3 (its probably meant to fill the role of the H2), but is much easier to play with - the sponge is much more reactive and alive.
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Sep 2022
Yea but if they have a fav rubber there's a reason for that isn't there? And I think people are being honest there because there are also bad reviews. Etc. I mean ur right.. people will give more points to their fav rubber but there's s reason for that imo. But u are suggesting staying with european/japanese style rubbers?
i wouldn't know what works for you, i always recommend EJ buying hurricane 3 neo 40d province orange sponge atleast once.
I don't get advantage from sticky rubbers, so i lime european/jap style more.
But i know many like chinese rubbers, i also did for a long time
H3 is a wonderful rubber, I get more spin with it than anything else I tried. The talk about it being difficult is hugely overstated. You will need to hit with a harder swing and the best way to do this is to engage your body. The only thing is that it’s a dog from position 3 (far behind the table) but I rarely get that far behind.
It’s easier to perform a brush loop but harder to engage the sponge. That comes from the lack of catapult. I have played with it for > 6 months now and it has definitely improved my FH.

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Sep 2013
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H3 is a wonderful rubber, I get more spin with it than anything else I tried. The talk about it being difficult is hugely overstated. You will need to hit with a harder swing and the best way to do this is to engage your body. The only thing is that it’s a dog from position 3 (far behind the table) but I rarely get that far behind.
It’s easier to perform a brush loop but harder to engage the sponge. That comes from the lack of catapult. I have played with it for > 6 months now and it has definitely improved my FH.

Dima tried for one year and it was difficult for him
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2023
Nah, orange sponge is easier to play with. If you have enough power and like low throw rubbers then go for blue sponge
I agree that orange sponge is easier to play with. Blue sponge has lower throw.

Blue sponge has higher top end speed but at the lower speed, orange sponge, especially after being boosted, feels livelier.

None of the commercial orange sponge, however, has tacky top sheet. But it is still like Dignics 09c level of stickness so start with commercial orange sponge to see if you like Chinese rubber first before upgrading eventually to provincial blue sponge.

I always recommend 39 degree to start off with.
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
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Mar 2021
neoH2 with booster coz the loop has such low throw and if it goes over the net, you'll feel like being hit with a crack c0c4in3 shot up your nose. It is so darn addictive. The operative word here being, IF it goes over.

The loop is so low, it is like skimming on the surface of the table.
says Looking for the BH killer shot
I'm with Tony. The transition from Rozena to any China Rubber (H2 or H3) will be difficult to do and will most probably end up in frustration.

I would suggest going slowly with harder rubbers. Start with something like XIOM Vega Pro H and get familiar with harder sponges. You may then transition to Joola Tronix ZGR and from there the step to H3 Neo is possible.