andro Hexer Grip SFX and Powergrip SFX

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As you said. But when you try 2,1 sponge and you are used to play full stroke with your hand, it could work. It depends on a blade you play with too. I use Grips (both normal and SFX) for BH because of its higher throw. And Powergrips (again both) for FH which is my dominant stroke and I can play more powerspins than just spinny loops.
But I am sure that Powergrip SFX could be a great choice also for a BH. It depends on your skills, anticipations and personal preferences.

They released Rasanter series -> last year "new" Hexers which are little bit different series for different players and now they add two more sponge hardnesses to this serie.
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Apr 2014
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Andro have 4 new rubbers out? Didnt they just release new rubbers recently?

They released Rasanter series based on a new concecpt - thinner topsheet allows for thicker sponge. andro calls these sponges UltraMax.

BUT they discontinued the whole Rasant series at the same time, only remainders to be found in the shops.

Now they have the new HeXer series, some of which fit in nicely where Rasanter series failed to deliver, for example Rasant Grip with 45 degree sponge was a popular rubber and Rasanter series does not have 45 degree. Enter HeXer Grip.

Both series have excellent rubbers.
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Apr 2018
I've tried the HPG in max. And really liked how well the rubber loops and spins. One thing i did not like was the close table control. Felt erratic for me at times during blocking, chops and touch play. I wonder if this this is due to the harder sponge?

Very interested in the SFX versions, especially if close table play is more direct and less "catapulty"

Could anyone describe both the SFX versions against the Evolution FX- S rubber?

Looking forward to your input and sharing!
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I've tried the HPG in max. And really liked how well the rubber loops and spins. One thing i did not like was the close table control. Felt erratic for me at times during blocking, chops and touch play. I wonder if this this is due to the harder sponge?

Hello Chewy,
didn´t you consider to try smaller sponge hardness? This issues you have described are quite often problems of allround play with max sponge hardness. I don´t think that softer sponge would be an easy solution. The rubber play little bit different - I dont say you wouln´d like it more. But if you go for Powergrip SFX there could be the same issue.

For example I have bigger problems with catapult (kicks in short play or chops) of softer sponges/rubbers. It all depends on your personal preferences.
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Apr 2018
Hello Chewy,
didn´t you consider to try smaller sponge hardness? This issues you have described are quite often problems of allround play with max sponge hardness. I don´t think that softer sponge would be an easy solution. The rubber play little bit different - I dont say you wouln´d like it more. But if you go for Powergrip SFX there could be the same issue.

For example I have bigger problems with catapult (kicks in short play or chops) of softer sponges/rubbers. It all depends on your personal preferences.

Ondrej, thank you for your reply. Did you mean lower sponge thickness? In the current MAX thickness for the HPG, I feel that it lacks the top end speed. I can play well with it, but I just don't like the blocking behavior.

But you are totally right, for example, the R47, I usually play in 2.0mm if I use RPB as the Ultramax is just too fast for me. In a thinner sponge, the behavior is the same but the speed is reduced. I also read that the topsheets for the HPGs are the same? So it is highly possible that the same behavior is retained even in the SFX versions. ~ Thanks again!

I usually play with 47.5 sponge hardness, but with the pain in my shoulder (now better and just feeling soreness). I used the FX-S. Excellent rubber. But being one-sided CPEN, extremely difficult to win points over power-players with the FX-S and/or 45 degrees and below usually are slower.

Somehow today, I tried for 3 hours. The Xiom O7P on an outer ZLC blade. Everything went right, felt right. With making some improvements to my FH stroke; thanks to my fellow penholders' advice here.

There again you are right with the personal preferences. O7P is soft but comfortable, but softer stuff like V42 topsheets, difficult for me to loop ~ too soft. Hah! EJ problems...
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Personally I found Hexer Grip with 45deg sponge already too soft to begin with. The soft topsheet doesn't offer much speed when coupled with soft sponge, and I had the feeling of the sponge "collapsing" under hard shots rather than elastic feeling. Balls still comes out really spinny and the speed is ok, but getting a overall power shot was a bit troublesome :p

To me I wouldn't want anything softer than Powergrip's 47.5 sponge but I guess Andro might know the needs of market more than I do.

@Chewy I do agree with you the 42 deg Rasanters just isn't best for looping. Ball usually flew out of table by the time I could actually dig into the topsheet for spinning.
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Apr 2018
Personally I found Hexer Grip with 45deg sponge already too soft to begin with. The soft topsheet doesn't offer much speed when coupled with soft sponge, and I had the feeling of the sponge "collapsing" under hard shots rather than elastic feeling. Balls still comes out really spinny and the speed is ok, but getting a overall power shot was a bit troublesome :p

To me I wouldn't want anything softer than Powergrip's 47.5 sponge but I guess Andro might know the needs of market more than I do.

@Chewy I do agree with you the 42 deg Rasanters just isn't best for looping. Ball usually flew out of table by the time I could actually dig into the topsheet for spinning.

Hello Cornerer! From a logic POV, if the HPG lacked the top end destroyer speed, I guess the lowered sponge models should be even slower!

There are just too many variations of ESN rubbers. Personally, in time, you would have your own list of go-to rubbers. Preference for the right balance with the top sheet and sponge is a very personal choice. Maybe some reviewers choices are similar to yours?

I agree with you too. I did not have that problem on the R42 though. Only on the V42. (Acuda Blue Series, Hype KR) gave me the same problem.. I was sceptical about the O7P at first, since it was reported mostly as softer. But it was a pleasant surprise. It's topsheet is soft, but not to the degree of the rubbers above.

However that Magic/Auto spin from the HPG is still very much missed. I feel this from the Barracuda too. And mainly tried the new Hexer series from recommendations of Nextlevel. I wasn't disappointed, just felt that I wanted better control on blocks, and another improvement If I could choose is perhaps a gear higher on speed.

HPG ultramax perhaps? Haha
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2014
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So after the Rasanters, they also released Hexers of varying hardness??

Yes. Rasanters with UltraMax concept (wondering does thinner topsheet make sense in any thickness other than UltraMax?), HeXers "traditional". And, at least for now, the previous HeXers are not discontinued, unlike the Rasant series.


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Apr 2019
hello, does anybody knows comparison between Andro Hexer Powergrip SFX and Andro R42 in:

- speed
- hardness
- control
- return on serves?

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Oct 2019
Imho durability of these rubbers is on average. I play cca 3 times a week and I think 2-3 pairs for a seasson should be ok. The pair that is worn out is quite ok in terms of speed but it lost its grip so rotation is weaker.

still same opinion about Grips' durability after 9 more months? thank you