Anyone try Andro Rasanter C48?

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Oct 2014
Read 17 reviews
Yes, it is very slightly sticky. Very slightly but the sheets struggle to stay on - it does attract a lot of dust and looks weird when it is worn. I haven't used K3.

The thing for me with C48 is that the window was too large for me and I struggled to drive the ball with it - it would probably suit an off the table player more than a close to the table driver/counterspinner. C53 is probably more in my wheelhouse but I have already moved on.
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I've got the C48 2.0 on my forehand, with the R48 2.0 on my backhand.
I like it a lot for counterlooping and serve/short play, but opening up is not it's strong suit.

For opponents where I have to open up/make the pace for I twiddle to have the R48 on the forehand.
Also for opponents with tricky/spinny serves I like to return it with the C48 more than the R48, so I sometimes twiddle it to my BH for that after the first game.

For my next setup I think I go for the C48 on my backhand and something else (looking at Fastarc G-1 mainly) or the MAX thickness of the C48 on my forehand.
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