Aurus vs Fastarc

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2022
Read 6 reviews
I’ve recently been trying Aurus and Aurus soft (BH) and been struck how similar it feels to G1/C1 in the way it behaves. I really like both of them in terms of enough speed, spin and control but also accessibility and ease of use.

Has anyone else used both and if so what are your thoughts and which do you prefer?

Any others that are similar?


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Apr 2019
Which rubber is similar to aurus soft?
Can you describe aurus soft in speed, arc, spin, control, is sensitive on spin?
How about hardness? Any other info?
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Active Member
Jul 2014
G1 is the easy favorite for me. G1 topsheet just feels crispier and more responsive imo, Aurus is less reactive to me, more straight shooting and arguably more forgiving but G1 just has that edge, especially for me in the aggressive opening, service and flicking departments. Coming from G1 I think Hexer HD is a pretty natural upgrade, vs G1 and Aurus it suffers a bit in short game safety and lower impact gripping capabilities but it is more dynamic and responsive when you give it the beans.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2022
Read 6 reviews
G1 is the easy favorite for me. G1 topsheet just feels crispier and more responsive imo, Aurus is less reactive to me, more straight shooting and arguably more forgiving but G1 just has that edge, especially for me in the aggressive opening, service and flicking departments. Coming from G1 I think Hexer HD is a pretty natural upgrade, vs G1 and Aurus it suffers a bit in short game safety and lower impact gripping capabilities but it is more dynamic and responsive when you give it the beans.
Thanks - I do like G1 and C1 is great on BH. Haven’t tried Hexer HD though.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2023
I’ve recently been trying Aurus and Aurus soft (BH) and been struck how similar it feels to G1/C1 in the way it behaves. I really like both of them in terms of enough speed, spin and control but also accessibility and ease of use.

Has anyone else used both and if so what are your thoughts and which do you prefer?

Any others that are similar?
I think once you have played with all ESN rubbers, at some point, they feel about the same just as long as they are roughly the same softness/hardness.

C-1 feels similar to Vega Japan/Asia and BlueFire M2. I just pulled out an old sheet of FX-D and put a layer of booster on it and it is a lot of fun to play with on my backhand side.

I recently pulled out a G-1 and put it on a blade. It feels a bit heavy (that blade has K2 on the forehand). I like C-1 better.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2022
Read 6 reviews
I think once you have played with all ESN rubbers, at some point, they feel about the same just as long as they are roughly the same softness/hardness.

C-1 feels similar to Vega Japan/Asia and BlueFire M2. I just pulled out an old sheet of FX-D and put a layer of booster on it and it is a lot of fun to play with on my backhand side.

I recently pulled out a G-1 and put it on a blade. It feels a bit heavy (that blade has K2 on the forehand). I like C-1 better.
Thanks - that makes sense.