I'd advise you to keep playing there. I think it's an useful skill to be able to adjust to a different playing environments. I was having similar issues when I first played at the Alameda club which also has higher friction tables. At first I couldn't adjust for the entire session, then it was down to 2 matches, and now I don't even feel it, I just adjust.
On the topic of adjustment, I've come to the realization that every TT stroke, at least attacking ones, is one of a continuous series of adjustments. The past few weeks I've been working a lot on change of pace, both in the incoming ball and with my own attacks. I used to have a lot of trouble looping at less than my most comfortable power level which is ~80%. It's basically the most power I can muster without feeling like straining. When I stepped down in power, my consistency went to crap. Nowadays when I train FH, I try to start with the minimal amount of power that still involves my whole body and the activation sequence, then move slowly up until I reach 80%. Of course, as mentioned before, I've also been training against varying levels of incoming speed and spin as well.
What this has taught me is that by training against one level of speed/spin and using only one level of speed/spin, I was not forced to make many adjustments to my stroke. Through my recent trainings, I start adjusting from the moment the ball is launched at me, and I continually adjust based on what I actually see versus what I expect to see. When the two line up well, I can make a powerful stroke, but when they don't, I can adjust to still land the shot with decent quality.