Daily Table Tennis Chit Chat

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Well-Known Member
Aug 2016
Dayum, sorry to hear Carl :(

If i may, an aside ... from my self-defense studies, there's a few rules i live by, one of which is:

"Avoid the 3 S's (sometimes 4 S's)":

Avoid Stupid people doing Stupid things in Stupid places (at Stupid times).

Why have I not played at this bar in a long time? Well, it's a bar. ... And something dumb always happens when I go there. Always! ...


However, we hit three balls and this woman with a bit too much testosterone running through her veins for my liking...
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Well, if someone can handle my attack, and I can't handle theirs, then won't it be logical that they serve long to me, get a loop or drive, and then just spin it to all hell and I can't touch it?

The way I play people much worse than me is just serving long serves which give them a 50 - 60% attack that I can easily handle, and then I attack it. I can't imagine what a 2000-some tier player could do with my long serve.
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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Sep 2011
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Also, a guy I have not played with for a long time dragged me to a bar where I have not played in a long time.

Why have I not played at this bar in a long time? Well, it's a bar. And being a place where recreational players are allowed to think they are good, I used to go there because it is entertaining to play someone who has never played someone who is a club level player. It no longer interests me to do that. And something dumb always happens when I go there. Always! Like someone walking into your racket or trying to start a fight.

So why did I go. The guy who dragged me is a good friend who I have not seen in at least a year. And he likes to perform. He is a chopper. Well. He can play however he wants. But he likes to play with a wooden block. And it is impressive. If I am looping and he is chopping, we have some great rallies and people are always asking him: "how can you play with a piece of wood?" It is part of his show and he likes the attention. Other people try to give him a "real" racket only to have him come up with some line about how his block of wood was custom made for him. So, basically, the layman's version of: "But this is a National Issue 2x4!"

Anyway, if I went there and all that happened was that I hit with him, it would be great fun and great practice. The chance to play against a good chopper is one that I will always jump at.

However, we hit three balls and this woman with a bit too much testosterone running through her veins for my liking stands in Tyrone's way until he agrees to hit with her. 5 min later I am roped into hitting with her which, I must confess was totally boring. She had a good forehand if I just fed the ball to her. But she was using a hardbat and when I returned her shots, she could not get the ball back because it had too much spin even when I was trying to be nice.

So I am hitting with this woman who grunted quite loud ever time she planted her left hand on the table to hit a FH. And Ty got roped into playing with everyone else in the bar. After about an hour of hitting with this crazy woman, all the people who played Ty wanted a match vs me.

Ty plays nice. They were playing games to 21 and all the games were 21-19 or 21-18. Never more than that. When I was playing then he asked the score a few times and when the guy I was playing would say 15-1, or something like that, Ty would say: "Play nice Carl!" But, sorry. I'm not going to play like I can't play when I am playing someone I didn't really want to play. I know, I am not always the poster boy for TT diplomacy. [emoji2] if we are just hitting, I can make these guys have fun. But if they want to play a match, if it is someone that bad, I am okay with letting them know the difference in our level.

Anyway, so what of the things that always happens happened? Someone walked, or maybe stumbled is a better term into me while I was in the middle of serving and my racket slammed into the side of the table.

Here is the damage.



That is the most damage my V+ has sustained and that was from a full force, full acceleration, hook serve into the metal edge of a Cornelieu outdoor table. The place is not outdoors. But the outdoor table ensures the table is protected from drunken fools and alcohol.

I know that is not much and, the force of that blow with any other blade I've used would mean tech work to fix the damage. But it still sucks.

Anyway, it would have been much more worth it if I got to play for longer with Tyrone. But 30 min with Ty and 90 min of torture almost makes me feel, I should not have gone.

Next time I will force Ty to meet me somewhere where we can play and not be swarmed by grommets.

Sent from the Subterranean Workshop by Telepathy
I suggest that a condition of playing there would be beer handicap unlimited chicken and beer bets or it is a NO GO.

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says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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Sep 2011
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I would also recommend taking along and using a Der_Echte Special for such a mission. Believe it or not, I have yet to destroy one... and I have destroyed many a blade over my tt life.

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Oct 2014
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Yes i do! I had forgotten about it, but just in the last trainings session on the first I remembered. Following through to the other side while turning into the ball to grip it with the racket.

It is the best way of practicing to straighten the arm on easy balls and it is what improved my third ball when people didn't return my serves properly. Look at this one here.


If you learn to straighten your arm on easy balls, the potential you have on killing the ball changes and once your opponent knows that they cannot just give you easy balls, they miss more serve returns. Bent arm looping is okay for topspin, but when you don't kill the ball, you are encouraging people to get away with all kinds of nonsense. Even when you don't kill, if you can put sufficiently heavy topspin on the ball, as you can with that straight arm motion, some people will still block the ball off the table (this is one of Rambo Looper DerEchte's main plays). It's the people who bring the ball back that make you have to play a controlled topspin. But you aren't testing them with kills so they won't miss.
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Oct 2014
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Well, if someone can handle my attack, and I can't handle theirs, then won't it be logical that they serve long to me, get a loop or drive, and then just spin it to all hell and I can't touch it?

The way I play people much worse than me is just serving long serves which give them a 50 - 60% attack that I can easily handle, and then I attack it. I can't imagine what a 2000-some tier player could do with my long serve.

Yes, it is very logical, but beyond a certain point, it is hard to let people open and play defence. Even at the 2000 level, the loops are getting powerful enough that you can't let someone get in the opener on their terms. I have no problem believing that if I loop to Ma Long, I have a chance to win the point. I may lose 4 in 5, but I have no problem believing I have a chance.
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says what [IMG]
Yes, it is very logical, but beyond a certain point, it is hard to let people open and play defence. Even at the 2000 level, the loops are getting powerful enough that you can't let someone get in the opener on their terms. I have no problem believing that if I loop to Ma Long, I have a chance to win the point. I may lose 4 in 5, but I have no problem believing I have a chance.
In my experience, mostly because people are used to the ball I give them because we play regularly, if I don't get the first attack in, they will, and it will probably not end well for me.

I can only do the long serve -> counterattack thing against weaker players. Equal players will really attack the long serve hard, even at my level. I can imagine it's more so at the 2000-some level.
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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This post is like an Archo submission but since you are Carl not Archo, I have to ask - what did MC tell you?

Ah, yeah. I was leaving details out because I didn't want to bore people.

Mark and I went to Ernesto's club about a month ago to train. After training for about 2 hours, there was this guy who wanted to play matches. Mark asked if I was okay playing him. He kicked my but pretty well. He was better than me. But the games would have been close if I was solid at returning his serves. And one of the things he did were short dead balls. It was very effective because he crushed my pushes and he was ready for my flips because they are not powerful enough. Particularly on the FH side.

Anyway, the two main issues were that I was reaching to get my racket there and I was trying to spin the flip and he showed me to get my body there, get the racket close to the ball, and to drive forward straight into the ball with a short, direct pop. It was hard for me to get used to. But yesterday, first I felt myself get comfortable with that. Then I felt myself get more comfortable with turning open for the FH returns. So that was big because I am weak with that.

And then I started trying to correct my BH flip. With my BH flip, I go right up to the ball like I am going to push. And then I do the whole flip motion with my wrist. It works. It is safe. My BH flip lands a high percentage of the time. But it doesn't have much pop. So I was trying to come at the ball and come from farther behind and under the ball and intercept with more forearm in my motion.

I did not get comfortable with that. But when I did it, the flips had much more pace and spin.

Sent from the Subterranean Workshop by Telepathy
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Jun 2015
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It is the best way of practicing to straighten the arm on easy balls and it is what improved my third ball when people didn't return my serves properly. Look at this one here.


If you learn to straighten your arm on easy balls, the potential you have on killing the ball changes and once your opponent knows that they cannot just give you easy balls, they miss more serve returns. Bent arm looping is okay for topspin, but when you don't kill the ball, you are encouraging people to get away with all kinds of nonsense. Even when you don't kill, if you can put sufficiently heavy topspin on the ball, as you can with that straight arm motion, some people will still block the ball off the table (this is one of Rambo Looper DerEchte's main plays). It's the people who bring the ball back that make you have to play a controlled topspin. But you aren't testing them with kills so they won't miss.

That's one awesome kill shot!
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Oct 2014
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That's one awesome kill shot!
The funny thing is that I really believe that you are capable of better. It's just that you keep respecting the kinds of balls that you should not respect because you don't want to go all out with your swing. You keep doing this bent arm stuff that is just going to keep you love tapping balls that don't deserve to see a rally. IT's okay to go off balance when trying to kill the ball. Use your body for extra whip/momentum and let's see if the opponent can bring back your full blast. If you don't push your full blast, you will not understand the potential of your half blast. If I had healthy knees, I would play more like this guy in white T-Shirt here.

It's when your opponent is bring back the ball that you switch to rally blasts. But you need full blasts to make your rally blasts more effective.
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Jun 2015
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The funny thing is that I really believe that you are capable of better. It's just that you keep respecting the kinds of balls that you should not respect because you don't want to go all out with your swing. You keep doing this bent arm stuff that is just going to keep you love tapping balls that don't deserve to see a rally. IT's okay to go off balance when trying to kill the ball. Use your body for extra whip/momentum and let's see if the opponent can bring back your full blast. If you don't push your full blast, you will not understand the potential of your half blast. If I had healthy knees, I would play more like this guy in white T-Shirt here.

It's when your opponent is bring back the ball that you switch to rally blasts. But you need full blasts to make your rally blasts more effective.

Super LIKE right there!! Ah i am so eager to play right now aahh... but i have so much work to do fuuuck
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says what [IMG]
I've been hitting with a bare beginner recently and sometimes for fun I force a high pop up and smash it. I've been doing jumping smashes and complete straight arm rambo smashes mostly ironically but it's actually helped me understand just how bent my arm is on shots like that and how it stops the body rotation.

Der_echte was probably right in saying that I'm barely even transferring power into the ball.
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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I would also recommend taking along and using a Der_Echte Special for such a mission. Believe it or not, I have yet to destroy one... and I have destroyed many a blade over my tt life.

That is why I have the 896 with 2008XP in the first place. But I never go to places like this anymore and had no intention of going. But at 7:30pm Krazy Tyrone called me up wanting to meet at 8:00pm and I said okay. We both got there more like 8:15pm. So the only blade on me was the one I use. Because I just don't go places where I need a mess around racket anymore.

But that is exactly what I used to do when I did go to places like that.

Sent from the Subterranean Workshop by Telepathy
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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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That's my boy Can (Kevin) Wang! His forehand is pretty darn good.

The last time I brought this specific game where Can took this game from Timo, I saw him the next day and he told me that this was a great moment for him, how well he played in that game. Several sick forehands in this game. And you can tell he is going for it full on.
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Jun 2015
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I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to try them first before thinking about buying a new rubber ;)

Btw, how are your new shoes compared to your old Butterfly ones?
I like them. They are a little bit big but with tennis socks i can wear them just fine.
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Aug 2016
About last night

When I first joined the club i'm currently at back in April, I played an older gentleman. He was eager to play me, guess i was the 'new fish'. I was using my beloved "Excalibur" (30+yrs old DHS "07" 7 play CPen) at the time - i forget the rubber i was using, i'm thinking it wasn't something i was used to yet, probably the very bouncy for me, Adidas. We played and he slaughtered me... he is pretty much an oldschool PH like me. He had a heavy sidetop serve and i was on serve receive 200 at best... but beyond my pathetic (but in my mind legit excuses - lol) he was a fearsome partner for me, i knew i would eat some of his serves, and the ones i was able to return, he would 3rd ball attack me. Very challenging for me.

He hasn't been at the club, or more properly, I've not seen him in many months. Saw him last night and i wanted to hit with him to see if i improved. We hit for ~10 mins. He was tired and motioned for someone else to take his place. He speaks Mandarin and I don't understand him. I love his joie de vivre, after pretty much after every shot, he laughs out loud. Despite the spoken language barrier, we spoke the common language of TT and had fun.


J4 - he may be new, I've not seen him much. Never hit with him. We hit ~20 mins. I started off looping, seemed ok once i got the first one in, but still spastic with the stroke. need way more work and dedicated training session. last week hitting with the sort-of-female-coach i was ok. then the 4 or 5 days off and i was spastic. To Shuki's point about days off, I generally don't play that well with more than 2 days off. J4 has chinese rubber and ball seems to die out. So i resorted to just blocking... initially standing on FH side and BH blocking his loops. J4 is consistent looper, oldschool CPen. Good motion on his loops. Challenging to block. After a few mins, i went to a FH block while on my FH side.

We had a good ~20 mins. He said he has been playing 4 yrs straight and taking lessons. He asked about me and i told him i've been playing a little over a year after a 30+ yrs layoff. He got winded and also had next on another table and we thanked each other for the time.

I think i surprised J4 with my blocking ... i know i'm blocking well when it's effortless and blocks have a low trajectory despite the oncoming top/sidespin. I find on some shots my blade head instead of facing to my left, is facing my partner. Not sure if that is a conscious adjustment on my part or something that is muscle memory in reading oncoming spin and angling my blade to compensate and return the ball. A few months ago when I hit with Carl, i found I angled the blade head at times like that also, facing him.

Have to reiterate the combo of MX-P rubber and Nexy Amazon CPen blade is AWESOME for close-to-the-table blocking!! THANK YOU DER_ECHTE!


"Si-hing" showed up and he had a new racket/rubber. I didn't check his new setup. Many people waiting to play. We warmed up a few mins and played a match. He uses chinese rubber also i believe, and after a basic FH or a loop from me, his return 'dies out' on my side, frustrating for me for now for warmup or practice vs chinese rubbers. Kind of ironic, his friend, E, she always complained about my balls dying out when i used to use DHS H3 and yet, her regular hitting partner uses some chinese rubber also. I'm convinced in her own way, she was jedi mind tricking me LOL

As a reminder to the TTD CCers, I've never taken a match from him before. he's a modern PH but generally plays defensively and away from the table. Generally, my ideal partner for matchplay as I'm a close-to-the-table opportunistic attacker. Generally lose 3-0 or 3-1. Sometimes lose 3-2. Mostly due to my inconsistency and missing easy shots. Most of the members who have played me know this now and generally play steady and let me lose the point.

Last night, either he's not used to his new setup or whatever, i was on fire in the first game. Won at 5. One of his weaknesses is, he eats my sidetop serves. But I was concentrating on short pendulum down and sidedown serves to loop for 3rd ball loops. For now, I still cannot slow spin loop consistently. I am looping with faster whipping motion more than anything. I did not relax and did not wait 1 extra second, still rushing my loops. I liked that i was fairly light on my feet during the match, ready to pivot ... although i may be pivoting too close to the table.

I recalled on 2nd ball pushes to his FH, he will slow topspin loop 99% of the time, in which case i pounce and 4th ball smash. I stuck to that strategy and made 70% smash winners ... only 2 shots i was not quick enough to turn on the ball and forced to BH block - 1 out of 2 resulted in a winning point for me. In the past I would mix in more rocket serves to his BH with the idea of my standard tactic of 3rd ball punch down the line. I am still inconsistent with the 3rd ball punch sadly, and last night, I think I didn't even do one punch! I did 2 rocket serves to his BH which he popped up and i 3rd ball smashed for a winner on one, and a winner after a 2nd smash.

1 point i saw him pivot on his BH side BEFORE I served, and i adjusted with a semi-rocket serve down the line for an easy winner. Another point, I didn't see him move but guessed right that he would try to 2nd ball loop and i served down the line for easy winner.

Anyway, to end my long rambling report, i lost the next game at 8, 3rd game loss at 12, won the 4th at 8, and lost the 5th game at 7 or 8. Despite the loss, i felt i played well enough for my current playing ... light on my feet - i pivoted for 3rd ball attack, on high pushes in the past i would smash and net the ball - i resisted and looped those decently enough. Looping ok. I had a few points where i controlled him side to side and able to angle block to his BH while he was on his FH side for winners.

I pulled a Boogar though, didn't video the match. Too many people hanging out on the table where i would've placed my phone camera.

Lately my right shoulder has some minor discomfort. Also Mrs OSPH commented that i seem to be coming home later and later ... so i left after one match and ~ 1 hr of hit/play. Partly to avoid the wrath of Mrs OSPH but also to not overdo it for my shoulder. Perhaps for the past few months of roughly 3x a week of 2-3 hrs of TT has taken a toll on my shoulder.

As always, thank you to the TTD CCers who read my novels LOL

May all the net and edge balls go your way!

EDIT: i think he has some nospin serves which i treat as sidedown and resulted in easy winners for him... the tell for me is that he doesn't stroke as vigourously as he would on his other serves... a little voice in my head says to try a short BH flick on those ... will have to keep that in mind, i'm still 500 on serve receive and still can't read nospin ... LOL at me!
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As usual my body is breaking down again. My scapula tendinitis flared up for the second time this year, so i have been out since early october. With this injury, i have to rest a minimum of two months, it did flare up early this year and i rested only about 6 weeks and was too eager to get back...then played 3 straight Saturday training sessions...then the tendinitis came back like a bat out of hell(Meatloaf reference...:D)...Now i have been resting for close to month and a half, and the tendinitis is about 75 percent healed. Shooting for early January to come back. Sucks to get old:( Still love reading the Chit Chat thread:D