Good setup for 8 years kid.

Active Member
Mar 2011
Read 8 reviews
Donic Appelgren Senso V1 should also be nice, it is a highly controllable allaround blade that you also can make good speed with. Good for beginners, veterans, anyone that seeks control.

Regarding the rubbers: Butterfly Sriver FX, STIGA Mendo MP, Donic Acuda S3, Yasaka Pryde are all good rubbers pared with such a blade. Maybe I would chose the Donic rubbers if it was my desicion so it can be easier to learn spin due to the grippy surface of the rubber :)
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Aug 2012
I would go with an Uberpong blade ( He can either go with his own rubber or simply choose one of our cool designs here ( for more fun.

Hello everyone.
there is one kid in my club who is playing for 1 year and a half, and he is 8 years old. He plays offensive topspins with forehand, and blocking, pushing and playing flat hits with backhand. Just like everyone in those years.
His dad asked me for advice good rubbers + blade for him.
So I just don't know what would be good for him, when I was kid everything was different, and my coach always gave me equipment.
He is currently playing with Timo Boll all + blade that I have used before, it is old blade and I can't find it anywhere.
His rubbers are old tenergy 05, but I know it's not good for kids, he got them for free..

So I accept any advise, anything, any brand, thanks anyone who helps.
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Nov 2013
For a beginner I recommend a ALL - blade with beginner rubbers like Shifter, Musa, Sriver etc.
In my opinion the worst you can do is too fast rubbers (like T05) or too fast blade (OFF blades).
The rubber should be grippy (learning spin and rotation) for topspin and push.

There are a lot of possibilities for a beginner racket. After a while you will realize that it might be too slow. First thing to change are the rubbers. Just a little bit thicker can already help to play stronger and faster.
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