On a never ending EJ journey
On a never ending EJ journey
What rubbers did you use with the W968? I have a ZQH90 but don't know what rubbers to put on it yet. Thinking about just doing my standard DHS H3N Neo FH and D09C BH.Back to using the ZQ90 from W968 and the first couple of things I notice is that it's a lot faster.
Thicker FL handle, quite a bit lighter.
These are not surprising things, but it's a lot crisper and harder. But the contact feeling with the ball is not reduced, probably because of the clear and crisp contact feeling it's even better than W968.
It's easier to play than W968. You know like you buy a sheet of G-1 and it's great. You brush a layer of falco on it and it is just so much nicer to use. I had the same feeling with this blade too now. The extra speed just helps a lot against empty and dead balls. I did some warmup against pips and I had less trouble than with W968.
Actually, I didn't feel like I'm playing with a blade that is totally alien, sure faster and harder and crisper but I didn't have to do major changes so the ZQ90 has to have a pretty decent arc even compared to W968. Not as extreme, but not that far off.
What was a quite significant difference is that I cannot rely on the whip effect of the W968 here. If I do the ball will just go into the net. Honestly that is the biggest difference I have to pay attention now, but with time and practice that will just become first nature.
From back it's also nice to have the extra speed so I don't have to use all my power.
But from close also no issues, in fact probably also better that I don't need to use so much power always and I can play a bit more loosey-goosey.
I've been using the G-1 on BH and Q Quality on FH. Both are very well supported by the blade.