Most Liked TableTennisDaily User of 2014!

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says TTD Team vs Pongfinity OUT NOW on our YT Channel
Well-Known Member
Oct 2010
Yes Carl you were correct, I did finally have the like button appear on my post feeds.
I have no idea why, or when, what ever, was done, or by whom, but i can now like everyone's postings.
Now i just have to find this "Highjack" button you speak of ?

..........:rolleyes: scratches head muttering.....

Glad the like buttons are now working! :) We have deactivated the like button to appear until a user has 5 posts this is to reduce spam bots liking posts. It works very well doing this.
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
Read 11 reviews
The "Hijack This Thread" button doesn't appear until you have 100 quality posts, so hang around CaptainBit and join the fun riot we got here.

Or is it that it only appears when you have successfully hijacked 100 threads. Der_Echte and I are way over 1000 threads hijacked and counting.

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says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
Well-Known Member
Sep 2011
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To successfully Hijack a thread, one must start commenting on the thread after it has gone on a while and talk about something totally different. Usually, a hijack is forcefully taking the intent of the conversation suddenly into a different direction. Carl and I got an ART about how to do that.

Still, at the end of the day, whatever we are saying is relevant to the OP's post, it is just from an odd direction with some salty or colorful comparisons or expressions no one saw coming. We know how to talk about jumping off bridges while still basically staying on topic.

Naw Captain Bit, you ought to try something like trying to talk about tainted vaccines and how innefective they are and how they arecontributing to hte effects of accumluated poison in us, and still say something related to hte original thread, like yeah, I don't know how that joker Der_Echte got so many likes in 2014, but it is clearly Carl's turn to top the charts in 2015.

That would qualify as a "good" Hijack.

Hijacking happens all the time without anyone deliberately trying to derail the talk (like Carl and I do) we just see one post, and next post talk about it and the thread just drifts off another direction all by itself without any help from me and Carl. You line up 20 people in a classroom or whereever, whisper into the ear of person #1 a detailed 1-2 sentences, something like Captain Obvious has had enough of thread Hijacking and will iniitate a manhunt on Carl and that worhtless Der_Echte to restore world order."

By the time #20 hears it and tries to repeat what he heard from #19, he might say something like "The Illuminari have teamed up with William and Carl to take over a new world order and need to be stopped."

I agree Illuminari need to be stopped, but you wont see them teeming with Carl or Der_Echte. if it looks like that, Carl is just trying to bait them to step onto his prepared trapdoor he installed in his building. Once he gets suckers to stand over the drop-zone, he hits a button on his smartphone, a trapdoor quickly springs open, and the suckers fall speedily down a steep slippery chute into the building's septic tank that is half-full. There are enough sewer rats in that thing to sustain a crew of four for a week, then it is every man for himself. Watch out for Carl, he has secret places and more high-tech traps than Q from James Bond series.

You read enough of our Hijacked threads and you'll know what we are talking about.

Still, we find a way to have fun and still talk about the original TT topic though.

The producers of TT vids have, and will continue, to get their deserved likes from TTD members.
Last edited:
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Dec 2010
Read 11 reviews
To successfully Hijack a thread, one must start commenting on the thread after it has gone on a while and talk about something totally different. Usually, a hijack is forcefully taking the intent of the conversation suddenly into a different direction. Carl and I got an ART about how to do that.

Still, at the end of the day, whatever we are saying is relevant to the OP's post, it is just from an odd direction with some salty or colorful comparisons or expressions no one saw coming. We know how to talk about jumping off bridges while still basically staying on topic.

Naw Captain Bit, you ought to try something like trying to talk about tainted vaccines and how innefective they are and how they arecontributing to hte effects of accumluated poison in us, and still say something related to hte original thread, like yeah, I don't know how that joker Der_Echte got so many likes in 2014, but it is clearly Carl's turn to top the charts in 2015.

That would qualify as a "good" Hijack.

Hijacking happens all the time without anyone deliberately trying to derail the talk (like Carl and I do) we just see one post, and next post talk about it and the thread just drifts off another direction all by itself without any help from me and Carl. You line up 20 people in a classroom or whereever, whisper into the ear of person #1 a detailed 1-2 sentences, something like Captain Obvious has had enough of thread Hijacking and will iniitate a manhunt on Carl and that worhtless Der_Echte to restore world order."

By the time #20 hears it and tries to repeat what he heard from #19, he might say something like "The Illuminari have teamed up with William and Carl to take over a new world order and need to be stopped."

I agree Illuminari need to be stopped, but you wont see them teeming with Carl or Der_Echte. if it looks like that, Carl is just trying to bait them to step onto his prepared trapdoor he installed in his building. Once he gets suckers to stand over the drop-zone, he hits a button on his smartphone, a trapdoor quickly springs open, and the suckers fall speedily down a steep slippery chute into the building's septic tank that is half-full. There are enough sewer rats in that thing to sustain a crew of four for a week, then it is every man for himself. Watch out for Carl, he has secret places and more high-tech traps than Q from James Bond series.

You read enough of our Hijacked threads and you'll know what we are talking about.

Still, we find a way to have fun and still talk about the original TT topic though.

The producers of TT vids have, and will continue, to get their deserved likes from TTD members.

Well, this post just about sums up how Der_Echte can hijack a thread, and get so many likes all at the same time.

And even though he, as of yet, has not revealed that the secret hideout with the trapdoor and the septic tank trap, was rigged up and tricked out by none other than Q of James Bond fame, he hinted at it and told a story of how the Butterfly Mafia was after me for using pro model Tenergy unauthorized, so I sunk them in the trap door septic tank with a boat load of old H3 to get them to sink faster. All this just to get on that like list through hijackings.

And it could be highjackings if the issue had something to do with getting high so that might work equally well as hijacking. But it might be a different button.
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says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
Well-Known Member
Sep 2011
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If no one noticed, Carl is on pace to have over 700 likes this year. I think the Minnions are pumping up his like count, but that is makeup for all the posts he did in the past that were looked over for one reason or another.

I predict that by the end of 2015, Carl will have almost 1500 likes and ALMOST that many thread Hi-Jacks. He will clearly be the most liked TTD member in 2015, and if not, at least the most liked Thread Hi-Jacker of 'em all.

What is puzzling me is why Baal isn't even in this month's like top ten chart. Most of his posts are worthy of a like, often worthy of POUNDING the like button. maybe not a lot of people know Baal from the TT forum world, he has a longer reputation than I have and he certainly has nothing to prove in the sport, he has been there and done that more than 99% of the forum.
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Dec 2010
Read 11 reviews
If no one noticed, Carl is on pace to have over 700 likes this year. I think the Minnions are pumping up his like count, but that is makeup for all the posts he did in the past that were looked over for one reason or another.

I predict that by the end of 2015, Carl will have almost 1500 likes and ALMOST that many thread Hi-Jacks. He will clearly be the most liked TTD member in 2015, and if not, at least the most liked Thread Hi-Jacker of 'em all.

What is puzzling me is why Baal isn't even in this month's like top ten chart. Most of his posts are worthy of a like, often worthy of POUNDING the like button. maybe not a lot of people know Baal from the TT forum world, he has a longer reputation than I have and he certainly has nothing to prove in the sport, he has been there and done that more than 99% of the forum.

I don't know about that guy Carl, but all of Baal's posts that I see are top quality.