Ryu Seungmin: Korea's Women's Team Can Threaten Japan

says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018

ⓒ 中央日報日本語版2021.03.16 12:05





<Table Tennis> President of the Korea Table Tennis Association "Korea's Women's National Team Threatens Japan"
Ⓒ Korea JoongAng Daily Japanese version 2021.03.16 12:05

Ryu Seungmin, president of the Korea Table Tennis Association, expressed his hope at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Media round table that Korean players will be able to perform well.

President Ryu Seungmin and Managing Director Kim Taeksoo held a media round-table conference at the Dragon City Hotel in Yongsan, Seoul on the 15th.

"Japan attaches great importance to data, but Shin Yubin's information and the speed of growth should not have been deciphered," said President Ryu. "While watching this tournament, I felt that even the current members could (win medals) if they played against Japan in the women's team event. The team event will be best-of-5, so the women's national team could also threaten (Japan).

In particular, Shin Yubin defeated Japanese ace Miu Hirano with a score of 3-1 in the round of 16 in the women's singles of WTT Star Contender, which ended recently. She also won the gold medal in doubles with Jeon Jihee, beating Miu Hirano/Kasumi Ishikawa.

"In the Olympic team event, the first match is doubles, and followed by four singles. Shin Yubin/Jeon Jihee, who have paired a only short while, stand a big chance at defeating Miu Hirano/Kasumi Ishikawa. Japan is the only country that threatens China, but this tournament should have given us confidence," said Kim Taeksoo.
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Active Member
Feb 2019
Possible result:

Korea v Japan
Jeon/Shin v Hirano/Ishikawa 3-1
Choi v Ito 1-3
Shin v Hirano 3-1
Jeon v Ito 2-3
Choi v Ishikawa 3-2

Rio 2016 semifinals deja-vu?
Only, Germany didn't really announce their intentions prior to Rio, so maybe Ryu shouldn't have sounded the alarm on behalf of Japan.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Interestingly enough, that report is not available on the Korean and Chinese editions of the said South Korean newspaper(1 of 3 biggest), which means it's aimed specifically at the Japanese audience.

On a related note, RSM has bigger problems at hand, namely the hugely indebted KTTA due to the cancellation of WTTC Busan.

[송지훈의 탁구·공·감] 국제대회 무산 후폭풍, 협회 혼자 뒷감당?
[중앙일보] 입력 2021.03.18 00:03

송지훈 기자

“탁구협회장 재선 직후 제일 먼저 은행에 가서 20억원 대출 서류에 서명했습니다. 협회가 빚더미라는 걸 알면서 굳이 회장을 다시 맡은 건, 어떻게든 해결해야 한다는 책임감 때문입니다.”

15일 만난 유승민 대한탁구협회장 겸 국제올림픽위원회(IOC) 위원은 “협회의 대출금 이자만 매년 5000만원에 이른다. 원금은 손댈 엄두조차 내지 못한다. 기댈 곳 없는 체육 단체에는 한없이 버거운 상황”이라며 한숨을 내쉬었다. 활기차던 유 회장 얼굴에 드리운 그늘은 그대로 굳어버린 듯했다.

탁구협회가 ‘20억 빚쟁이’가 된 건 코로나19 팬데믹으로 취소된 ‘하나은행 2020 부산세계탁구선수권대회’ 때문이다. 대회는 당초 지난해 3월 21일 부산 벡스코에서 개막할 예정이었다. 코로나19로 어찌해볼 도리 없이 주저앉았다. 6월로, 다시 9월로, 그리고 올해 2월로, 세 차례나 개막을 미루며 어떻게든 대회를 치러보려 했다. 역부족이었고, 결국 좌초했다. 한국 탁구 100주년(2024년)을 앞두고, 국제대회 유치를 통해 ‘제2의 탁구 붐’을 기대했던 탁구협회의 꿈은 물거품이 됐다.

대회 준비 때는 ‘주최 측’을 자처한 이가 넘쳤다. 부산시는 탁구협회와 조직위원회를 공동 구성했다. 하나은행은 20억원 규모의 타이틀 스폰서십을 약속했다. 지난해 2월 부산에서 열린 타이틀 스폰서 협약식 때는 오거돈 당시 부산시장 겸 공동조직위원장이 “부산 세계탁구선수권대회를 ‘국제도시 부산’의 발판으로 삼겠다”고 공언했다. 참석한 이호성 하나은행 부행장은 “단순한 대회 후원 개념을 넘어 탁구팬과 선수단에 종합 금융서비스를 제공할 것”이라고 목소리를 높였다.

대회가 취소되자 다들 발 빼기에 바빴다. 정부(26억6000만원)와 부산시(23억원)는 지원금 회수 조치에 나섰다. 하나은행은 “스폰서십 협약식은 했지만, 계약서는 쓰지 않았다”며 후원금 지급을 거부했다. 후속 조치부터 채무까지, 뒷정리는 오롯이 탁구협회 몫이 됐다.

탁구협회는 하나은행이 약정 후원금 중 일부라도 지급하길 바랐다. 유승민 회장은 “사전 제작 유니폼과 기념품을 팔아보려고 노력 중이다. 모든 물품에 후원사(하나은행) 로고가 박혀 있어 쉽지 않다”고 하소연했다. 하나은행은 대회 준비 과정의 이벤트에도 스폰서십 권리자로 함께했다. 적지 않은 홍보 효과를 누렸다. 그런 만큼 이제라도 탁구협회 짐의 일부라도 나눠 진다면, 코로나 시대 상생 사례라 할 것이다.

정부, 그리고 부산시의 책임 있는 자세가 필요하다. 더구나 정부는 ‘북한 초청’, ‘남북 단일팀’ 등을 거론하며 남북 화해 분위기 조성에 틈나는 대로 대회를 활용했다. 부산시는 더 말해 무엇하겠나. 그런데도 모두가 뒷감당을 탁구협회에 떠넘긴 채 모르쇠로 일관한다.

곧 부산시장 보궐선거가 열린다. 여야 후보자가 오거돈 전 부산시장 겸 대회 공동조직위원장의 남은 임기를 맡겠다고 나섰다. 가덕도 신공항만 중요한 게 아니다. 대회 무산에 따른 뒤처리는 부산시가 향후 스포츠 이벤트를 개최할 만한 자격이 있는 도시인지를 가늠할 잣대가 될 것이다.

송지훈 탁구 담당기자 [email protected]
[Song Ji-hoon's Table Tennis·Gong·Gam] After the fall of the international competition, the Association alone handles the storm?
Enter [JoongAng Ilbo] 2021.03.18 00:03

Reporter Song Ji-hoon

“I went to the bank immediately after being re-elected as the chairman of the Table Tennis Association and signed the 2 billion won loan document. Knowing that the association is a pile of debt, the reason why I took over as chairman again is because of my responsibility to resolve it somehow.”

Yoo Seung-min, chairman of the Korea Table Tennis Association and a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), met on the 15th said, “The association's loan interest alone amounts to 50 million won every year. The principal cannot even be touched. "It's an endlessly difficult situation for a sports group that has no place to lean on," he sighed. The shadow on Chairman Yoo's lively face seemed to have hardened as it was.

The reason why the Table Tennis Association became a “2 billion debtor” was due to the “Hana Bank 2020 Busan World Table Tennis Championships,” which was canceled due to the Corona 19 pandemic. The competition was initially scheduled to open at BEXCO, Busan on March 21 last year. With Corona 19, he collapsed with no way to do anything. In June, again in September, and in February of this year, I tried to play the contest somehow, delaying the opening three times. It wasn't enough, and eventually got stranded. Ahead of the 100th anniversary of table tennis in Korea (2024), the dream of the Table Tennis Association, which expected a “second table tennis boom” by hosting international competitions, has become a fuss.

When preparing for the competition, there were overflowing people who claimed to be "organizers." Busan City jointly formed an organizing committee with the Table Tennis Association. Hana Bank promised a 2 billion won title sponsorship. At the title sponsorship agreement ceremony held in Busan in February last year, the then Mayor of Busan and co-organizing chairman Oh Geo-don professed, "We will use the Busan World Table Tennis Championships as a foothold for the'International City of Busan'." Ho-sung Lee, Vice President of Hana Bank, raised his voice, saying, "We will provide comprehensive financial services to table tennis fans and players beyond the concept of simple tournament sponsorship."

When the tournament was canceled, everyone was busy withdrawing. The government (2.66 billion won) and the city of Busan (2.3 billion won) have taken measures to recover the subsidy. Hana Bank refused to pay the sponsorship, saying, “The sponsorship agreement was held, but the contract was not written.” From follow-up to debt, the cleanup was entirely up to the Table Tennis Association.

The Table Tennis Association wanted Hana Bank to pay some of the contract sponsorship. Chairman Seung-min Yoo said, “I am trying to sell pre-made uniforms and souvenirs. It is not easy because the logo of the sponsor company (Hana Bank) is embedded on all items,” he complained. Hana Bank also joined the sponsorship holder at the event during the preparation process. It enjoyed considerable promotional effect. As such, if even now, if even a part of the table tennis association gym is divided, it would be a case of win-win in the Corona era.

The government and Busan city need a responsible attitude. In addition, the government used the competition as it was possible to create an atmosphere of reconciliation between the two Koreas by addressing “North Korea invitation” and “South-North single team”. What more will Busan city do? Nevertheless, all of them have left behind the table to the table tennis association, and are consistent with it.

The Busan mayor's by-election will soon be held. The ruling and opposition candidates announced that they would assume the remaining term of office as former Busan mayor and co-organizer of the competition. Gadeok is not the only airport that matters. Post-treatment following the loss of the competition will serve as a benchmark for determining whether Busan is a city that is qualified to host future sporting events.

Reporter Song Ji-hoon, table tennis staff [email protected]

For more:
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
LSS: I think this will be my last Olympics...

“패기있게 덤비겠다… 중국이 오히려 부담감 클 것”
[도쿄 카운트다운] 탁구 남자단체 금 노리는 이상수·정영식·장우진
김상윤 기자
입력 2021.03.22 03:00 | 수정 2021.03.22 03:00

도쿄올림픽 탁구 종목에는 금메달 5개가 걸려 있다. 한국 대표팀의 전략 종목은 이상수·정영식·장우진 3인방이 나서는 남자 단체전이다. 개최국 일본은 물론이고 ‘절대 1강’으로 꼽히는 중국을 넘본다. 오상은 남자 대표팀 감독은 “1차 목표는 메달권 진입이고, 결승에서 중국과 한번 승부를 펼쳐보고 싶다”고 했다.

작년 초 9회 연속 올림픽 진출을 함께 일궜던 대표팀 선수들은 최근 각자 다른 방식으로 도쿄올림픽 출전을 확정 지었다. 세계 랭킹이 12위로 국내 선수 중 가장 높은 장우진이 자동 선발됐고, 이상수는 선발전 1위를 차지했다. 정영식이 경기력향상위원회 추천으로 막차를 탔다.

◇중국 아성 넘본다

진천선수촌 입촌을 앞둔 대표팀 선수들은 최근 본지 통화에서 “서로를 믿는다”고 했다.

“상수 형, 영식이 형을 믿어요. 첫판에서 이겨줄 거라고. 형들 덕분에 저도 자신 있어요.”(장우진)

“우진이가 그래요? 하하. 우린 반대인데. 우리가 잘하면 그다음에 우진이가 잠재력을 터뜨려 끝내버릴걸요.”(이상수)

도쿄올림픽부터 탁구 단체전 방식이 바뀐다. 원래 1~5경기 중 세 번째가 복식이었으나 이제 복식을 먼저 치른 뒤 2~5경기 단식으로 진행된다. 첫 경기로서 복식의 중요성이 커졌고, 단식에 나설 순서를 놓고 치열한 수 싸움이 예상된다. 이상수·정영식 조는 최근 카타르 도하에서 열린 세계탁구(WTT) 스타 컨텐더에서 우승하며 남자 복식 세계 랭킹 1위에 올랐다. 이들이 첫 경기를 잡아내고, 장우진이 제2경기 단식에서 상대 에이스를 꺾어 기선을 잡는 게 대표팀이 생각하는 ‘베스트 시나리오’다.

대표팀의 목표는 중국을 넘어 금메달을 목에 거는 것이다. 정영식은 “중국과 제대로 붙어보고 싶다. 유남규 감독님, 유승민 대한탁구협회장님의 뒤를 잇고 싶다”고 했고, 장우진은 “중국이 오히려 부담감이 클 것이다. 우린 패기 있게 덤비면 된다”고 했다.

◇3인 3색, 마음은 하나

세 선수는 오른손잡이, 셰이크핸드 그립, 공격형이란 점에서 닮았다. 플레이 스타일은 눈에 띄게 다르다. 대표팀 맏형 이상수는 공격형이다. ‘공격 80, 수비 20’이라고 할 정도로 공세를 펼쳐 상대를 무너뜨린다. 그와 오랫동안 호흡을 맞춘 정영식은 침착함이 돋보인다. 다른 선수보다 화려함은 덜하지만, 끈질기고 안정적이다.

한국 탁구는 2016 리우올림픽에서 ’28년 만의 노 메달'이란 아픔을 겪었다. 이상수와 정영식은 당시 단체전에서 베테랑 주세혁과 함께 나섰으나 준결승에서 중국에 무릎 꿇었고, 동메달 결정전에서 독일에 졌다. 이상수는 “리우올림픽은 탁구 실력이 늘게 한 전환점이었다”며 “지금도 그때 경험을 토대로 매 경기를 풀어간다”고 했다. 정영식은 “첫 올림픽에서 좌절을 겪은 뒤 전략·심리·체력이란 3요소를 설정하고 끊임없이 노력했다. 리우 때보다 나아진 걸 스스로 느낀다”고 했다.

셋 중 가장 어린 장우진은 과감한 공격력에 순간순간 발휘되는 센스까지 갖춰 팀의 차세대 에이스로 떠올랐다. 그만큼 국제대회에서 상대의 집중 분석 대상이 되기도 했다. 그는 “부담을 느낀 적도 있지만, 지금은 자신감을 되찾았다”고 했다.

◇코로나 딛고 올림픽 정조준

다른 종목과 마찬가지로 탁구도 코로나로 부침이 많았다. 올림픽을 앞두고 다른 나라 전력을 미리 엿볼 기회였던 부산 세계선수권대회가 취소됐다. 유승민 탁구협회장이 중국과 합동 훈련 등도 추진했지만 결국 무산됐다. 선수들은 “한국에서 세계선수권이 열리는 것에 대해 기대가 컸던 만큼 아쉬움도 크다”고 입을 모았다.

남자 대표팀 감독으로 올림픽을 준비하던 김택수 전무는 지난해 말 유 회장의 부름을 받아 협회 집행부로 자리를 옮겼고, 그와 수십년간 탁구계에서 동고동락한 오상은 감독이 대표팀 지휘봉을 이어받았다. 오 감독은 “우리 선수들은 공격력에선 밀리지 않지만, 수세에 몰린 상황에서 견디는 능력이 부족한 것이 약점”이라며 “올림픽을 앞두고선 수비하다가 공세로 전환하는 훈련을 주로 할 예정”이라고 했다.

각 선수에게 코로나로 1년 미뤄진 올림픽에 임하는 각오를 물었다.

“제 마지막 올림픽이 될 것 같아요. 재작년부터 애 보느라 고생 많았던 아내에게 메달을 꼭 가져다주고 싶어요.”(이상수)

“추천 선수로 어렵게 기회를 얻은 만큼 더 책임감을 가져야죠. 준비 기간이 길었던 만큼, 후회 없도록 준비하겠습니다.”(정영식)

“단체전 멤버가 정해진 뒤 책임감이 더 생기고 한 팀이란 느낌이 듭니다. 첫 올림픽이지만 두려움을 깨볼게요.”(장우진)
“I will fight with ambition… China would rather be burdened.”
[Tokyo Countdown] Lee Sang-soo, Jung Young-sik and Jang Woo-jin are aiming for gold in table tennis men’s group
Reporter Kim Sang-yoon
Enter 2021.03.22 03:00 | Revision 2021.03.22 03:00

Five gold medals are at stake in the table tennis event of the Tokyo Olympics. The strategic sport of the Korean national team is a men's team competition with three members Lee Sang-soo, Jung Young-sik, and Jang Woo-jin. Not only the host country, Japan, but also China, which is regarded as the “absolute first-class”. The men's national team manager Oh Sang-eun said, "The first goal is to enter the medal zone, and I want to play against China once in the final."

The players of the national team, who made their ninth consecutive Olympic advancement at the beginning of last year, recently confirmed their participation in the Tokyo Olympics in different ways. Jang Woo-jin, the highest among domestic players with the world ranking of 12th, was automatically selected, and Lee Sang-soo took the first place in the selection. Jeong Young-sik got on the last train with the recommendation of the Competition Improvement Committee.

◇Let's go over the Chinese castle

The national team players who are about to enter the Jincheon Athlete's Village said, "I believe in each other" in a recent phone call.

“I believe in Sangsoo and Youngsik. I'll win the first edition. Thanks to the hyungs, I am confident too.” (Jang Woo-jin)

“Is Woojin like that? haha. We are the opposite. If we do well, then Woojin will unlock his potential and end it.” (Lee Sangsoo)

Starting from the Tokyo Olympics, the table tennis team competition has changed. Originally, the third out of matches 1-5 was doubles, but now doubles are played first, followed by singles in 2-5 matches. As the first match, the importance of doubles has grown, and fierce number fights are expected over the order in which they will go to singles. Lee Sang-soo and Jung Young-sik Jo recently won the World Table Tennis (WTT) Star Contender in Doha, Qatar, and rose to the top of the men's doubles world rankings. The ‘best scenario’ that the national team thinks is that they catch the first game and Jang Woo-jin beats the opponent's ace in the second game's singles.

The national team's goal is to win a gold medal over China. Jeong Young-sik said, “I want to stick with China properly. Director Yoo Nam-gyu and Yoo Seung-min, the chairman of the Korea Table Tennis Association, said, "I want to succeed." We just have to fight with ambition.”

◇3 people, 3 colors, one heart

The three players are similar in that they are right-handed, shakehand grip, and offensive type. The play style is noticeably different. Lee Sang-soo, the eldest of the national team, is offensive. He says “attack 80, defense 20,” so he strikes out and destroys his opponent. Jeong Young-sik, who has been breathing with him for a long time, stands out with his calmness. He is less glamorous than other players, but he is persistent and stable.

Korean table tennis suffered the pain of'No Medal in 28 Years' at the 2016 Rio Olympics. Lee Sang-soo and Jung Young-sik went on to join veteran Ju Se-hyuk in the team match at the time, but knelt to China in the semi-finals and lost to Germany in the bronze medal match. Lee Sang-soo said, "The Rio Olympics was a turning point that helped improve my table tennis skills," and said, "I still solve every game based on my experience at that time." Jeong Young-sik said, “After experiencing frustration at the first Olympics, I set the three elements of strategy, psychology, and physical strength, and made an effort constantly. He feels for himself that he is better than when he was in Rio.”

Woojin Jang, the youngest of the three, emerged as the team's next-generation ace with a sense of moment-to-moment with bold attack power. As such, it was also the subject of intensive analysis of the opponent in international competitions. He said, “I have felt the burden, but now I have regained my confidence.”

◇ Overcoming the Corona and aiming for the Olympics

Like other sports, table tennis had a lot of ups and downs due to corona. Ahead of the Olympics, the Busan World Championship, which was an opportunity to glimpse other countries' power in advance, was canceled. Chairman of the Table Tennis Association Yoo Seung-min also promoted joint training with China, but eventually failed. The players said, “As we were excited about the opening of the world championship in Korea, we are regretful too.”

Kim Taek-soo, who was preparing for the Olympics as the men's national team coach, was called by Chairman Yoo at the end of last year, and moved to the executive department of the association. Coach Oh said, “Our players are not backed by offensive power, but their lack of ability to withstand the defensive situation is their weakness.” “We will focus on training to switch from defense to offensive before the Olympics.”

Each athlete was asked about his determination to face the Olympics that had been delayed for one year due to the coronavirus.

“I think it will be my last Olympics. I really want to bring a medal to my wife, who has had a hard time watching babies since last year.” (Lee Sang-soo)

“As I got a difficult opportunity as a recommended player, I have to take more responsibility. Since the preparation period was long, we will prepare so that we do not regret it.” (Jeoung Young-sik)

“After the team members are decided, I have more responsibility and I feel like a team. It's my first Olympics, but I'll break my fears.” (Jang Woo-jin)
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
500 million won for gold;
200 million won for silver, and;
100 million won for bronze

100 million won for gold;
50 million won for silver, and;
30 million won for bronze

“올림픽 탁구 단체전 금메달에 5억” 유승민 회장, 포상 계획 발표

대한탁구협회, 역대 최대 규모 포상 계획

대한탁구협회(유승민 회장·IOC위원)가 역대 최대 규모의 올림픽 포상 계획을 발표했다.

대한탁구협회는 “2020 도쿄올림픽 남·녀 단체전 금메달에 5억원, 은메달에 2억원, 동메달에 1억원의 포상을 계획하고 있다. 남·녀 단식과 혼합복식을 포함한 개인전 금메달에는 1억원, 은메달 5천만원, 동메달 3천만원을 지급한다”고 17일 밝혔다.

이런 결정은 유승민 회장, 임용수 부회장, 유남규 부회장(삼성생명)이 지난 13일 문경 국군체육부대 통일관에서 국군체육부대 탁구팀과 합동 훈련 중인 탁구 국가대표팀을 격려차 방문한 자리에서 선수들에게 격려금을 전달하면서 공식화했다.

유승민 회장은 “역대 유례없는 인내와 희생을 감수하면서 올림픽을 준비하고 있는 후배 선수들에게 힘을 주고 싶었다. 미리 포상금 규모를 정해서 공표하는 것은 드문 경우로 알고 있다. 규모가 중요한 것이 아니라 지쳐있는 선수들에게 조금이라도 동기부여가 되고, 기분 전환이 되면 좋겠다는 바람에서 약속을 한다”고 말했다.

유승민 회장은 “준비과정이 순탄치 못하다. 하지만 그것은 전 세계가 마찬가지기 때문에 이번 올림픽은 정신력 싸움이 될 거라고 생각한다. 그런 부분에서 오히려 좋은 기회가 될 수도 있다”고 덧붙였다.

올림픽대표팀은 남자 오상은(미래에셋증권), 여자 추교성 감독(금천구청)이 이끌고 있으며, 지난 6일부터 문경 국군체육부대 탁구체육관에서 촌외 강화훈련을 진행 중이다.

남자 이상수(삼성생명), 장우진, 정영식(이상 미래에셋증권), 여자 전지희(포스코에너지), 최효주(삼성생명), 신유빈(대한항공)으로 구성된 대표팀은 남·녀 단체전, 남·녀 단식, 혼합복식 전 종목에 출전한다.

김창금 선임기자 [email protected]
Chairman Seung-min Yoo announces award plan for “500 million won gold medal in the Olympic table tennis team match”

The Korea Table Tennis Association, the largest award plan ever

The Korea Table Tennis Association (Chairman Seung-min Yoo, IOC member) announced the plan to award the largest Olympic Games ever.

The Korea Table Tennis Association said, “We are planning to reward 500 million won for a gold medal, 200 million won for a silver medal, and 100 million won for a bronze medal in the men's and women's team event at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. On the 17th, he announced on the 17th that he will pay 100 million won for gold medals, 50 million won silver medals and 30 million won bronze medals, including men's and women's singles and mixed doubles.

This decision was made official by delivering encouragement to the players at a place where Chairman Seung-min Yoo, Vice Chairman Lim Yong-soo, and Vice Chairman Nam-gyu Yoo (Samsung Life Insurance) visited the National Table Tennis Team of the Armed Forces Sports Team and the National Table Tennis Team in joint training at the Unification Hall of the Armed Forces Sports Unit in Mungyeong on the 13th. did.

Chairman Seung-min Yoo said, “I wanted to give strength to the younger athletes who are preparing for the Olympics while enduring unprecedented patience and sacrifice. It is known that it is rare to set the size of the reward in advance and announce it. "It's not about the scale, but I make a promise in the hope that it will motivate the exhausted players at least a little, and it'll be nice if they can change their mood.

Chairman Seung-min Yoo said, “The preparation process is not smooth. But it is the same in the whole world, so I think this Olympics will be a fight for mentality. It could be a rather good opportunity in that area,” he added.

The Olympic team is led by male Oh Sang-eun (Mirae Asset Securities) and female coach Chu Gyo-seong (Geumcheon-gu Office), and has been conducting off-campus reinforcement training at the Mungyeong Armed Forces' Table Tennis Gymnasium since the 6th.

The national team consisting of male Lee Sang-soo (Samsung Life), Jang Woo-jin, Jung Young-sik (Isang Mirae Asset Securities), female Jeon Ji-hee (POSCO Energy), Choi Hyo-ju (Samsung Life Insurance), and Shin Yoo-bin (Korean Air) are men's and women's team competitions, men's and women's singles, and mixed doubles. I compete in all sports.

Senior Reporter Kim Chang-geum [email protected]

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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
MT: Lee Sangsu, Jeoung Youngsik, Jang Woojin
WT: Jeon Jihee, Choi Hyojoo, Shin Yubin
MS: Jeoung Youngsik, Jang Woojin
WS: Jeon Jihee, Shin Yubin
XD: Lee Sangsu/Jeon Jihee

"후배들 향한 진심!" 유승민 탁구협회장,도쿄金 5억원 통큰 포상금 공약(Ft.복면가왕'문어아저씨')

기사입력 2021-05-17 12:04:27
유승민 대한탁구협회장(IOC위원)이 도쿄올림픽을 앞두고 통큰 포상금을 약속했다.

'2004년 아테네올림픽 남자단식 금메달리스트' 유 회장은 지난 13일 경북 문경 국군체육부대에서 촌외훈련 중인 남녀 국가대표팀을 찾아 격려하는 자리에서 메달 포상금을 공약했다.

유 회장은 단체전 금메달에 5억원, 은메달에 2억원, 동메달에 1억원의 포상금을 약속했다. 개인단식과 혼합복식의 경우 금메달은 1억원, 은메달은 5000만원, 동메달은 3000만원의 포상금을 책정했다.

오상은 감독이 이끄는 남자탁구대표팀은 도쿄올림픽 단체전에 이상수(삼성생명), 정영식, 장우진(이상 미래에셋 대우)이 도전한다. 결승 진출을 목표 삼았다. 추교성 감독이 이끄는 여자탁구대표팀은 단체전에 전지희(포스코에너지), 최효주(삼성생명), 신유빈(대한항공)이 나선다. 메달권에 도전한다. 남녀 단식에는 정영식, 장우진, 전지희, 신유빈이 출전한다. '남녀 주장' 이상수-전지희가 발을 맞추게 된 혼합복식에서도 메달을 목표 삼고 있다. 안재현과 이시온(이상 삼성생명)은 부상선수 발생 등에 대비한 'P카드' 선수로 함께 뛴다.코로나 팬데믹 속에 올림픽이 1년 연기되고, 코로나 확산 방지를 위해 외출, 외박도 금지된 채 훈련장과 숙소를 오가며 꿈을 위해 분투하고 있는 후배 선수들을 위해 유 회장이 대한체육회 산하 올림픽 종목 협회 가운데 처음으로 포상금을 내걸었다. 유 회장은 "도쿄올림픽을 앞두고 선수들이 힘들게 준비하고 있다. 회장이자 선배로서 격려를 자주 해줄 수도 없었다. 사상 유례없는 코로나 상황에서 올림픽을 준비하면서 심적으로도 많이 지쳐 있을 것"이라고 했다. "꿈을 위한 올림픽이지만 국가대표로서 타인에게 피해를 주지 않기 위해 인내와 희생을 감수해야 하는 부분도 있다. 협회 입장, 선배 입장에서 힘이 돼주고 싶었다"며 마음을 전했다. "역대 협회 중 올림픽 전 미리 포상 규모를 정해서 공표한 경우는 없었다. 이 포상금이 선수들에게 동기부여가 됐으면 한다"고 바랐다. "아시다시피 탁구협회가 재정이 넉넉해서 이렇게 하는 게 아니다. 제가 발로 뛰면서 재정을 확보하겠다"고 약속했다. "후배들이 열심히 훈련해 금메달을 따준다면 억만금도 아깝지 않다. 탁구 붐이 다시 일어나고, 우리 탁구 동호인들도 더 큰 자긍심을 갖게 될 것"이라고 덧붙였다.
유 회장은 지난 1일 MBC 예능프로그램 '복면가왕'에도 깜짝 출연해 화제가 됐다. '문어아저씨' 가면을 쓴 채 열창한 '지금 이 순간' '넌 할 수 있어'는 후배들을 향한 '회장님'의 진심이었다. "도쿄올림픽이 얼마 남지 않았다. 지친 국민들에게 위로를 전하려고 노력중인데 관심이 적다. 외롭고 힘들게 올림픽을 준비하는 선수들에게 힘이 되고자 고민끝에 나왔다"고 출연 이유를 밝혔다.

유 회장은 2000년대 올림픽 탁구 무대에서 유일무이한 '비중국인' 단식 챔피언이다. 2004년 유 회장의 아테네올림픽 금메달 이후 누구도 만리장성 중국을 넘지 못했다. 유 회장과 오상은 감독, '깎신' 주세혁(한국마사회)이 나선 2012년 남자단체전 은메달이 최고 성적이다. 유 회장은 "탁구엔 '16년 주기론'이 있다. 1988년 유남규(삼성생명 여자탁구팀 감독), 2004년 유승민을 이을 금메달이 이번에 꼭 나올 거라 기대하고 있다"고 했다. "또 이번만큼은 금 은 동도 좋지만 무엇보다 안전하게, 월등한 실력과 정신력을 발휘할 수 있길 바란다. 상황이 어우러지다보면 결과는 따라올 것"이라며 믿음을 전했다.

생애 첫 올림픽에 도전하는 장우진, 신유빈, 최효주 등 후배들을 향한 따뜻한 조언도 잊지 않았다. "올림픽은 3년 뒤 또 온다. 첫 올림픽은 자신의 모든 것을 보여줄 좋은 기회다. 메달을 딴다면 한국탁구의 붐을 이끌 기회, 메달을 못 따더라도 다음 올림픽을 위한 보약이 된다. 이번 올림픽은 준비과정이 순탄치 않았다. 전세계가 똑같은 조건이다. 결국 정신력 싸움이다. 기술 향상이 어려운 시기인 만큼, 정신력과 경험이 정말 중요하다. 강인한 정신력을 지닌 우리 선수들에게 좋은 기회가 될 것이다."

도쿄올림픽 국대들과의 기념촬영, '선배 회장님'이 후배들에게 금메달 기운을 팍팍 불어넣었다. "(전)지희야, 금메달 따고 5억 꼭 찾아가!" "(신)유빈아, 금메달 따고 BTS 만나러 가자!" 한목소리로 "파이팅!"을 외치는 선수들의 얼굴에 함박웃음이 터졌다.
전영지 기자 [email protected]
"Sincere towards juniors!" Yu Seung-min, Chairman of the Table Tennis Association, pledged 500 million won in Tokyo for a total reward (Ft. Masked Singer King'Octopus Uncle')

Article Entry 2021-05-17 12:04:27
Yoo Seung-min, president of the Korea Table Tennis Association (IOC member), promised a huge bounty ahead of the Tokyo Olympics.

Chairman Yoo of the '2004 Athens Olympic Men's Singles Gold Medalist' pledged a medal reward at a place to find and encourage the men's and women's national team training outside the village at the Armed Forces Sports Unit in Mungyeong, Gyeongsangbuk-do on the 13th.

Chairman Yoo promised a reward of 500 million won for the gold medal, 200 million won for the silver medal, and 100 million won for the bronze medal. In the case of individual singles and mixed doubles, the gold medal was 100 million won, the silver medal 50 million won, and the bronze medal 30 million won.

The men's table tennis team led by manager Oh Sang-eun is challenged by Lee Sang-su (Samsung Life Insurance), Jung Young-sik, and Jang Woo-jin (Lee Sang Mirae Asset Daewoo) in the Tokyo Olympics. I aimed to advance to the finals. The women's table tennis team led by Director Chu Gyo-sung will be presented by Jeon Ji-hee (POSCO Energy), Choi Hyo-joo (Samsung Life Insurance), and Shin Yoo-bin (Korean Air) in a group exhibition. Challenge the medal ticket. In the men's and women's singles, Jung Young-sik, Jang Woo-jin, Jeon Ji-hee and Shin Yu-bin will participate. In the mixed doubles where'male and female captain' Lee Sang-soo and Jeon Ji-hee are in line with each other, they are aiming for a medal. Ahn Jae-hyun and Lee Shi-on (above Samsung Life Insurance) play together as ``P Card'' players in preparation for the occurrence of injured players. The Olympics are postponed for one year amid the corona pandemic, and to prevent the spread of the corona, the training grounds and lodgings are banned while staying out or staying is prohibited. For the younger athletes who are struggling for their dreams, Chairman Yoo is the first to raise a bounty among the Olympic sports associations affiliated with the Korean Sports Association. Chairman Yoo said, "Athletes are preparing hard for the Tokyo Olympics. As chairman and senior, I couldn't often give encouragement. I will be very tired mentally as I prepare for the Olympics in an unprecedented corona situation." He said, "It is an Olympic for dreams, but as a national representative, there are parts that require patience and sacrifices in order not to harm others. I wanted to be of strength from the position of the association and from the position of seniors," he said. He hoped, "There has never been a case of previous associations that determined and announced the size of awards before the Olympics. I hope this award will motivate athletes." "As you know, the table tennis association doesn't do this because it has ample finances. I'll run on my feet and secure the finances," he promised. "If our juniors train hard and win gold medals, it is worth a billion dollars. The table tennis boom will rise again, and our table tennis enthusiasts will also have greater pride," he added.
On the 1st, Chairman Yoo made a surprise appearance on MBC's entertainment program'King of Mask Singer' and became a hot topic. 'You can do it' was the sincerity of the'Chairman' toward his juniors, who sang'now this moment' while wearing the'Mr. Octopus' mask. "Tokyo Olympics is not long. I am trying to convey comfort to the weary people, but I have little interest. I came out after thinking to help the athletes who are preparing for the Olympics lonely and hard."

Chairman Yoo is the only'non-Chinese' singles champion on the 2000s Olympic table tennis stage. After Chairman Yoo's 2004 Athens Olympic gold medal, no one has crossed the Great Wall of China. Chairman Yoo, coach Sang-eun Oh, and Se-hyuk Joo (Korean Horse Association), the best performer in the 2012 men’s team competition, were the best. Chairman Yoo said, "There is a '16-year periodic theory' in table tennis. I am hoping that the gold medal will come out this time, following Yoo Nam-gyu (Samsung Life's women's table tennis team coach) in 1988 and Seung-min Yoo in 2004." "Also, gold, silver and copper are good this time, but above all else, I hope that I can demonstrate superior skills and mental power. If the situation goes together, the results will follow," he said.

He did not forget the warm advice to his juniors, such as Woojin Jang, Yoobin Shin, and Hyojoo Choi, who challenged the first Olympics in his life. “The Olympics will come again three years later. The first Olympics are a great opportunity to show all of yourself. If you win a medal, it will be your chance to lead the boom of Korean table tennis, and even if you can't win a medal, it will be a boon for the next Olympics. The process wasn't smooth. The whole world is the same condition. Ultimately, it's a mental battle. As it's a difficult time to improve your skills, your mental strength and experience are really important. It will be a good opportunity for our players with strong mentality.”

A commemorative photo shoot with the Tokyo Olympics' national colleges,'Senior Chairman' infused the spirit of gold medals to juniors. "(Former) Ji-hee, win the gold and visit 500 million people!" "(Shin) Yubin, let's win the gold and go see BTS!" Big smiles burst into the faces of the players shouting "Fighting!" with one voice.
Reporter Jeon Young-ji [email protected]
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Dec 2019
MT: Lee Sangsu, Jeoung Youngsik, Jang Woojin
WT: Jeon Jihee, Choi Hyojoo, Shin Yubin
MS: Jeoung Youngsik, Jang Woojin
WS: Jeon Jihee, Shin Yubin
XD: Lee Sangsu/Jeon Jihee


"Sincere towards juniors!" Yu Seung-min, Chairman of the Table Tennis Association, pledged 500 million won in Tokyo for a total reward (Ft. Masked Singer King'Octopus Uncle')

Article Entry 2021-05-17 12:04:27
Yoo Seung-min, president of the Korea Table Tennis Association (IOC member), promised a huge bounty ahead of the Tokyo Olympics.

Chairman Yoo of the '2004 Athens Olympic Men's Singles Gold Medalist' pledged a medal reward at a place to find and encourage the men's and women's national team training outside the village at the Armed Forces Sports Unit in Mungyeong, Gyeongsangbuk-do on the 13th.

Chairman Yoo promised a reward of 500 million won for the gold medal, 200 million won for the silver medal, and 100 million won for the bronze medal. In the case of individual singles and mixed doubles, the gold medal was 100 million won, the silver medal 50 million won, and the bronze medal 30 million won.

The men's table tennis team led by manager Oh Sang-eun is challenged by Lee Sang-su (Samsung Life Insurance), Jung Young-sik, and Jang Woo-jin (Lee Sang Mirae Asset Daewoo) in the Tokyo Olympics. I aimed to advance to the finals. The women's table tennis team led by Director Chu Gyo-sung will be presented by Jeon Ji-hee (POSCO Energy), Choi Hyo-joo (Samsung Life Insurance), and Shin Yoo-bin (Korean Air) in a group exhibition. Challenge the medal ticket. In the men's and women's singles, Jung Young-sik, Jang Woo-jin, Jeon Ji-hee and Shin Yu-bin will participate. In the mixed doubles where'male and female captain' Lee Sang-soo and Jeon Ji-hee are in line with each other, they are aiming for a medal. Ahn Jae-hyun and Lee Shi-on (above Samsung Life Insurance) play together as ``P Card'' players in preparation for the occurrence of injured players. The Olympics are postponed for one year amid the corona pandemic, and to prevent the spread of the corona, the training grounds and lodgings are banned while staying out or staying is prohibited. For the younger athletes who are struggling for their dreams, Chairman Yoo is the first to raise a bounty among the Olympic sports associations affiliated with the Korean Sports Association. Chairman Yoo said, "Athletes are preparing hard for the Tokyo Olympics. As chairman and senior, I couldn't often give encouragement. I will be very tired mentally as I prepare for the Olympics in an unprecedented corona situation." He said, "It is an Olympic for dreams, but as a national representative, there are parts that require patience and sacrifices in order not to harm others. I wanted to be of strength from the position of the association and from the position of seniors," he said. He hoped, "There has never been a case of previous associations that determined and announced the size of awards before the Olympics. I hope this award will motivate athletes." "As you know, the table tennis association doesn't do this because it has ample finances. I'll run on my feet and secure the finances," he promised. "If our juniors train hard and win gold medals, it is worth a billion dollars. The table tennis boom will rise again, and our table tennis enthusiasts will also have greater pride," he added.
On the 1st, Chairman Yoo made a surprise appearance on MBC's entertainment program'King of Mask Singer' and became a hot topic. 'You can do it' was the sincerity of the'Chairman' toward his juniors, who sang'now this moment' while wearing the'Mr. Octopus' mask. "Tokyo Olympics is not long. I am trying to convey comfort to the weary people, but I have little interest. I came out after thinking to help the athletes who are preparing for the Olympics lonely and hard."

Chairman Yoo is the only'non-Chinese' singles champion on the 2000s Olympic table tennis stage. After Chairman Yoo's 2004 Athens Olympic gold medal, no one has crossed the Great Wall of China. Chairman Yoo, coach Sang-eun Oh, and Se-hyuk Joo (Korean Horse Association), the best performer in the 2012 men’s team competition, were the best. Chairman Yoo said, "There is a '16-year periodic theory' in table tennis. I am hoping that the gold medal will come out this time, following Yoo Nam-gyu (Samsung Life's women's table tennis team coach) in 1988 and Seung-min Yoo in 2004." "Also, gold, silver and copper are good this time, but above all else, I hope that I can demonstrate superior skills and mental power. If the situation goes together, the results will follow," he said.

He did not forget the warm advice to his juniors, such as Woojin Jang, Yoobin Shin, and Hyojoo Choi, who challenged the first Olympics in his life. “The Olympics will come again three years later. The first Olympics are a great opportunity to show all of yourself. If you win a medal, it will be your chance to lead the boom of Korean table tennis, and even if you can't win a medal, it will be a boon for the next Olympics. The process wasn't smooth. The whole world is the same condition. Ultimately, it's a mental battle. As it's a difficult time to improve your skills, your mental strength and experience are really important. It will be a good opportunity for our players with strong mentality.”

A commemorative photo shoot with the Tokyo Olympics' national colleges,'Senior Chairman' infused the spirit of gold medals to juniors. "(Former) Ji-hee, win the gold and visit 500 million people!" "(Shin) Yubin, let's win the gold and go see BTS!" Big smiles burst into the faces of the players shouting "Fighting!" with one voice.
Reporter Jeon Young-ji [email protected]

Men's team event I think Korean team has best chance at a medal, could even win a silver, I have said it many times very little separates team Germany Japan Korea, could come down to key doubles game.

​​​​​​Japanese men's team don't feel too much strength about them, however I felt that way about them jn 2016 and they won a silver medal. Playing at home might elevate them bit more too.

Japanese ladies by far second best team, big gap exists between them and third, they should be playing off with team China in the Gold medal match. Korean ladies if do right might play off for a Broze against Hong Kong Chinese Taipei or Germany, very little separates these 4 teams.

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Nov 2018
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
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Jan 2018
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
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Jan 2018
Woo-hoo! Controversy over MS selection and prize money. When was the last time tennis was jealous of table tennis? 🤑

South Korean version
Japanese version

탁구협회의 꼼수...5억 포상금으로 가린 '선수 선발 불공정성' 논란

입력2021-05-20 06:01 수정2021-05-20 08:33

[스포츠서울 김경무전문기자] “헉~, 이건 뭐지?”

지난 17일 대한탁구협회가 기자들에게 보낸 ‘유승민 회장, 2020 도쿄올림픽 대표팀 메달 포상금’ 관련 보도자료를 보고는 여러모로 깜짝 놀랐다. 내용은 “유승민 회장(IOC위원)이 국가대표팀의 선전과 사기진작을 위해 역대 최대 규모의 메달 포상금 지급을 발표했다”는 것이었다.

포상금은 남녀단체전 금메달 5억원, 은메달 2억원, 동메달 1억원 등으로 예상 밖의 거액이었다. 남녀단식과 혼합복식 등 개인전은 금메달 1억원, 은메달 5000만원, 동메달 3000만원.

10년 넘게 든든한 후원자 노릇을 하던 조양호 회장의 갑작스런 별세로 대한항공의 후원(연간 10억원씩 지원)이 끊긴 이후, 올해 한 중소기업과 후원계약을 맺어 연간 5억원을 지원받기로 한 탁구협회. 그런 탁구협회가 무슨 자신감으로 그런 거액의 포상금을 내걸었는 지 우선 납득이 가지 않았다.

“어차피 따지 못할 금메달이니, 아예 10억원을 걸지…. ” 탁구계 한 지도자에게 물어봤더니 이런 답이 돌아왔다. 단체전 5억원이라는 거액의 포상금은, 다른 종목과 형평성도 맞지 않아 분란을 일으킬 수도 있다. 테니스계의 한 지역협회 회장은 “탁구협회 거액의 포상금 발표를 보고 깜짝 놀란 1인”이라고 했다.

두번째 납득이 가지 않는 것은, 정작 중요한 ‘남녀단식 선수 배정’에 관한 것을, 탁구협회가 설명도 없이 보도자료 뒤에 슬쩍 끼워넣다는 사실이다. 탁구협회는 최근 경기력향상위원회(위원장 김택수 미래에셋증권 총감독)를 열어, 도쿄올림픽 출전이 확정된 선수들 가운데 누구를 남녀단식에 넣을 지를 결정한 것으로 알려졌다. 그래서 경기력향상위원장은 조만간 이와 관련한 발표를 하겠다고까지 했다.

그런데 이날 보도자료에는 이에 대한 설명이 전혀 없었다. 맨 뒤에 “종목별 출전선수 명단은 아래와 같다. 단체전(남):이상수(삼성생명), 정영식, 장우진(이상 미래에셋증권), 단체전(여):전지희(포스코에너지), 최효주(삼성생명), 신유빈(대한항공), 개인단식(남):정영식, 장우진, 개인단식(여):전지희, 신유빈, 혼합복식:이상수-전지희”라고 썼다.

이에 대해 탁구인에게 물어봤더니 그는 “(선수선발 논란을) 희석시키려는 의도”라고 지적했다. 남자단식의 경우, 도쿄올림픽 대표선발전에서 1위를 한 선수가 얼마 전부터 제외될 것으로 알려져 탁구계 내부적으로는 이미 불공정성 논란에 휘말렸다. 그래서 1위를 한 선수 팀 지도자가 협회 실세에게 끊임없이 문제 제기를 했으나 결국 받아들여지지 않았다.

애초 대표선발전에서 1, 2위에도 들지 못한 선수가, 국제경험이 많고 랭킹이 높다는 이유로 추천선수로 도쿄올림픽에 출전하게 돼 논란이 됐다. 그런데 그는 파격적으로 단체전은 물론, 남자단식 출전권까지 거머쥐었다. 여자대표팀의 경우는, 대표선발전 1위를 한 신유빈이 여자단식 출전권을 가지게 된 것과도 상반된다. 남자 대표선발전 2위를 한 안재현과 1위 이상수는 무슨 죄가 있단 말인가. 둘다 삼성생명 선수다.

탁구인들이나 관련 선수 소속팀은 공개적으로 문제 제기를 하지 못하고 있다. 올림픽 금메달리스트 출신의 젊은 회장이 협회를 의욕적으로 끌고 가는 상황에서 행여 나쁜 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 우려에서다. 그러나 한 지도자는 “선수 선발은 객관성있게 해야 한다. 인권, 인권하면서 그러면 안된다”고 꼬집었다. 그는 “이상수가 남자단식에 빠질 이유가 없다. 정상적이지 못하다”고 지적했다.

문제는 회장 밑 협회 한 실세의 지나친 ‘제식구 챙기기’다. 이는 이미 오래전부터 탁구계에서 지적해온 사항이지만 개선되지 않고 있다. 공정성이 강조되는 이 시기에 대한탁구협회는 도대체 무슨 ‘꼼수’를 부리고 있는 것인가?

지난 16일 중국탁구협회는 도쿄올림픽 출전선수 명단을 최종 확정해 발표했는데, ‘의견수렴과 집단적 의사결정’을 강조했다. 특히 협회 회장 등 관계자들이 공개석상을 통해 언론에 명단과 함께 선정 이유 등을 자세히 설명했고, 원로와 장이닝 등 레전드들을 영상으로 연결해 의견도 수렴해 눈길을 끌었다. [email protected]
Table tennis association's trick...controversy over'unfairness in player selection' covered by 500 million rewards

Input 2021-05-20 06:01 Revised 2021-05-20 08:33

[Sports Seoul Reporter Kim Gyeong-moo] "Huh~, what is this?"

On the 17th, I was surprised to see the press release related to the “Chairman Seung-min Yoo, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics National Team Medal Prize” sent to reporters by the Korean Table Tennis Association. The content was “Chairman Seung-min Yoo (IOC member) announced the largest medal reward payment ever to promote the national team’s propaganda and morale.”

The prize money was unexpectedly large, with 500 million won in gold medals, 200 million won in silver, and 100 million won in bronze in the men's and women's group competitions. Individual exhibitions such as men's and women's singles and mixed doubles won a gold medal of 100 million won, a silver medal of 50 million won and a bronze medal of 30 million won.

After the sudden death of Chairman Yang-ho Cho, who has been a strong supporter for more than 10 years, the sponsorship of Korean Air (supported by 1 billion won per year) was cut off, the Ping Pong Association signed a sponsorship contract with a small and medium-sized company this year to receive 500 million won per year. First of all, I wasn't convinced what kind of confidence the table tennis association put up with such a huge bounty.

“It’s a gold medal that I can’t win anyway, so I’ll bet 1 billion won at all… . ”When I asked a table tennis leader, the answer came back. The huge bounty of 500 million won for a group game may cause trouble because it is not equally equal to other sports. The chairman of a local association in the field of tennis said, "I was surprised to see the announcement of the huge prize money of the Ping Pong Association."

The second thing that doesn't make sense is the fact that the table tennis association has slipped behind the press release without explanation about the really important “male and female singles player assignment”. It is known that the Table Tennis Association recently held the Performance Improvement Committee (Chairman Kim Taek-soo, general manager of Mirae Asset Securities), and decided which of the players who have been confirmed to participate in the Tokyo Olympics in the men's and women's singles. So, the chairman of the competition performance improvement committee even said that he would make a related announcement sooner or later.

However, there was no explanation for this in the press release that day. At the end, “The list of players by sport is as follows. Group Exhibition (Male): Sangsoo Lee (Samsung Life), Youngsik Jung, Woojin Jang (Mirae Asset Securities Lee), Group Exhibition (Female): Jeon Jihee (POSCO Energy), Hyojoo Choi (Samsung Life Insurance), Yubin Shin (Korean Air), Individual Singles (Male): Youngsik Jung , Jang Woo-jin, Individual singles (female): Jeon Ji-hee, Shin Yoo-bin, Mixed doubles: Lee Sang-soo-Jeon Ji-hee.”

When I asked the table tennis player about this, he pointed out that it was "the intention to dilute (the player selection controversy)." In the case of men's singles, it is known that the player who ranked first in the Tokyo Olympics qualifying round will be excluded from a while ago, and the table tennis industry has already been caught up in a controversy over unfairness. So, the leader of the player's team, who won the first place, constantly raises questions to the association, but it was not accepted in the end.

It was controversial that a player who did not even finish in the 1st and 2nd place in the first national squad became a recommended player because he had a lot of international experience and a high ranking. However, he unprecedentedly gained the right to participate in the men's singles as well as the group match. In the case of the women's national team, it is also contrary to the fact that Yubin Shin, who placed first in the national squad, got the right to qualify for the women's singles. What are the crimes between Ahn Jae-hyun, who placed second in the men's national team, and Lee Sang-soo, who placed first? Both are players of Samsung Life Insurance.

Table tennis players or the team of the related players have not been able to openly raise issues. This is due to concerns that a young Olympic gold medalist may have a bad influence by acting in a situation where the association is enthusiastically dragging the association. However, one leader said, “The selection of players must be objective. It's human rights, human rights, and you shouldn't.” He said, “There is no reason Lee Sang-soo falls into men's singles. It is not normal,” he pointed out.

The problem is the excessive “taking care of the family” of the association under the chairman. This is something that has been pointed out by the table tennis world for a long time, but it has not been improved. What kind of ‘trick’ is the Korea Table Tennis Association doing in this period when fairness is emphasized?

On the 16th, the China Table Tennis Association finalized and announced the list of players participating in the Tokyo Olympics, emphasizing ‘collection of opinions and collective decision-making.’ In particular, officials such as the president of the association explained to the media in detail the list and the reason for the selection through a public seat, and collected opinions by connecting legends such as elders and Jang Inning through video. [email protected]
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Bumping this up after JPN 4-8 KOR at XTWC 2023 and in anticipation of WTTC 2024 Busan.

KTTA: We were right to pick Kim Nayeong!

I'm not talking about the historical aspect of South Korea here, which I've touched on multiple times over the years [1, 2, 3, 4]. I'm referring to the selection system. Yoo Namkyu got himself in hot water in the Tokyo 2020 cycle with his "infinite competition [1, 2]" and by now Miyazaki has done the same for the Paris 2024 cycle. The KNT under Joo Sehyuk (MT headcoach) and Oh Kwanghun (WT headcoach) are no doubt back on track in terms of harmony after a shaky start [1, 2, 3, 4].
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Feb 2019
Hirano could ironically be the weak point of team Japan for both Jeon and Shin to target. Jeon and Shin are also Asian Games champions (no china) and wttc runner ups (beat SYS/WMY). That's why Japan needs a good doubles pairing so badly, Hirano/Miwa won't cut it.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
According to the transcript of JJH's recent live, she admits that she was lucky, in fact too lucky, to win the Asian Games 2022 WD title as her talent, strength and game are no good as pointed by her boyfriend 徐克/Xu Ke, who has wins over ML and XX. She reveals that even though he did not tell her to retire, he has told her to quit for several years now.


田志希要打甲A (JJH is going to play in Jia A)
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
has she quit Xu Ke since ?
Apparently not. From the transcript, it can be seen she has nothing but good things to say about him, coming together again after like over 10 years.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Forgot to mention that JJH says SYB will focus on XD going forward and so she paired up with Joo Cheonhui, while dismissing the others (proof that she doesn't get along with the other teammate killers?). She also touched on LSS's recent form, saying that there is an inside joke that he should draw ALL CNT players to unleash his potential, or else he wouldn't make it.

According to the transcript of JJH's recent live, she admits that she was lucky, in fact too lucky, to win the Asian Games 2022 WD title as her talent, strength and game are no good as pointed by her boyfriend 徐克/Xu Ke, who has wins over ML and XX. She reveals that even though he did not tell her to retire, he has told her to quit for several years now.


田志希要打甲A (JJH is going to play in Jia A)
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Huh? RSM had reasons to make that claim. KOR was no joke at TWC 2019.