Satoshi Aida's equiptment

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Jun 2018
That second set was really fun to watch. Actually when he mixed up the play he seemed way more successful than when he was just attacking.

I guess we only seem to define players as attackers or defenders, where as like most of us no-pros, we are allrounders. Which would be a better title.

Love his style though!
Have you seen his win against Gauzy - good watch
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Be happy.
Could you please learn as someone else mentioned here already, that tt-reference is not a good site to state what any player is using currently?! 90%+ of all rubbers and blades mentioned from pros are wrong and/or outdated.

As per the end of 2022 he seems to have been using Rakza Z on fh and Rising Dragon on bh
Source is a facebook post from Yasaka:
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Apr 2020
Read 1 reviews
Could you please learn as someone else mentioned here already, that tt-reference is not a good site to state what any player is using currently?! 90%+ of all rubbers and blades mentioned from pros are wrong and/or outdated.

As per the end of 2022 he seems to have been using Rakza Z on fh and Rising Dragon on bh
Source is a facebook post from Yasaka:
That’s what I heard as well. Before launch of Rakza Z he played with Mark V and then he changed to Rakza Z.
says Table tennis clown
says Table tennis clown
Well-Known Member
Apr 2020
I don’t think he is as he is more attacking :)

Most modern defenders default is defending. Then attack when they can. He seems more attacking than that. But whatever it’s called it’s a cool style 👍
Maybe he is in a "transition phase" 😂
His BH opening is typical defender serve.
Then of course a modern defender, or allrounder , will like most good players adapt to the
playing qualities (or lack thereof) of the opponent. If the opponent is obviously weaker, one might as well attack him/her and whack the living bejeuses out of them.

Nasty game tabletennis. 🤣
  • Haha
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