Shuki Development and Questions

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Dec 2010
you don't think he is thinking he can improve the same way he did in tennis where understanding spin is not the top priority .... ?
Entertaining follow-up. The coach put together a smooth/LP combination racket for this guy after I heard him talking about this. He played with 1, yes, count it, ONE player who he NEVER loses to with his LP both sides racket. He played her with the new combination racket and got his clock cleaned.

After losing repeatedly for 1, count it, ONE hour, he went back to his locker mumbling to himself about how he can't play with that racket and how this person could never beat him with his normal racket. He brought out his normal racket. Proceeded to win.

My money says he will never pick up the combo racket again because he would have to learn to play with smooth rubber and read spin. And he is more concerned with winning against low level players than he is about actually learning something and improving.

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says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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Sep 2011
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I just played in my first tournament in a long time (1982) and the major reason I didn't do well was that I did not play aggressively enough ( according to my opponents) so this thread is something I wish I had read BEFORE the tournament...

That is a seriously LONG time between tourneys.

As much as it burns not to play up to expectations, there is always another tourney, and WHEN you do, it is good stuff.
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says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
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Sep 2011
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Coincidentally I just saw this same guy asking a coach about making him a smooth/LP racket because, in the U1700 at a tournament yesterday he got crushed by someone lower level than him who had no trouble with his pips. Interestingly, he was more concerned with the fact that the guy he lost to had a lower rating than him than anything else.

My guess is that he won't stay with a combo racket because it will take a lot of work before he can deal with both sides and transition well between them.

I will keep my eye on that.

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Absolut Freekin' Hilarious, but true in many USA amature places. I have such things (different and similar) a lot, but it STILL cracks me up when I hear or see them.

EDIT: I do not know how I got Gene's quote about the tourney in there. I was referring to the "Gotta make my LPs trickier" syndrome. Gene's tourney experience wasn't a jest and i support him.
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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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you don't think he is thinking he can improve the same way he did in tennis where understanding spin is not the top priority .... ?

He started playing with LP on both sides because it upset him so much when people would spin him off the table with heavy loops and he could not return the ball or when they would spin heavy on serves and he could not get the ball in play. So, the pips were so he didn't have to read spin to the same extent.

Now, he must be able to read spin well enough to play with the LP. But it is a different kind of reading spin and responding to it.

And I am not so sure he is thinking about what it will take or how to get used to a smooth attacking rubber. The attitude actually makes me wonder how he learned to play tennis. But that may have happened as a kid. I know he plays tennis with the old technique from the 70s and not how they play today. I heard him talking to a friend who is a tennis coach about that. So, maybe he just doesn't have the patience or the mindset to totally learn a new discipline.

But I just think he can't handle being 700 points lower level than he has thought of himself for the last several years. So that same silly issue of rating and level holding someone back. Hating to miss and being willing to make a weak shot to not miss holding someone back from getting better.

There is a lot to learn from taking a good stroke and trying to initiate the aggression as early as possible. There is nothing wrong with breaking down and trying to learn things the right way. A player who is willing to let his level drop to learn the right way to do things, will ultimately end up a higher level, but more importantly, A BETTER PLAYER. A player who is scared to give up something that works at a mid level but won't work at a higher level, will get stuck and end up suffering from his own desire to have high opinion of himself.
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Sep 2011
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I have said it before, I think 60 yrs old will be the age limit for me to stop playing like Rambo on Roids kinda offensive style.

When I turn 60, since I have a good close to the table game and already hit with LPs every now and then, AND have access to a great LP coach in Korea, I outta start transitioning to a close to table OX LP aggressive player.
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Aug 2015
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upon watching the video, I also noticed I don't do any of the things we were talking about against players I have experience against. It's more of something I do when it's a player I've never played and I'm feeling them out still.
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Aug 2015
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We want to see it! :D gogo
yup, it's uploaded but i'm waiting on the okay from the other guy in the video, I sent it to him through email since it's private at the moment.

It's a player I'm better than by quite a bit but he also doesn't want to look bad out there on the internet if he thinks he played too poorly.
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Jun 2015
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yup, it's uploaded but i'm waiting on the okay from the other guy in the video, I sent it to him through email since it's private at the moment.

It's a player I'm better than by quite a bit but he also doesn't want to look bad out there on the internet if he thinks he played too poorly.

I see... who cares tho :p nobody knows him anyways.
And i dont think people here would think bad of him if he played badly .
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Oct 2014
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I think you've done pretty well. I wish I had the last video to see if I was overthinking this but the back to forth motion of the wrist looks much better and the arm on the whole feels much more relaxed as I watch it. How do you feel? The backhand looks much better. The forehand could do better but I know many people with your approach. Your grip hasn't really changed but your mental approach to it has because you have expanded how you think about it, definitely more on the backhand than the forehand. It reminds me of what happens when Brett tries to show bad strokes on TTEdge videos and still putting the ball on the table or when I try to demonstrate a bad habit to my students and they can't tell what the habit is because my preferred form still shows up in the bad habit.

I do prefer that you include the missed serves and failed serve returns etc. and find them to be one of the most important aspects of table tennis. Remember that most TT matches average less than 4 shots per point. Sometimes, high light rallies like these fail to remind you of what real table tennis between attackers is about. So seeing those misses, what caused them etc. is a huge part of TT. A point of a missed serve or missed serve return counts as much as other points in TT.
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Aug 2015
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I tried have the whole video but

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says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
Well-Known Member
Sep 2011
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Your BH has some serious good touch close to the bounce. You move your hitting zone forward on BH very well to keep the ball in the effective hitting zone. You are very consistent and the BH is good pressure and wins points too. You have a good quick reaction to fast balls to your BH.

Your BH style of play has some similarities to my former playing style. Learning and maintaining that great touch on BH is essential to keep you in rallies vs the better amatures and if you harness it, will setup your FH offense.

Good stuff at this stage. As with any BH happy spinner, it can be difficult to transition to FH since the BH is good and consistent.
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