Stiga Rubber Protector (Non - Sticky)

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any reviews about this rubber protector its non-sticky ?


it is cheap in my country for only Php 80.00 = $2 (approx) for 2 sheets already. TIA :D
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Feb 2014
Read 2 reviews
I have been using them but i stopped to use them after about a month as they got dirty and dusty, then they just putted the dust on the rubber. Otherwise it's an ok rubber protection but they don't last very long. They are very cheap though
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Thank you for the reply. the store that i bought it from told me that its somehow better than the adhesive one because adhesive ones tend to get dirty but with the stiga rubber protector i can clean the film with just a wet clean rug, and he also told me that it will stick you the rubber is tacky enough which i am afraid of because my rubbers might loose its tackiness soon.

I use Acetate Film which only sticks to the rubber if the rubber is tacky enough, when i was beginning and heard rumors that it will lessen the life span of the rubber making it Anti. is it true ? after i play games i wipe dust with chamois (not soaking wet just to soften the chamois) i don't tend to get the rubber all wet, just to wipe the dust off after each game. is this a good habit ?

money isn't so easy to get, i cant buy any rubber replacement any more. my rubbers cost me PHP 3500.00 = $78.00. but satisfied just wanted to keep them alive for a long time. thank you for the replies really appreciate it guys :)
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Sep 2013
Xiom or Nittaku adhersive protectors can be cleaned by water without lossing their adhersiveness, as I've used a pair of each for about 4 months. I don't know about other brands' rubber protectors, but I suppose that they're safe to be lightly washed with water, too. To apply adhersive protectors to your rubbers without leaving bubbles on the surface, just use a roller or may be an edge of your cellphone and press slowly from the paddle neck to top.