Who has the best backhand flick?

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hello guys,
I would like to analyze in detail the backhand flick.
I think that the best players doing this shot are: fan zhendong, harimoto, zhang jike and wang chuqin.
Who do you think that has the best backhand flick?
For me this is a hard question, in my opinion harimoto's one is the fastest, wang chuqin could have the spinniest one, zhang jike the one with most variation of speed and spin and Fan the most consistent one.
Let me know what do you think.
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This user has no status.
Apr 2020
Yes, sorry about that. That useful comment was from someone else whilst EmRat himself actually wrote 'Wow, she is so cute.'

The comment section to this video is incredibly sleezy and I would say that it was EmRat's lead that everyone was following.

If he's going to translate other people's content and add his own spin I think it's definitely his responsibility to present it in a way that doesn't objectify female players.
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This user has no status.
Dec 2019
Zhang Jike took the back hand flick to the next level.

From the current generation I would say Lin Yun Ju has one of the best.
Off course all the top players have a strong BH flick but Lin's flick has that bit more extra speed and range.

He seems to make a lot more points with it then his fellow players.