Whos your favourite player currently, and a why?

Who Is Your Favourite Player Ever?

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Aug 2011
Wang liqin was the best, for he was the most intelligent player in the Chinese team. Even though he was an older player.
Maybe he will miss the oppurtunity to attend the London Olympic games, but he was really a great player.
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says 2023 Certified Organ Donor
Well-Known Member
Sep 2011
Read 27 reviews
I like the father of Jung, Young Sik ( JYS is currently World #90 Sep 2011) who plays in tourneys just north of Seoul. Dude know his tuff, plays hard, but isn't the top div 1 player out there. He is always playing with a smile on his face. NO ONE has that good of an attitude and would do well to have 1/10th of it. He says he learned a lot of TT from his son. Macho Koreans usually never would admit that.
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Active Member
Sep 2011
Read 4 reviews
Okay I'm probably gonna get a lot of flack today, but Jan Ove was a genius that helped to evolve the sport into what it is today. In his day he was the greatest player of all time. Today however I disagree with people who say he is the greatest player of all time. If you look at the statistics and not to mention the medals at World's and the Olympics Wang Liqin is definitely up there.

He is my all time favorite and the only player to date that has survived the 3 evolutions in the past 2 decades. He has done well with the service and ball changes. He's done well with the speed glue ban (although it did impact his shot tremendously).

He was also the first person in modern times that really evolved the forehand. He basically said I'm not gonna pussy foot around here. I'm gonna hit this ball with more spin, speed, and accuracy than any other player in history. Where Waldner would play to win a point in a very genius manner I have to add with his drop shots or great counters, Wang to this day and at his age out matches everyone with his Forehand. Look at his forehand statistics. In every match when Wang instigates the point with his forehand loop the ONLY way a player has a chance of winning the point is when they counter to his backhand. He's definitely lost speed in his footwork and uses his backhand quite a lot now, but when he steps around for his 3rd ball no one touches the ball.

If you pay close attention to recent matches after the speed glue ban, he is typically beaten by tactics not because someone over powers him. They will rarely attack his forehand. It's always a backhand exchange first then a shot down the line or a forehand counter loop to over power his backhand. His step around in the middle of a rally is rarely used now because he can't move to a down the line shot if he tries to exchange forehands.

Ma Long clearly wants to evolve the sport like Wang and I love to watch them play because Ma will keep exchanging forehands trying to overpower the veteran. He's getting close, but I'd say is still a few years away before that happens.

Again another novel wow!
Well-Known Member
Mar 2011
WLQ has always been my hero. I was a predominantly FH player but nowadays, my BH became more into play coz I can't run around to hit a FH any more. It comes with age and after years of punishing my left knee, it gives up. I can't bend my knees as much to get down low any more. My right knee is beginning to feel the strain too since it's taking much of the work of my left knee.
But once in awhile on a slower backspin ball, I still hit that down the line FH that made WLQ so great. It's a great weapon to have in the arsenal. I agree with Richard, the other Chinese players have nothing on WLQ.
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Oct 2011
My favorite is Ma Lin because he is very dedicated to his training and his forehand is outstanding! I love to watch him go flying when he attacks the 3rd ball. He puts so much force on the ball that he breaks it in 2-3 hits. I can't think of a more creative player than him.