Zhang Jike - News, Pics, Videos & more

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Mar 2014
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Monday morning treat for ping_fun :) ....

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It was nice ;) thank you so much
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Mar 2014
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it made no sense to me at the beginning but after the coaches stated that they want to popularize TT through ZJK it makes sense now. Too bad the 1% hopes we had of him playing like the good days are definitely now diminished. I wasnt expecting any big comeback but I still believed that a patient and composed ZJK can beat anyone with 80 % physical performance as he has proven it in the past. Those events are probably good for the chinese but the rest of the fans outside china are definitely disinterested...sad but true but we westerners are outnumbered

Yeah he tried his best to developed table tennis and to be honest he did . Now its time to come back :mad: I guess he himself doesn't want to leave table tennis with these results ..... till now no news .....
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Mar 2014
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NEW POSTER : ANTA ( biting the zipper seems hot ;))

says Any body knows when will be the next Asia Pacific...
says Any body knows when will be the next Asia Pacific...
Sep 2016
I like his table tennis very much but now it is the time he should step out, his form and his table tennis is going down hill.
Every players has this moment, we can not always be the same. Sometimes we have to accept the fact, I don,t think he can come back to the top again. That is bad for table tennis because he was just a very good player, his table tennis is so enjoyable to watch.
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Mar 2014
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I like his table tennis very much but now it is the time he should step out, his form and his table tennis is going down hill.
Every players has this moment, we can not always be the same. Sometimes we have to accept the fact, I don,t think he can come back to the top again. That is bad for table tennis because he was just a very good player, his table tennis is so enjoyable to watch.

Actually that's the thing most of the sites in china says but they were telling this before rio too. I hope he would play at least for 2 years till now . If he get rid of this promotion programs he has the ability to come back . 29 is so early . look at lin dan . at age 32 he is still successful ....
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Sep 2017
Unfortunately, Zhang Jike has a very unsuccesful year of 2017. He has not won any tittle so far, and I think it is unlikly he will get any gold medal in the rest of the year. He is just 29 years old, but the professional table tennis world is extremely competitive
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Mar 2014
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Falling on the 15th day of the 8th month according to the Chinese lunar calendar, the Mid-Autumn Festival is the second grandest festival in China after the Chinese New Year. It takes its name from the fact that it is always celebrated in the middle of the autumn season. The day is also known as the Moon Festival, as at that time of the year the moon is at its roundest and brightest. chinese people eat moon cake in this day . Here is a video of zhang Jike greeting Moon cake day . His fans has missed him so hard as i read weibo posts and its good way to connect them .

Recently zhang jike in his personal weibo account has published a set of pictures while he is cooking professionally for his family :D in mid - autumn festival day . Maybe he will open a restaurant after his retirement .

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Mar 2014
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chinese media has published the list of top 10 athlete according to their influence and number of fans which was collected in seven month from march to september 2017 .

zhang jike is ranked first in this list followed by dong li the fencing star and his teammate ma long . this list has other table tennis players inside as ding ning is 7 , liu shiwen 9 and fang bo 10 . Half of the list belong to table tennis stars which shows the great influence table tennis stars have in china now which zhang jike made a great role in this love and influence ( his numbers shows this influence )

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Mar 2014
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Anybody knows whats up with ZJK lately regarding his T.T. I mean how is his injury ?? Or whats his plan to attend world tour or Chinese super league ??

There's no news yet . But as i see in weibo posts he is good mentally :D having fun . Wish this good feeling turns to be a good come back
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Mar 2014
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Guoping provincial team trial ended . Three teenager Cao Yan tao , Xiang peng ,Kuang li with excellent record officially entered the china's national team . Among them , the 14 year old Xiang Peng had most of the attention . The reason behind this attention was zhang jike's attention to this teenager .He was in the national games playing vs zhang jike and had a close duel with him


Zhang jike praised him after his game against him and hoped he can enter the national team . zhang jike after the game gave 5 rubber of himself to this young player , he generally never send rubbers to other players but for this young talent he did this . he personally guided xaiang peng . . this young talent told the reporters that zhang jike told him his forehand need to be strengthen ,also his legs should be strengthen too and then game me five rubber .
By zhang jike's encourage and his hard work Xiang peng seized the opportunity and made his wish come true .



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