Who produces the best youtube coaching videos

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Dec 2017
I have recently spent a lot of time looking at youtube table tennis videos including many from coaches.

I like yangyang TT videos which are well produced and of course Yangyang Jia is an attractive player. EmRatThich Table Tennis coach makes long and detailed videos so probably is the best for experienced players. He tends to think that the best way to play is by following Chinese methods which are far better than the western way of playing. He may well be right and his explanations on using legs and weight transfer to hit balls harder has done me a lot of good.

Probably the best videos for clear and simple instructions are from Tom Lodziak. He often brings in top players to demonstrate shots as he admits that he has the same problems as club players do with certain strokes- this makes him seem normal.

These 3 coaches have a range of english speaking videos covering a vast range of shots, tactics and equipment. Are there any that you think provide better coaching and do any of you pay for video courses?
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Oct 2019
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I think the best videos I watched were by ttedge. Guy payed special care for strong basics. I especially praise his serve tutorials, he divided them into easy to follow and master steps.

MLFM also has very good videos and he is on this forums too. He isn't most talkative in his videos, but shows every move slowly and with attention to details.
Tom Lodziak videos are also pretty helpful.

The ones that didn't work for me are by Table Tennis University, because guy don't show how to practice, he just shows how the move should look like. I think the second big issue for TTU is coach's language barrier. I don't also like Yang Yang videos, but I can't really articulate reasoning. She is cute and all, but I don't think I learned all that much from her :(

Also pingskills is very good. The main advantage is that they make the videos as if you were learning with someone on same level as you, often introducing easy exercises for both of you.
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says ok, I will go back and make sure you have access. Be...
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Nov 2010
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You should be quite cautious about some of what EmRatThich puts in his videos.

I want to put in another vote for pingskills. Good information from people who actually know what they are talking about. The TomLodziak ones are really good too.

As you watch those, make sure you sometimes video yourself so you have a realistic point of comparison.
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I found that the paid TTEdge videos with Brett Clarke were very productive for me. Especially helpful for understanding the whip mechanics used when looping. Also, lots of examples of common problems that beginners make with before and after videos showing how a beginner adjusted his form. Serve tutorials also included very detailed step by step instructions.

(I haven’t tried TTD videos yet. )
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Dec 2014
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Brett Clarke's videos have by FAR been the best for me along with his personal feedback. He produces real measurable results and I owe a lot of my development the last year or so to him.

The problem with most youtube coaching videos is the lack of feedback you get and a lot of their tips are too detailed. I find Brett's keep it simple approach to be the best.
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Oct 2019
I’ve watched a lot of channels and have learned a lot from all the free ones that people have mentioned. The ones that stick out though are the serve tutorials from Tomorrow Table Tennis and PingSkills for most of everything else. PingSkills’ videos are practical and straight to the point to me.
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Oct 2016
I think it is important to always use somewhat of a critical thinking. There are different ways of playing and i feel that some of the channels are better than others.

I also think they aim for different groups. I think personally Lodziak is to basic and simplified. But it is not good if it is to complex either. Personally i really enjoy videos where they learn basic strokes But by doing it in a new way or with explanations that are similar to something else. This is very good for kids. Brett clarke are good at this. Viktor tolcharev i also think have some cool ideas.
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Sep 2011
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I think it is important to always use somewhat of a critical thinking. There are different ways of playing and i feel that some of the channels are better than others.

I also think they aim for different groups. I think personally Lodziak is to basic and simplified. But it is not good if it is to complex either. Personally i really enjoy videos where they learn basic strokes But by doing it in a new way or with explanations that are similar to something else. This is very good for kids. Brett clarke are good at this. Viktor tolcharev i also think have some cool ideas.

The man knows how to place the important main point in the first sentence of his writing.
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Many videos on YouTube
For technique videos there are videos from the CNT, or Ma Long as well. Some good pros on Butterfly site.

Ely Baratys vids are good too

I watch a lot of Japanese videos as well. Or in French

Notably for pimple players there’s a lot of resource in Japanese. Probably in Chinese as well
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New Member
Dec 2019
Hi, Have been extremely impressed by MLFM (Ma Long Fan Made) channel. He does not speak but shows the overall shot then breaks down each part of the shot with isolated demonstrations. He has spent a great amount of time and effort to determine the essential components of each shot to demonstrate them slowly and clearly. His recent Invincible Backhand Loop video is the finest video on the internet on the backhand. You will only need to return to this video again and again to have your own invincible backhand loop. Check it out at the MLFM.com.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2014
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Hi, Have been extremely impressed by MLFM (Ma Long Fan Made) channel. He does not speak but shows the overall shot then breaks down each part of the shot with isolated demonstrations. He has spent a great amount of time and effort to determine the essential components of each shot to demonstrate them slowly and clearly. His recent Invincible Backhand Loop video is the finest video on the internet on the backhand. You will only need to return to this video again and again to have your own invincible backhand loop. Check it out at the MLFM.com.

I like the video but would not call it the finest video on the internet on the backhand topspin (it might be but that just shows the limitations of the internet). It teaches one technique amongst many and doesn't really work for the fast close to the table backhand topspin that dominates some rallies today. Sometimes being aware of the limitations of a technique are as important if not more than just knowing and executing the technique.
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