Ma Long vs Zhang Jike Final FIXED???

Vote below! Was the final fixed for Ma Long to win?

  • Fixed

    Votes: 24 22.6%
  • Not Fixed

    Votes: 82 77.4%

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It was definitely fixed match, Ma long almost lost to Korean player and lost twice with games. ZJK was more solid player at this time and at the time of the match he was just pretending to play. If you ZJK heaters call that was his top play then you do not know table tennis at all. CNT had to do it this why know ML alcoholic issues and if he did not win this time probbaly would not ever win it at all.
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Sep 2014
ZJK was a great player. But not anymore the same old ZJK due to his back injury. He contained his game thus loosing to many opponents in recent past. Ma Long is a machine and the fastest player in table tennis history. Head to Head Ma Long won on numerous occasions against ZJK. So no point in saying match is fixed. This is table tennis; ZJK could have lost in the very first game to Chinese tapei guy as he won 2 sets in deuce;results can go either way; confidence levels drops if you loose one set even though you are leading. Fact is Ma Long deserves Grandslam title. He won it from a worthy opponent.
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Aug 2011
Okay guys, there are many opinions (unfortunately many of them are shite and only some of them are good), but that's what opinions are for - to expess what people think, so let me add another one.

I am sorry, but I really believe that the match was fixed. The reason why the scoreline end up by 4:0 was because of Ma Long knowing nothing about it. I think that ZJK was simply told to lose and because he is a rebel, he said: "Why should I give a shit and try the match to look tight? I will rather **** it up big style and give many people this question." And I think that the first game was just a prove to his self-confidence that if it was not fixed, he would play a very tight game.

And reason of this all? I think that it is because of team event. Look China are unstopable in teams, but the reason for that is because they never ever underestimate a thing. They always think of what could **** up. Here is an example: after winning the WTTTC 2014 Liu Guoliang said in an interview that he was very nervous, because he knew that if the game somehow would have gone to the fifth match, they would've lost it.
Now imagine what could've happened if Ma Long would have lost the final? Everybody know how much he wanted it and we all also know that he has great problems with his mental strengh. So then he could've produced an unexpected blow in the team event.
And we all very well know how demotivated can ZJK be (especially in team events). Imagine him winning his second Grand Slam. I truly believe he could've lost in the team event and not even care about it.
And then there is Xu Xin, who is playing his first Olympics and no one knows how is he going to deal with it (and also no one knows how would have he dealt with it if Ma Long and ZJK had lost their matches in the team event).
Seems possible to me that China could've lost and they are not gonna allow this scenario. It is so much better for them to see Ma Long winning, because he won't be affected by that, also this loss can put ZJK back on his feet and nothing can endanger their team title.

By saying that the match was fixed, I'm not telling that ZJK is better than Ma Long or that Ma Long didn't deserve it, neither I don't mean it the other way round - I just believe that this is really possible because of the team event.
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The frustration in ZJKs face says it all...he couldn't beat ML. Knowing ZJK and his pride, even if it was fixed (which it's not) he would never lose 0-4. after the first game and ML having answers to everything ZJK threw at him, he lost his will. ML knew how ZJK plays and had an answer to every ball from ZJK.

I always say ZJK at his prime was better than ML. I feel his prime has passed and now is ML at his prime. So I say congrats to ML and hopefully he will continue to dominate until FSD turn to hit his prime.
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Feb 2012
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The fact that surprised me the most was that ML, was not looking confident in previous matches but after the 1st set he was actually in equilibrium no matter if he lost or won the point. He just went for it and even trolled an impatient and probably arrogant ZJK in BH to BH rallies and his usual tactics with the reverse pendulum serve

Is it me or did anyone else witness that after 2-3 bh to bh rallies ZJK was pissed of , or stubborn maybe, he actually spin/smashed a great BH down the line after so many failures in bh to bh patterns? I totally loved that point by ZJK but at the same time I was like "damn he seems really annoyed , if he doesnt calm down he will definitely lose some more"

I dont remember which point was it, i will try to find and post it
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Dec 2014
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Carl has tried once, let me try again , quoting my favorite commentator at this point from his recent facebook post ... read this guys and rest in peace ...

This is such a good post. Such a humble player, yet a master. It's very sad to see people speculating and creating no end of conspiracy theories. It's so pointless, we will never know. Just enjoy the table tennis that these two amazing players have provided us.
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Nov 2015
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That post of Adam Bobrow is beautifully written but does it change anything?

Well who was the best player in the event before the finals. Clearly, Zhang Jike wrapped everyone up while Ma long bet Groth convincingly, he cried his way till he reached the final. Why would anyone want to support a cry baby anyway?

ZJK is a different machine, he needs stimulation to stay on top. While Ma Long just needs to do the same thing again and again, no variety until he finally found the chop block. Why people love Waldner? For his touch, charisma and arrogant personality. Why ZJK fans love him, because he is the man. A man feels different emotions, but suck it up till necessary and let it go after achieving.

To put it simply, Ma Long didn't win, Zhang Jike just lost it was meant to be so that many Ma Long fans can get some sleep. It doesn't change anything when they go back to CNT, ZJK beats him again after he recovers from the injury.

Why ZJK is hated by many? Because he suffers from Agassi Syndrome. He both loves and hates the game. It is pretty hard when your Psycho father repeatedly starve you and beat you because your forehand motion has some imperfections. It is pretty hard to maintain love for the game when a child endures something like that on a daily basis. Still the kid got to be the real champion and a source of motivation to many. People appreciate him for what he is. You have to understand that not all people are meant to be the same, some have to be misfits to run the machine of life.

It doesn't matter whether they fixed it up or not, their job is always to put up a good show. It was k this time.
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Why ZJK is hated by many? Because he suffers from Agassi Syndrome. He both loves and hates the game. It is pretty hard when your Psycho father repeatedly starve you and beat you because your forehand motion has some imperfections. It is pretty hard to maintain love for the game when a child endures something like that on a daily basis. Still the kid got to be the real champion and a source of motivation to many. People appreciate him for what he is. You have to understand that not all people are meant to be the same, some have to be misfits to run the machine of life..

Where did you get that information from? Psycho father?

Anyways, I'm a huge/loyal ZJK fan and love his game/dynamic personality. However, Ma Long played exceptionally well. He out-matched ZJK in every aspect of the game, even the usual BH/BH that ZJK is usually dominant in. The first game was a game-changer. After ZJK lost after being up in deuces, it seemed like he lost confidence, and even drive, especially the last game. We cannot diminish Ma Long's performance though - since 2015 and even as early as 2013, he has been dominant with his perfect technique, only faltering because of mental/nerves. Great performance by ML, unfortunate situation for ZJK as he was not up to par technically, mentally, and physically because of possible injuries. Hopefully there will be a next time that these two meet... hopefully this isn't the end of ZJK's career.
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Nov 2015
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Where did you get that information from? Psycho father?

There is a video where his mom says she fed him even though his father doesn't want him to be fed because he didn't play well that day. Also his father bet the crap out of him on a daily basis. There are some videos where both his mom and ZJK speak about his father issues.

Ma Long played well in the last match he was pretty confident. Usually ZJK doesn't give up early if you seen him all through the years. It doesn't work that way in becoming a world champion that you give up after first set. He is a good guy that he already decided that let Ma Long have it. There are no speculations about the injury, he was completely ****ed up after that match after Samsonov. After second set, he couldn't even move he can cover it to up that extent that is not even visible to the audience, that is ZJK for everyone. I felt really bad that it felt like repeat of 2016 German Open where Ma Long beat a half alive Zhang Jike. K I am exaggerating but the point is to see the reality building from past experiences.

It is totaly disappointing for Ma Long to prove against an injured ZJK. Would have great to see if both gave each other's best like 2014 World Cup.

But, one can't blame ML cos he was not the one who got injured, ****ng ZJK got injured all the time during the last 2 years. Why that happened, I don't have any idea. May be ZJK was really reckless with his health :(
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Feb 2012
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There is a video where his mom says she fed him even though his father doesn't want him to be fed because he didn't play well that day. Also his father bet the crap out of him on a daily basis. There are some videos where both his mom and ZJK speak about his father issues.

Ma Long played well in the last match he was pretty confident. Usually ZJK doesn't give up early if you seen him all through the years. It doesn't work that way in becoming a world champion that you give up after first set. He is a good guy that he already decided that let Ma Long have it. There are no speculations about the injury, he was completely ****ed up after that match after Samsonov. After second set, he couldn't even move he can cover it to up that extent that is not even visible to the audience, that is ZJK for everyone. I felt really bad that it felt like repeat of 2016 German Open where Ma Long beat a half alive Zhang Jike. K I am exaggerating but the point is to see the reality building from past experiences.

It is totaly disappointing for Ma Long to prove against an injured ZJK. Would have great to see if both gave each other's best like 2014 World Cup.

But, one can't blame ML cos he was not the one who got injured, ****ng ZJK got injured all the time during the last 2 years. Why that happened, I don't have any idea. May be ZJK was really reckless with his health :(

those are translated videos of jagged translates. Your statements are exaggerated or probably out of your imagination. his mom actually said that, some times his father would punish him sending him to run back home which was quite a distance from the training center. And some other times if he trained well he would eat at ease.

If u have a new video, please provide.
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Dec 2010
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not fixed because who benefits?
the chinese national team already had silver and bronze coming their way

I think you meant Silver and Gold. China won Silver and Gold. Jun Mizutani of Japan won Bronze. :)

But, yeah, this thread will hopefully die and nobody will play the necromancer and bring it back to life.

It is now Ma Long's time in the limelight. And China has two great Grand Slam Champions in this decade to celebrate.
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Oct 2012
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I normally do not believe in conspiracy theroy. However, after watching CNT bossy attitude during ZJK training I think it is very likely the match was fixed. Folks .. I know ML is better and >60% he could beat ZJK. But 4-0? GMaFB ..Hey if I were ZJK and had a rebellious attitude (which I do) and was afraid of CNT stupid boss, I'd act like I was frustrated with my performance, knowing I'd have nothing to lose (as I already won the Olympics!) Sheet .. I don't care who won anyway as TT is not fun anymore watching Chinese domination in the last 10 years!
so, i'm guessing everyone who hates "chinese table tennis domination" has plenty of hate to go around for all the countries who have invested in a sport. pesky germans & brazilians and all their football world cups .. we need less germans & brazilians in world football. while we're at it, how about getting rid of all the etheopian and kenyan long distance runners, get the medals out to other nations. no more new zealanders in rugby ... they win way too often. punish the lot of them for being better than the rest.

totally ridiculous idea, right?

let those who train & study their craft the most rise to the top.

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Sep 2013
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so, i'm guessing everyone who hates "chinese table tennis domination" has plenty of hate to go around for all the countries who have invested in a sport. pesky germans & brazilians and all their football world cups .. we need less germans & brazilians in world football. while we're at it, how about getting rid of all the etheopian and kenyan long distance runners, get the medals out to other nations. no more new zealanders in rugby ... they win way too often. punish the lot of them for being better than the rest.

totally ridiculous idea, right?

let those who train & study their craft the most rise to the top.


On forum since 2012, and 5 posts
Won't take those comments so serious
Wonder why he is still on a tt forum if tt is not fun any more
and why is he even watching 2 Chinese players playing :p
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