Great News: Now you can have private coach with Timo Boll

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Jan 2018
Timo Boll and his team have opened the "web coaching service". Players now can have private coaching with Timo Boll. Wow!

Great news!

Read more at: Private coaching with Timo Boll

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Hey EmRatThich in first place, i want to Thank you for your tutorial videos, telling us about chinese philosophy in table tennis, and taking time from your weekend to edit and upload videos. You are the very best, seriously...

On the other hand, thanks for sharing this Timo Boll private coaching

Greetings from Colombia!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2015
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For 300 Eur for skype session, c'mon...

Not only that, 299 for only 20 minutes! And it doesn't even say if it includes a videosession, it just says "chat"...

I see that he is a very busy guy and obviously an absolutely world class player but who in the world is gonna pay that much.
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Mar 2014
Skype session doesn't sound too appealing, especially if it's 300 Eur for 20 minutes. What can you do in 20 minutes? But video analysis sounds promising if the price is not too high.
Me parece que es un buen precio para tener a una leyenda de calibre mundial aconsejandote

Yes, its good, at least if money is not a problem.

But I have a question - what would you do, if you don't speak german?
And would this forum members do, if they don't know spainish?
How do you think?
And please reply only if you know english.
Ok, I know that TB is able to comminicate in english, but when I visit his Timo Boll WebCoach site, I just stay and glare, looking for something in english to help start an eventual communication. And at the end, Timo standing in front of me, staring on me, pointing at me, all that with the only question: Sprechen sie Deutsch?
How to deal with that, do I miss something?
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Jun 2019
the truth friend of that I have no idea, maybe you have to go to a translator, I hope I served as a lake, I regret my little information was in the work

Enviado desde mi SM-G950F mediante Tapatalk
Well, the only idea I'm able to generate, is that this WebCoaching is aimed for Germans. And this would explain the price - 300 euro is not that much if your salary is 5000 euro and beyond. Of coarse there are many people with higher and much higher salary, but making the site Very popular allround the world would hinder its activity.
So, at least for me, its news, bt not great at all.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2013
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Its for the fan club members

I'm not sure if Timo Boll Fan club members are so crazy like Ma Long and Zhang Jike members.
If Ma Long and Zhang Jike does it, I'ms ure they will be too busy doing they web chats.

Just check how many fan club members travel world tours in support.
I don't think there is much of Timo Boll Fan club doing it
my personal opinion is this is a scam ... hmmm ... mayebe noth ....

I don't think its scam. The site is very well structured, with great functionality, good graphical design and with legit links to sponsors and linked organizations.
And its very well targeted - maybe not so good players, but players with Money.
Good players with a proper money count who care about the way a really good result could be achieved, would have a different approach.
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Its for the fan club members

I'm not sure if Timo Boll Fan club members are so crazy like Ma Long and Zhang Jike members.
If Ma Long and Zhang Jike does it, I'ms ure they will be too busy doing they web chats.

Just check how many fan club members travel world tours in support.
I don't think there is much of Timo Boll Fan club doing it

Yeah, but maybe Timo is taking care of the future leisure times?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2013
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Yeah, but maybe Timo is taking care of the future leisure times?

If at that cost, then the next Olympic champion - who trains 6 hours a day (360 mins) divide by 20 mins = 18 slot x 300 euro = 5400 euro for the coach per day. The next champion will need to budget this per day.
and whats worse, its over the internet too lol

you can hire a Chinese provincial coach for 5000 US a month....(look at what the Japanese are doing)
If at that cost, then the next Olympic champion - who trains 6 hours a day (360 mins) divide by 20 mins = 18 slot x 300 euro = 5400 euro for the coach per day. The next champion will need to budget this per day.
and whats worse, its over the internet too lol

you can hire a Chinese provincial coach for 5000 US a month....(look at what the Japanese are doing)

Yeah, thats exactly what I meant - its for the "players"with The Money, not for real players, who know how to invest this money in a better training wit a different approach.

But I don't judge him at all - he is in his right to look for the thing. Of coarse he would not rely on you and me, or any other forum members.
Or maybe I'm wrong?
What about the prott customers, equipped with personal W968 paired with Tenergy Pro version?