Main opponents of CNT in WTTC2019

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Photos from Sina Weibo, Li Wujun.
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they didn't put Bernie Szocs , Petrissa Solja and other European players...

Well Li Qian and Li Jie should be regarded as European players, though they have Asian ancestry. But overall European women players don't have good records against CNT, and the gap between European players and CNT/JNT for now is still too large, compared to men's. So for now the real competition is between JNT and CNT.

While in the men's side, gap is much smaller. Everyone has chance to beat each other. "Upsets" are much easier to happen.
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says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
Compared to 32 players who made the list in 2017, we have only 25 in 2019.

The Axis Powers are coming on strong, while the Allied Powers are in decline.

In a span of 2 years, Shindou Harimoto has gone from being dead last to the top.

Samsonov, CCY, and JYS have dropped to Group 2, and Freitas to Group 3.

Lin Yun-Ju didn't make the cut last time, but is now in Group 2.

Calderano and Pitchford have moved up to Group 2 as well.


On the women's side, 14(but 13 in reality) have made the list, compared to 18 last time.


More on 2017
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