Back in china and need advice on what to buy

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Feb 2016
I’ve previously made a post of me in China 2 years ago in a TT shop where I bought some DHS rubbers. I’ve now come back to the same place to check it out and the guy remembers me! He was so nice and said that he would give us a discount on the stuff we buy for our loyalty.
I’m thinking of either getting a clipper “China version” hoping it will work well with booster Chinese rubber and mx-p or should I invest in another Petr korbel “japan version “since I already use the normal Petr korbel. I’m thinking of going back to Chinese rubbers since now I can get a lot of glue and booster for a good price so I need to know some good hard tacky rubbers that doesn’t need bubble that easily when boosted.
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Sep 2013
Read 3 reviews
I would say just buy DHS there
other brands are not necessary cheaper, most of the time it is more expensive.

And yeah, the China version, Japan version is also some consideration, but I personally don't see too much differences