Blade and Rubber recommendations for Intermediate Offensive player?


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Thanks God I've improved, I won't compare with guys which trained 10 or 20 years, but don't subestimate my own experience, I am not a beginner as well, either training 10 years won't guarantee you that you've improved, anyway, you can play 50 years and if you play with the same blade and rubbers you can't comment about a rubber which is unknown, in my case is Karis, but not for much longer , I'll try to get a couple sheets; but not Vega euro and Vega euro DF
Looks like you have improved a lot - Congrats! Hard work paying off ;)

I still stand by my previous comments of course - But well done for improving so much!

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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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That's a good vid but a hitting is not a brushing, nice strokes by the way, compact side hitting

Watch more closely. Maybe use slow motion. It is deep contact. But it is spin contact. In the video where I am hitting with OSPH, you can see, sometimes I brush thin, sometimes a little thicker, and sometimes I make deep contact while brushing. On those, it looks sort of effortless but the ball goes much faster. It still has a LOT of spin. Just deeper penetration on the brush.

Another thing you could look at is the arc and the kick of the ball on the bounce. Those things don't happen if the contact is flat. :)


says Spin to win!
Thanks God I've improved, I won't compare with guys which trained 10 or 20 years, but don't subestimate my own experience, I am not a beginner as well, either training 10 years won't guarantee you that you've improved, anyway, you can play 50 years and if you play with the same blade and rubbers you can't comment about a rubber which is unknown, in my case is Karis, but not for much longer , I'll try to get a couple sheets; but not Vega euro and Vega euro DF

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I'm glad you used my correct name there - My wife hates calling me God all the time ;)

You are right that experience in the sport, doesn't equal experience with testing new equipment.

But when you are arguing with experienced people, on a forum where they have been commenting on equipment, using equipment, and generally helping others in a considered way....... Well..... You'll always come across worse.

Like I said, I'm not trying to knock you for your passion - It's great. I doubt anyone on this forum is perfect. When I watch videos of me messing around, there are things I know I can improve on, and I'm sure others (both new to the game, and experienced players), could probably comment on as well (stand closer to the table) has always been my weak point!

It doesn't help that there is no "unified" rankings list or anything - The US way of rating players is different to the UK, which is different to Europe etc - So it's not easy to quickly see where someone is (in terms of their ability).

Whether you like it or not, ability plays an important part when taking (or giving) advice.

If I read someone say "This rubber is terrible, I can't hit a backhand at all because the sponge is too hard" - But then I found out they had a terrible backhand, or hadn't played with many different rubbers, would I bother taking in their comment?

No...... No I wouldn't.

So like I said, don't stop improving, but try and be a little more measured when discussing table tennis equipment (and giving advice), because whilst you may mean well, you could end up causing more harm than good.

If you disagree with someone, it's best to try and find out more about their experience with whatever it is you disagree on.

Thank you for posting the videos and showing your progress - It's great to see.

You should let us all know what you think of Karis when you try it - Perhaps record some video of your training session with it?!
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Watch more closely. Maybe use slow motion. It is deep contact. But it is spin contact. In the video where I am hitting with OSPH, you can see, sometimes I brush thin, sometimes a little thicker, and sometimes I make deep contact while brushing. On those, it looks sort of effortless but the ball goes much faster. It still has a LOT of spin. Just deeper penetration on the brush.

Another thing you could look at is the arc and the kick of the ball on the bounce. Those things don't happen if the contact is flat. :)
I'm not telling you are hitting flat, because the sound will be louder and the arc would be less, i see the angle of your opponent bat and his returning and I can realize how much spin you can produce, but if you don't stand side to the table and moving more your hips and staying more aligned you can produce more power, but your stroke is consistent so is nice to see it, may be it's your bad habit, but all have some bad habit :)

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says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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Thanks God I've improved, I won't compare with guys which trained 10 or 20 years, but don't subestimate my own experience, I am not a beginner as well, either training 10 years won't guarantee you that you've improved, anyway, you can play 50 years and if you play with the same blade and rubbers you can't comment about a rubber which is unknown, in my case is Karis, but not for much longer , I'll try to get a couple sheets; but not Vega euro and Vega euro DF

You have improved and you are doing well. When you comment on equipment there are easy ways to say things so that you can express YOUR EXPERIENCE without giving information that is misleading.


"When I tried x rubber, I felt I was not able to get as much spin as with y rubber."

"I am not at a very high level and everyone feels things differently, but I felt that Vega Euro was ______ in comparison to when I tried ______ rubber."


Now, I have to tell you, I personally don't think I am a great player or a high level player. I personally think, based on how I have defined levels, I am on the low end of intermediate. I am good with that. But what I am is someone who gets paid to observe functional and dysfunctional movement patterns in others and help them make their movement patterns better so that they can make their back, or their hip or their shoulder get better when they have a chronic condition.

That helps me see some stuff that some players my level might not be able to see. That also helped me improve at TT because I was able to improve my movement mechanics for TT since I was able to see what was and was not working.

My friends, Michael Landers and Mark Croitoroo (feel free to look up who they are if you want) have both told me that I am an anomaly. There are some things I do that are quite high level. And then there are some things I do that are simply terrible. :) An example, my serves are much higher level than my serve receive. :)

I am okay with someone being whatever level they are. And it is great when someone wants to help others. So I am good with that.

But it is worth using words carefully when someone could think you know what you are talking about and you don't or that the information you are giving would be totally the opposite of what would best serve the person you are informing. Just think about it. A lot of this has to do with how you word things as though everyone will have the same experience you have had with different rubbers and blades without understanding the context within which you have tested the equipment you have tested.

That is the actual issue. It is worth choosing words carefully when explaining something subjective like what you felt when you tried a particular rubber. Or when you never tried it and still choose to voice an opinion. :)
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Feb 2017
Thanks for your advice, I'll take it in count, I'll try to be more measured, I've tried several rubbers, that in a bad way made me difficult improve my technique because I am an EJer, so I am thinking to get that Karis rubber, but unfortunately I don't live in US, so it's not convenient for me spend 70+ bucks to get a rubber which I don't know if will like it and aligns with my style. Since I play with H3N on FH, and Karis is not tacky and hard as the first. Anyway I hope find a way to try it.
I'm glad you used my correct name there - My wife hates calling me God all the time ;)

You are right that experience in the sport, doesn't equal experience with testing new equipment.

But when you are arguing with experienced people, on a forum where they have been commenting on equipment, using equipment, and generally helping others in a considered way....... Well..... You'll always come across worse.

Like I said, I'm not trying to knock you for your passion - It's great. I doubt anyone on this forum is perfect. When I watch videos of me messing around, there are things I know I can improve on, and I'm sure others (both new to the game, and experienced players), could probably comment on as well (stand closer to the table) has always been my weak point!

It doesn't help that there is no "unified" rankings list or anything - The US way of rating players is different to the UK, which is different to Europe etc - So it's not easy to quickly see where someone is (in terms of their ability).

Whether you like it or not, ability plays an important part when taking (or giving) advice.

If I read someone say "This rubber is terrible, I can't hit a backhand at all because the sponge is too hard" - But then I found out they had a terrible backhand, or hadn't played with many different rubbers, would I bother taking in their comment?

No...... No I wouldn't.

So like I said, don't stop improving, but try and be a little more measured when discussing table tennis equipment (and giving advice), because whilst you may mean well, you could end up causing more harm than good.

If you disagree with someone, it's best to try and find out more about their experience with whatever it is you disagree on.

Thank you for posting the videos and showing your progress - It's great to see.

You should let us all know what you think of Karis when you try it - Perhaps record some video of your training session with it?!

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Feb 2017
You have improved and you are doing well. When you comment on equipment there are easy ways to say things so that you can express YOUR EXPERIENCE without giving information that is misleading.


"When I tried x rubber, I felt I was not able to get as much spin as with y rubber."

"I am not at a very high level and everyone feels things differently, but I felt that Vega Euro was ______ in comparison to when I tried ______ rubber."


Now, I have to tell you, I personally don't think I am a great player or a high level player. I personally think, based on how I have defined levels, I am on the low end of intermediate. I am good with that. But what I am is someone who gets paid to observe functional and dysfunctional movement patterns in others and help them make their movement patterns better so that they can make their back, or their hip or their shoulder get better when they have a chronic condition.

That helps me see some stuff that some players my level might not be able to see. That also helped me improve at TT because I was able to improve my movement mechanics for TT since I was able to see what was and was not working.

My friends, Michael Landers and Mark Croitoroo (feel free to look up who they are if you want) have both told me that I am an anomaly. There are some things I do that are quite high level. And then there are some things I do that are simply terrible. :) An example, my serves are much higher level than my serve receive. :)

I am okay with someone being whatever level they are. And it is great when someone wants to help others. So I am good with that.

But it is worth using words carefully when someone could think you know what you are talking about and you don't or that the information you are giving would be totally the opposite of what would best serve the person you are informing. Just think about it. A lot of this has to do with how you word things as though everyone will have the same experience you have had with different rubbers and blades without understanding the context within which you have tested the equipment you have tested.

That is the actual issue. It is worth choosing words carefully when explaining something subjective like what you felt when you tried a particular rubber. Or when you never tried it and still choose to voice an opinion. :)
If you're better serving than returning it's just because you have more facility to do one thing than other, but both can be equilibrated by training, I apologize if my words were misunderstood, but you should be more careful using your words, you can be upsetting, but I guess is your way to be. And I won't judge you because I can be rough too sometimes.

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Dominus keep stepping in pile after pile of doo doo. Keep trying champ, it will come along. In 5 years if you improve the way you are, you will realize it all.

It's not like any of us haven't done what you did when we started... we just didn't step all over it to the degree you continue to do so.

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There is no need to be Ma Long to difference between a rubber from other, just comparing with a +/- brushing effort, a soft brush and a hard brush on 2 rubbers and anyone can know the quantity of spin, and the possible behavior, no need a table or net, just 2 hands and 2 rubbers sticked in the same blade, I'm still waiting your footage buddy.

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I would like to give you a reality slap in the face Mr Dominus, but please dont take this offensively.

Your techniques are not good (or incorrect i should say). And people with your level are not qualified to judge the characteristics of an equipment.

In this video, you will see the MINIMUM table tennis strokes you need to master in order to say that you've gotten 'the feel' of the equipment. And you need this 'feel' to judge/review an equipment.

maybe you should start contemplating on your technique starting from how you hold your racket. Incorrect grip wont make you go far in table tennis.
And also I dont think someone who trains in trousers will get far in table tennis :p
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Feb 2017
I do invite you upload your footage with your stroke, then you can talk properly ;)
I would like to give you a reality slap in the face Mr Dominus, but please dont take this offensively.

Your techniques are not good (or incorrect i should say). And people with your level are not qualified to judge the characteristics of an equipment.

In this video, you will see the MINIMUM table tennis strokes you need to master in order to say that you've gotten 'the feel' of the equipment. And you need this 'feel' to judge/review an equipment.

maybe you should start contemplating on your technique starting from how you hold your racket. Incorrect grip wont make you go far in table tennis.
And also I dont think someone who trains in trousers will get far in table tennis :p

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says Spin to win!
All you have to do is read the chit chat thread and you will be able to see that Hamasaki-Fanz plays at quite a high level.

Sent from The Subterranean Workshop by Telepathy

I looked but couldn't find any videos!

You got any links? I like to see actual real forum posters play!
says Spin and more spin.
says Spin and more spin.
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I looked but couldn't find any videos!

You got any links? I like to see actual real forum posters play!

I will search when I am home from work. About 5 hours from now.

It could b old man memory and I am thinking of a different member.

Sent from The Subterranean Workshop by Telepathy
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I would say there is a huge improvement in dominus7's game between the 2 videos. However, it's pretty obvious that Carl is a very decent player, particularly on the FH.

I'm at the level where I could more or less match the consistency that Carl showed in his video if I were playing BH to BH with somebody topspinning back to me although I'd be less consistent on the FH.

However, if I was playing somebody who was mixing topspin returns with backspin or varying the pace of their hitting it is a different kettle of fish and, I suspect, Carl would deal with that a lot better than I would looking at his FH which is a very decent stoke.

I've played table tennis for over 60 years (with a 20 year gap in the middle!) and I'm still no nearer knowing what blade or rubber suits me than I was when I started as a teenager, other than by trial and error i.e. I try different combinations and I either like it or I don't! I've wasted an awful lot of money on rubber that I've discarded after testing only a few times. I play in a league in the UK but I don't even have a clue where I would fit in on the level of players on here which I expect ranges from the very best to the very worst. It's very obvious from reading comments that blades and rubbers are a very personal thing and what suits some people won't suit others.

I bought my Yasaka Sweden Extra blade from recommendations on here and I also bought some Xiom Vega Europe and both turned out to be good recommendations.