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Well-Known Member
Oct 2015
+1. It's very cool that you are a perfectionist and make the captions like a simultaneous translation, but it's not essential. I love reading what they say post-match. Having the Q&A on a black screen inserted into the video would be 95% as good, with maybe a lot less effort by you.
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says The sticky bit is stuck.
says The sticky bit is stuck.
Well-Known Member
Jan 2017
Read 8 reviews
+1. It's very cool that you are a perfectionist and make the captions like a simultaneous translation, but it's not essential. I love reading what they say post-match. Having the Q&A on a black screen inserted into the video would be 95% as good, with maybe a lot less effort by you.

I'm not the world's most visual guy (--> Ray Davies for prez!), and for me just writing down the transcript and posting the translation only would suffice. I actually much prefer reading a few lines of text (at my own pace) over sitting through a talking heads video, and it cuts down the network volume by a quite a few orders of magnitude to boot. (And is much less work than intensive video-editing and timeline synchronisation.)

But hey, that's just me. (And so is Lola.)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2016
zeio, you are just too nice to do all the translations and sync the transcriptions with videos.

I've changed my mind recently because many people just don't deserve those efforts as they only see what they want to see, listen to what they want to listen. Providing video links is already good enough, there are ITTF interviews, CCTV interviews, zhibo TV interviews, local TV interviews...

Plus, youtube sub can be edited later on or by other users.
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Active Member
Nov 2015
I'm not the world's most visual guy (--> Ray Davies for prez!), and for me just writing down the transcript and posting the translation only would suffice. I actually much prefer reading a few lines of text (at my own pace) over sitting through a talking heads video, and it cuts down the network volume by a quite a few orders of magnitude to boot. (And is much less work than intensive video-editing and timeline synchronisation.)

But hey, that's just me. (And so is Lola.)

+1 - just posting transcript as the very first comment to the video is probably more than enough and does not require video editing. Good 80-20 solution, at least in my book...
says Any body knows when will be the next Asia Pacific...
says Any body knows when will be the next Asia Pacific...
Sep 2016
I have heard XX does not want to play too much table tennis, he wants to stay more at home with his family.
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May 2018
revealing to hear chinese athlets talking in their interviews - besides technique, tactics, stamina and brainpower/mental power - about releasing/mustering chi (WCQ) and spirit (WMY).I wonder wheter the eastern world view/philosophy with stronger accent on spiritual aspect of the world/human beeings (whereas western philosophy is more reason-oriented) helps them to develop this FUNDAMENTAL element/part of their beeings which consequently makes them better/stronger humans and therefore better TT players - of course besides hard training, state supporting TT, popularity of TT and social status of TT players in their country,...
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This user has no status.
Aug 2017
revealing to hear chinese athlets talking in their interviews - besides technique, tactics, stamina and brainpower/mental power - about releasing/mustering chi (WCQ) and spirit (WMY).I wonder wheter the eastern world view/philosophy with stronger accent on spiritual aspect of the world/human beeings (whereas western philosophy is more reason-oriented) helps them to develop this FUNDAMENTAL element/part of their beeings which consequently makes them better/stronger humans and therefore better TT players - of course besides hard training, state supporting TT, popularity of TT and social status of TT players in their country,...

It is great to hear them talking (and, thanks to zeio, to understand what they're saying), but have to disagree that east asian philosophy has much to do with producing sports stars. The explanation for Chinese dominance in table tennis is in your last sentence, "hard training, state supported..." I think the key is having a community of talented people working together and competing with each other for multiple generations. It's not only in sports, but in arts and science, where you see golden generations and renaissances, in almost all cases produced by a community and not by individual isolated geniuses.
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
says Shoo...nothing to see here. - zeio
Well-Known Member
Jan 2018
An alternative is talking over the commentary - it doesn't always feel as authentic to some people, but it can be easier. You can also pause in between the question and response and just post a black screen with your translations. The point is not to make you work to death, your value is in communicating the ideas in a way we can understand.

+1. It's very cool that you are a perfectionist and make the captions like a simultaneous translation, but it's not essential. I love reading what they say post-match. Having the Q&A on a black screen inserted into the video would be 95% as good, with maybe a lot less effort by you.

I'm not the world's most visual guy (--> Ray Davies for prez!), and for me just writing down the transcript and posting the translation only would suffice. I actually much prefer reading a few lines of text (at my own pace) over sitting through a talking heads video, and it cuts down the network volume by a quite a few orders of magnitude to boot. (And is much less work than intensive video-editing and timeline synchronisation.)

But hey, that's just me. (And so is Lola.)

Good point. I thought about going with voice-over(so you could still hear the Mandarin), but then it struck me that it'd be nigh-impossible when I had to make small changes such as wording after the original upload. With soft subbing(subtitle not burnt into the video), I could do it with just a few keystrokes. And like pointed out above, subbing has the advantage of keeping the intonation intact, so people could pick up on the emotions as well. If I go the cut-in route, I have to encode the video on my end, which would take a long time and the video quality will suffer another drop when they aren't that great to start with.

I guess it just shows how hectic the schedule really was for China Open this year. I could handle the load of Hong Kong Open, but I didn't think China Open would be this crazy. Good to know there's only 1 China Open now. Couldn't imagine what it'd be like if there were 2 of them like it used to be.

Well, in for an inch, in for a mile.