Daily Table Tennis Chit Chat

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All my house guests are gone so I managed to get out to a club today at a recreation center to play. I didnt realize it before moving to Texas but I chose a relatively poor location to live for TT. While there is one weekly location about 25 minutes away on Sundays, most locations are 40 mins to an hour away which kills a lot of enthusiasm and makes it harder to get in and out of TT without a substantial loss of time.

Got to the club and waited for the main table yo get to my turn. My first opponent was a long pios backhand, D09C forehand player on a classic defensive blade. He had a windshield wiper serve which I had struggled to deal with when I first played him. This was before I had switched to Golden Tango and Cybershape. I won the first two games at deuce and I was really happy with the shots I was making. I was looping the pips ball with confidence and no hesitation. And then I get to 10‐7 in game 3, and then lose 5 straight points. I lost game 4 badly and I go down in game 5 6‐10. I then got the score to 10‐9. And then he serves off the table lol. We are at deuce. I win it 13-11 in the 5th. Great match, truly 50‐50 given the lost leads on both sides. He was like "people usually don't loop the pips ball that hard" and I was like "I am from Philly, we had a lot of pips players". He was like " Haha, most Nigerians hate pips so that makes sense."

I then played another guy who seemed to be off (or maybe I am just getting sharper). We used to joust a bit more but I beat him 3‐0, 3‐1 and 3‐1 today. Part of it was just how well the Cybershape was blocking (yeah, its gotta be the blade lol). I hit some really silly smash blocks and counters.

Played a couple more opponents and started playing Ice Cube "It was a Good Day" in my head. There is work to do but if I can grow from here good things will happen.

Texas Wesleyan got a new high level Swedish player so I might try to take lessons from him depending on availability. We will see... i really want to get some high level input into how i should structure my game so it is simplified and optimized.
It’s a big mistake to decide where to move before checking where the TT clubs are !!
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Oct 2014
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Don't complain about tt locations unless you are living in a rural area where I am. Imagine having to drive 60km every time you want to train and that you only have 1 player around your level... Club session maybe once - twice a week.
60km is about how long I have to drive to play on some days. The difference though is that the level.is decent after the drive and you guys use km to make people drive slowly, while we measure in miles so it helps people drive faster lol.
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Oct 2014
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So the guy I played last week on Satutday morning sends me a text at night yesterday asking me whether I can come in this Saturday morning. So of course, me being me, I oblige. It's a church with carpeted floors so the ball has a reasonable bounce. We warm up and then do some multiball, I try to show him that he overuses the upper arm and because of that, hits too many balls outside his power zones. But he has an awkward style so I don't try to aggressively coach him out of it as awkward styles do have merits in competition. His strongest weapons are his serves, really spinny and not with proper form other than wrist action, which makes it really hard to track the amount of heavy sidespin or backspin on the ball even if it comes long so I sometimes loop the balls long or hesitate and put the balls into the net. I figure just by playing me, his speed of reading the game will go up because of the level difference.

After some multiball and mild footwork drills, we played matches. He won the third game of the first match (which means I had already lost my main goal of blanking him early, and it was a comeback from being 7-9 down too, which makes it a bit more frustrating). I then won the next two matches 3-0. And then in the final match, I have a 7-3 lead, and then proceed to lost the next 8 points. And then, I win the next game 11-0. Maybe there is something about coin tosses and binomial distributions for some statistician to analyze in there.... I won the final two games as well, and it was time to get back to family life...

At least, I am getting him into the idea of training, hopefully, I can convince him and whoever comes there next week to do an hour of targeted multiball before getting into matches. My main goal will be to work on my short forehand footwork and look for modifications I can deploy giving my arthritis issues. Also want to figure out whether my timing is too early on some balls over the table so I can get consistent and taking heavy topspin early in rallies and keep it in play even if my return is not powerful.
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Don't complain about tt locations unless you are living in a rural area where I am. Imagine having to drive 60km every time you want to train and that you only have 1 player around your level... Club session maybe once - twice a week.
Ouch... I drive like 1km to my regular club... and I'm already lazy to drive to other clubs 20km away!
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May 2023
Just got back from a tournament. Overall, I played 12 best of 5 matches today in two separate brackets (under 1300, under 1750) and went 8-4, getting 2nd and top 8. Coaching is paying off, but I still have a long way to go. No matches recorded unfortunately.

I've been up since before sunrise. My body hurts. I'm probably going to practice tomorrow anyways.
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Oct 2014
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Just got back from a tournament. Overall, I played 12 best of 5 matches today in two separate brackets (under 1300, under 1750) and went 8-4, getting 2nd and top 8. Coaching is paying off, but I still have a long way to go. No matches recorded unfortunately.

I've been up since before sunrise. My body hurts. I'm probably going to practice tomorrow anyways.
Welcome to the addicted to TT improvement club!
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Oct 2014
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I eventually have to commit to playing more tournaments. My body felt like it was fighting itself for a lot of the tournament.
It's completely natural, especially when you frame the events as things that are much more important than they really are. There is a lot of self-learning and perspective that can be gained from table tennis training and tournament play. In the end, you have to find the mindset that enables you to exhibit what you trained and continue to expand your understanding and control of the variables that influence your tournament performance. Too many people get frustrated when they can't play 100% of what they practiced because they set their expectations too high. To be truly proficient at performing at a certain USATT level, you have to be about 200 points above it.
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May 2023
It's completely natural, especially when you frame the events as things that are much more important than they really are. There is a lot of self-learning and perspective that can be gained from table tennis training and tournament play. In the end, you have to find the mindset that enables you to exhibit what you trained and continue to expand your understanding and control of the variables that influence your tournament performance. Too many people get frustrated when they can't play 100% of what they practiced because they set their expectations too high. To be truly proficient at performing at a certain USATT level, you have to be about 200 points above it.
I definitely couldn't get myself in a rhythm early, so I just focused on pushes to open up opportunities to play more offensive. Felt like my tactics won me a few tight games today.
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Oct 2014
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I definitely couldn't get myself in a rhythm early, so I just focused on pushes to open up opportunities to play more offensive. Felt like my tactics won me a few tight games today.
Good to hear. Competition is competition, the main goal is winning. It takes a long time to be comfortable executing certain shots under the pressure of competition, even when one is competent doing them. But when it all clicks, those shots become more natural than whatever felt easier before. Partly because a point comes when you meet players that make doing the old stuff a losing proposition. Enjoy the pushing days, they don't last forever, but they are good days.
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Oct 2014
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Completed the trifecta of a full weekend of play (My wife said I was making up for all the lost time with rhr house guests lol). I shudder to think of what would have happened had I not played during the wedding trip.

I got to the club and started hitting with a guy I met there first a couple of months ago. He has really powerful strokes but he is definitely enamored with power over control. My kryptonite is usually good serves and consistent power, which usually means a player has to be willing to chase down and loop my wide blocks or move around and keep the ball in play until I miss. But because he is trying to attack hard, if my defense is on, I just have to get my attacks in and I am good. I managed to beat him 3‐0, I am confident he is using me as a measuring stick for his progress.

To show how good Friday was, I played the guy I beat three times on Friday. This time, he won a tight first game and third game and ran away with the fourth as I went into third ball mode and he managed to bring the ball back. Got a few. ad bounces as well, but these are things you have to accept when you juice up the ball at the extremes, you cant blame yourself or the opponent for the ball coming back weird when you ste playing qt the extremes of your power levels.

So he plays the other guy I had just beaten who was next. I waited for my rematch but then a kid comes up to me and asks to play. My lefty training partner had just beaten the kid 3-0 so I felt obliged to beat the old top lol. The match starts and it becomes clear that when we get into a topspins rally, he is going to run down and attack everything and my blocking will not get the job done. But I have two advantages which are usually stable against such kids. The first is they dont always measure backspin well so they often overshoot the table or put the ball in the net. The second is that when I open with heavy spin, it is something they haven't practiced against enough so they almost always block or counter long unless they are miraculously lucky. The kid managed to win the third game at deuce but the rest was comfortable. But in a few years, these things almost inevitably invert and I can't beat the kids anymore.

So the guy who just beat me finishes his match and seeing I am coming in, says he needs to rest. Which is okay, but then he goes to play my lefty buddy lol. So he definitely hates playing me lol. The guy I beat in the first match has a coaching session so we just hit for a bit. I tell him that he tries to hit every ball hard regardless of his positioning and this will get him into trouble. I think this is what many people get wrong about footwork. The reason why footwork is important is not because it is something that a good player needs. The reason it is important is that the speed of the game requires you to make quick transitions and how you connect those transitions and understand what possibilities come out of those transitions. If you are in position or practice something extensively. you generate new options. If not, just accept the limitations of your movement. If you can't prepare a power shot with movement, just take the shot you have.

I then play a lefty who has long pips on backhand and uses a blade with a funky handle. He has an annoying down the line serve (punch) to the wide backhand. During the warm up, he says "Wow, your ball has a lot of rotation." I immodestly said, "I try. Thank you." He managed to win the 3rd game at 9 or deuce. I popped up his serve and he got his smash in. Defending hard attacks close to the table is something I can going to pay for as well. I thought about going to a coach in Ohio who trains this but unfortunately, recent events in the news have annihilated that possibility. I did win the other games, I attacked the pips ball off my backspin serve really well

Finally, my lefty friend and I were about to play but I waited for him to play the left pips guy first. My friend won 3‐1 and then we got down to business. I think I need to work on serving varieties of low no spin as my most common serve and then focus on rallying. This fits my third ball and rally focus. My lefty friend has a good flat flick game so he attacks them and I have to loop a ball which I struggle with. But I can see myself getting better at this, the main thing is to keep the ball low and short and to bring in spin occasionally but on my own terms. I win the first two games, he wins the next two, and I win the last. Good match with some good rallies. I am working on improving my backhand technique to get more spin my delaying the wrist use to time it better. I might work on something similar with my forehand at some point but I guess I will wait until I get a coach to analyze what I do.

A weekend of TT is good! Time to go watch MLTT...
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Was reflecting on an interesting technique I used to FH smash a semi high short ish ball on the BH side recently. This is coming off a short push off my heavy short sidetopspin serve. What I've been trying to do unsuccessfully is to loopkill it with a pivot FH. The problem is that sometimes the push is so spinny that even when it pops up I face considerable trouble overcoming the backspin, and lots of players now just love digging into the ball to create max ridiculous backspin and lure unforced errors out of people trying to attack it normally (some of these high backspin balls will easily return backwards once they hit the ground). The other problem with big loopkills is that I need a big pivot step to accommodate the big stroke which leaves wide FH way too open for a nice block. Furthermore, there are way too many shitty venues with not enough space to do the full pivot. I'm not generating enough pure speed to kill the ball, and the spin is actually a liability because it can be borrowed easily by the opponents for their block.

So what I did was a small pivot step such that my legs still remain relatively close together with left leg not too much to the left but rather just on the side of the table close to the net (this detail is important because the farther the left leg is from the side of the table, the more distance you have to cover with the subsequent crossover step). Then with this compact position I keep elbow close to the body and relatively fixed, and then use a fade movement to hit the ball extremely hard (with weight transfer of course). The blade angle should be quite open with bat pointing a bit upwards, and contact point should be kinda close to the right ear (so you can hear a very loud ball breaking sound ideally). It's kinda like a pips smash technique. The fade movement creates natural sidespin curving towards the wide BH of the opponent which makes it very difficult to defend against especially if placed towards the middle FH or to the wide BH. I feel like this is one of the more practical ways to punish any kind of short high ball on the BH corner. I feel like it is at least as good as using a BH loopkill which is not as strong as a punish against these balls.
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
Well-Known Member
Mar 2021

How could I lose to these two young twats? I did complete the side quest.

I have obtained the matching green head band, green T-shirt and green Aruna's Gewo rubber. I should been unlocked the Invincible Feat This must have been a system bug...

Must contact customer service.

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How could I lose to these two young twats? I did complete the side quest.

I have obtained the matching green head band, green T-shirt and green Aruna's Gewo rubber. I should been unlocked the Invincible Feat This must have been a system bug...

Must contact customer service.

View attachment 26788
Sorry to say but the red shirt uncle has a blatantly illegal hidden serve, guy doesn't even bother to remove the free arm at all! I wonder why the kids didn't complain at all and the umpires didn't care either...
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2023
Sorry to say but the red shirt uncle has a blatantly illegal hidden serve, guy doesn't even bother to remove the free arm at all! I wonder why the kids didn't complain at all and the umpires didn't care either...
I watch the whole match. There were so many service return errors in the first game as both side were trying to feel each other out. But at least get the ball on the table! It is not thta hard. I think both side were trying to hard to try to flip or do something aggressive on the serve return. When you do not know your opponents and their service motions, the key is to get the ball on the table and then figure out if the other person like to play it safe or do third ball attacks. Both sides did terribly in that arena in the first set, both adults and kids.

Yes, the guy in red shirt does not even throw th ball up. I personally don't care because illegal serve is everywhere. Just as long as someon does not use fingers to throw the ball in the paddle to generate some weird spins, I personally don't complain. If I am down a few points, I might let every single illegal serve the other person does to mess up the timing. But I have not playedin tournmantes for 15 years already.

In the middle of the match, the red shirt person also went into a funk and either serve his serve into the net or hit the serve return out. That changed the momentum of the game. Losing four points straight in a single stroke can devastate your partner's psyche.

Overall very interesting match to see what it is like to play a tournament in Vietnam. Thank you Gozo for uploading it!!!
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
says ESN 42 hardness is my magic number
Well-Known Member
Mar 2021
I watch the whole match. There were so many service return errors in the first game as both side were trying to feel each other out. But at least get the ball on the table! It is not thta hard. I think both side were trying to hard to try to flip or do something aggressive on the serve return. When you do not know your opponents and their service motions, the key is to get the ball on the table and then figure out if the other person like to play it safe or do third ball attacks. Both sides did terribly in that arena in the first set, both adults and kids.

Yes, the guy in red shirt does not even throw th ball up. I personally don't care because illegal serve is everywhere. Just as long as someon does not use fingers to throw the ball in the paddle to generate some weird spins, I personally don't complain. If I am down a few points, I might let every single illegal serve the other person does to mess up the timing. But I have not playedin tournmantes for 15 years already.

In the middle of the match, the red shirt person also went into a funk and either serve his serve into the net or hit the serve return out. That changed the momentum of the game. Losing four points straight in a single stroke can devastate your partner's psyche.

Overall very interesting match to see what it is like to play a tournament in Vietnam. Thank you Gozo for uploading it!!!

This match happened in Malaysia which is south of Vietnam, two hours away by airplane.

Those kids are my country archetypal young players sent by their TT academy and its typical for them to use either Tenergy / Dignics or ESN: Donic. These two brands being the most dominant sponsors. There are two main competing camps; one is Butterfly friendly and the other is Donic friendly.

Their service & their tactics are pretty textbook. But these players, should they continue coaching up to U18 / U19, shall be a nightmare to deal with.

On the other hand, my club is your archetypal social club mainly made up of social players ( colloquially we term them "coffee-shop uncles" ) with lots of LOL Social rubbber, READ: PIPS & ANTI and whatchamacallit. Many have weird and funky techniques and with weirder uncle'esque services as evidentially seen in the video above.

FYI, the read shirt player, that is, my partner uses All wood C-Pen with Short-Pips ( one side ). He is a nightmare to deal with in singles.
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